From Freeman’s Cape Cod Sandwich Families, vol 11 p 476. Notes by either FWD or Dean Dudley. John Dillingham son of Henry and Hannah Perry Dillingham probably married Sarah daughter of Shearjashub Bourne of Sandwich and sister of Hon Melatiah Bourne, born 12 June 1694 (Swift’s Barnstable Families p114) Sarah was born 6 July 1681. Melatiah Dillingham was born in 1700, as he was 86 at his death 1786. Shearjashub Bourne wife was Bathsheba daughter of James Skiff. Dudley ms pg 12 shows Lemuel Dillingham as son of Edward son of John and Ruth. and his marriage to Deborah Tobey on Dec 22, 1811, and children Elizabeth Allen b Set 28, 1812 and Thomas b.March 15, 1820. Below it shows descendants of John and Ruth and identifies John as the son of Edward and Abigail. See Alexander p43. [DILLIN.GED]


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