Gov. Roger Conant was s. of Richard and Agnes, br. it is said of Dr. John of the gr. Assemb. of Divines at Westminster, b. in the hundred of E. Budleigh, bapt. at the parish ch. of the same, in Devon, 9 Apr. 1593; appoint. 1625, gov., superintend. for the Dorchester project. of the planta. as Endicott, wh. supersed. him, was, 1629, for the Gov. and Comp. of Mass. bef. the com. of Winth. the first chart. Gov. in the country. [Felt, I. 106. Hubbard, 109, 10.] Gibbs says his gr.f. John was of French, i. e. Norman, extract. his ancest. for many generat. hav. been at Gittisham, betw. Honiton and Ottery St. Mary’s. He req. to be freem. 19 Oct. 1630, was adm. 18 May foll. was rep. at the first gen. Ct. of Mass. 1634, d. 19 Nov. 1679, in 87th yr. at Beverly (wh. he earnestly desir. to be name Budleigh). Young, Chron. 24, gives him four s. I think he had five; but even the assiduous fondness of Felt, in a Mem. of gr. dilig. filling fourteen pages of Geneal. Reg. II. has not furnish. complete fam. acco. His abstr. of the will, made 1 Mar. 1678, refers to s. Exercise and childr.; s. Lot's ten ch.; John, s. of Roger; Joshua C. whose f. may have been John, or Roger; ds. Eliz. C. prob. never m.; Mary, w. of the sec. William Dodge, and her five ch.; Sarah, and her ch. John and four ds.; a Rebecca C. whose f. may have been either of the s. John, or Roger; beside cous. Mary, w. of Hilliard Verin, but whose d. is unkn.; Adoniram Veren, and his sis. Hannah, with her two ch. and three ds. of his cous. James Mason, dec. and it is equally unkn. wh. she was. Of Exercise, perhaps the third s. b. at Cape Ann, a. 1636, bapt. 24 Dec. 1637; Joshua; and Lot, above, is all that is kn. to me; John was of Beverly ch. 1671, prob. d. bef. his f.; Roger, the first b. ch. at Salem is spok. of next. His w. was Sarah, but neither h. nor w. unit. early with the ch. ROGER, SaIem, s. of the preced. the first ch. (said the rec. as early as 1640) b. in Salem (tho. the c]aim has been by a recent tradit. put in for John Massey), and had a gr. of ld. on that score, says Felt; had John, bapt. 26 May 1662, was of Marblehead, there d. Saturday 15 June 1672, as his w. wrote in her Bible, still t seen. His youngest s. Samuel d. not 9 May preced. as oft. said, but S 4 May, as his mo. wrote 3 Mass. Hist. Coll. VII. 255. At Charlestown th was cont. Four of the name had, 1834, been gr. at Harv. five at Yale, five at the other N. E. coll. [RWHITNEY.GED]


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