Francis II (1543-60), king of France, succeeded to the throne on the death of his father (Henry II) in 1559, and reigned one year. In 1558 he had married Mary Queen of Scots. [World Wide Illustrated Encyclopedia, 1935]

Succeeded his Father, Henry II, as King of France in 1559. [GADD.GED]

Francis II (of France) (1544-60), king of France (1559-60), born in Fontainebleau, the eldest son of Henry II. In 1558 Francis married Mary, queen of Scots. Francis was a mental and physical weakling and was dominated by François, duke of Guise, and Charles Cardinal of Lorraine, the uncles of his wife. These two men, who in effect were the rulers during Francis's brief reign, tried to repress the growing political power of the Protestants in France. His death ended the ascendancy of the Guises at court. [Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia]


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