Charles IV (1316-78), emperor of the Romans, was born at Prague the son of John, king of Bohemia; was elected emperor (in opposition to Louis of Bavaria, died 1349) in 1346, as well as king of Italy at Milan in 1355. In his heredity dominions he ruled with exemplary wisdom, founding at Prague in 1348 the first of the German universities. [World Wide Illustrated Encyclopedia, 1935]

Son of John of Bohemia. Holy Roman Emporer. {Chamber’s Biographical Dictionary} [GADD.GED]

Charles IV (Holy Roman Empire), called Charles of Luxembourg (1316-78), king of Bohemia and of the Germans, Holy Roman emperor (1347-78; crowned 1355). His reign was marked by his issuance of the Golden Bull, a document establishing the method of imperial election. [Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia]


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