Tohn of Bohemia (1296-1346), the blind king, was son of Emperor Henry VII, and became king of Bohemia through his marriage with the heiress to the throne. There was a fierce contest between the houses of Austria and Bavaria for the Bohemian empire, and John achieved the victory for Bavaria in 1322 at Muhldorf. He became an ally of the French king in the war against England, and was slain at Crecy. [World Wide Illustrated Encyclopedia, 1935]

John (of Bohemia) (1296-1346), king of Bohemia (1310-46), the son of Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII of Luxembourg. He became count of Luxembourg in 1309. In the struggle between Austria and Bavaria for the crown of the Holy Roman Empire, John gained victory for Emperor Louis IV of Bavaria in the Battle of Mühldorf in 1322. From 1333 to 1335, John waged an unsuccessful campaign in Italy on behalf of the Guelphs. He became blind about 1340 but continued his active life. He was killed while assisting the French against the English at the Battle of Crécy. His son became Holy Roman emperor as Charles IV and king of Bohemia as Charles I. [Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia]


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