Thomas, farmer, Lynn, in Court for battery on Capt. Endicott 3 May 1631. He bought Nahant of an Indian about 1632, but the town claimed prior ownership [Es. Files 29:144]. Mortgaged his farm of 800 acres and his fishing weir at Lynn in 1640 and 1642. Gave property at Sandwich to son Thomas in 24 Oct 1638, with the provision that Thomas should pay money to his daughters Mary and Frances [L.]. Mary m. John Frend. Removed to Sandwich. Arbitrated a difference with alderman Hooke of Bristol, England 30 (4) 1648 [A.]. Removed to Boston. He d., and administration was granted 9 Feb 1676 to Capt. James Oliver and the son, Thomas D. Jr. Land at Lynn, debts at Barnstable, etc. [Charles Henry Pope, The Pioneers of Massachusetts, 1900 (reprinted 1965)]

DEXTER, Thomas - (d. 1677) - From Eng., was at Sudbury, Mass., ca 1638; admitted freeman 1640; was the first white settler at Marlborough, Mass., ca 1657; soldier King Philip's War; m. Mary ---. [Frederick A. Virkus, The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. 1, 1968]


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