Basic Genetics: Siamese and Burmese


Gene group C, cs, cb, ca, c

These group is called the Albino serie.


Gene C is responsible that the coat is full coloured without points.
It is dominant over its alleles. Gene C must be present only once to see its expression.


This serie is called to be incomplete dominant, as between the alleles cannot be given a strict order of dominance over each other.
It is only assured that gene C is dominant over its alleles.


Gene cs is recessive to gene C. Your cat must have either cscs, cscb, csca or csc that the coat shows points.


Possible gene combinations

CC homozygous full coloured
Ccs heterozygous full coloured
carries siamese pattern
Ccb heterozygous full coloured
carries burmese pattern
Cca heterozygous full coloured
carries the albino gene
Cc heterozygous full coloured
carries the albino gene
cscs homozygous for siamese pattern
These cats show the siamese pattern in their phenotype and have blue eyes.
cscb heterozygous for siamese pattern
This pattern is called Tonkinese pattern and have an eye colour like green water.
csca heterozygous for siamese pattern
csc heterozygous for siamese pattern
cbcb homozygous for burmese pattern
These cats show the burmese pattern in their phenotype.
cbca heterozygous for burmese pattern
cbc heterozygous for burmese pattern
caca homozygous Albino
These cats are Albinos with light blue eye colour.
cac heterozygous Albino
cc homozygous Albino
These cats are Albinos with pinkish eye colour.


Gene cb is recessive to gen to gene C.
A cat must carry cbca, cbc or cbcb to show a burmese pattern in the phenotype.

ALBINO Gene ca

Gene ca is recessive to gene C.
Albino with light blue eye colour.


Gene c is recessive to all other alleles.
Albino with pinkish eye colour. A cat must carry gene c twice to be a true Albino.

If You want to know which colours are possible klick here.


What are Points ?

A cat has points if

Well known are the Siamese points. There the body is almost white (off white) while the points can be of various colours, blue - blue pointed, seal - seal pointed, tortie - tortie pointed, lilac tabby - lilac tabbypoint, etc. Cats with siamese pattern have blue eyes.
You find this pattern of course in the Siamese and in their longhair version the Balinese - note the name Balinese is not because the cats are originating from Bali, it is an artificial name.

You find the pattern also in the Colourpoint Persians and Exotic - in some federations those Persian cats are called Himalayan, in older times they have been called Khmer.

You can also find the siamese pattern in the Rex, then they are often called Si-Rex.

Also Birman cats are pointed cats. Besides their points their white gloves are characteristique for this breed.

And recently you find this pattern also in the Colourpoint British.

Also Burmese cats are pointed cats. But the difference in colour between the point colour and the body colour is only gradually, the body colour is the same colour like the points which show slightly a darker shade.

tonkinese A Tonkinese pattern can be seen inbetween those two, but the contrast between the points and the body colour is clearly to be seen, the body itself is not off white it has the same colour tone like the points but lighter. Their eye colour is that of green water, it is called aquamarine.
Well known are the Tonkinese themselves, a shorthaired breed. A speciality of the Tonkinses is that they are heterozygous, a cross breeding between Siamese and Burmese, and therefore you'll find also Siamese and Burmese pointed cats in their litter.


How can this theoretical knowledge be used for the breeding practice ?

You want to breed Colourpoint Persians

Example 1
You have already a colourpoint Persian female and want to get colourpoint tabby point kittens.
You can go in two different ways:
- You use a colourpoint tabby point stud male.
- You use a tabby stud male which carries the colourpoint gene cs.

Let's assume You have a sealpoint Persian female: aa B- cscs D- oo tbtb
We omit the combinations "ii" (our female is a non-silver point) and "ss" (we will deal with this in a later example, when we have a look at the Ragdolls). For the underlying tabby pattern we assume tabby blotched.

Case 1:
We use a red colourpoint tabby point stud male: A- B- cscs D- OY tbtb
To make our table easier we assume that the male carries also tbtb.

aBcsDotb aBcs-otb a-csDotb a-cs-otb
male ABcsDOtb AaBBcscsDDOotbtb
seal tortie tabbypoint female
seal tortie tabbypoint female
seal tortie tabbypoint female
seal tortie tabbypoint female
ABcsDYtb AaBBcscsDDoYtbtb
seal tabbypoint male
seal tabbypoint male
seal tabbypoint male
seal tabbypoint male
ABcs-Otb AaBBcscsD-Ootbtb
seal tortie tabbypoint female
seal/blue tortie tabbypoint female
seal tortie tabbypoint female
seal/blue tortie tabbypoint female
ABcs-Ytb AaBBcscsD-oYtbtb
seal tabbypoint male
seal/blue tabbypoint male
seal tabbypoint male
seal/blue tabbypoint male
A-csDOtb AaB-cscsDDOotbtb
seal tortie tabbypoint female
seal tortie tabbypoint female
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tortie tabbypoint female
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tortie tabbypoint female
A-csDYtb AaB-cscsDDoYtbtb
seal tabbypoint male
seal tabbypoint male
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tabbypoint male
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tabbypoint male
A-cs-Otb AaB-cscsD-Ootbtb
seal tortie tabbypoint female
seal/blue tortie tabbypoint female
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tortie tabbypoint female
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tortie tabbypoint
or blue/lilac/fawn tortie tabbypoint female
A-cs-Ytb AaB-cscsD-oYtbtb
seal tabbypoint male
seal/blue tabbypoint male
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tabbypoint male
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tabbypoint
or blue/lilac/fawn tabbypoint male
aBcsDOtb aaBBcscsDDOotbtb
seal tortie point female
seal tortie point female
seal tortie point female
seal tortie point female
aBcsDYtb aaBBcscsDDoYtbtb
seal point male
seal point male
seal point male
seal point male
aBcs-Otb aaBBcscsD-Ootbtb
seal tortie point female
seal/blue tortie point female
seal tortie point female
seal/blue tortie point female
aBcs-Ytb aaBBcscsD-oYtbtb
seal point male
seal/blue point male
seal point male
seal/blue point male
a-csDOtb aaB-cscsDDOotbtb
seal tortie point female
seal tortie point female
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tortie point female
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tortie point female
a-csDYtb aaB-cscsDDoYtbtb
seal point male
seal point male
seal/chocolate/cinnamon point male
seal/chocolate/cinnamon point male
a-cs-Otb aaB-cscsD-Ootbtb
seal tortie point female
seal/blue tortie point female
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tortie point female
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tortie point
or blue/lilac/fawn tortie point female
a-cs-Ytb aaB-cscsD-oYtbtb
seal point male
seal/blue point male
seal/chocolate/cinnamon point male
seal/chocolate/cinnamon point
or blue/lilac/fawn point male


Case 2:
We use a blue tabby stud male which carries the colourpoint gene cs: A- B- Ccs dd tbtb
To make our table easier we omit the combinations "ii", "oo" and "ss" as they are not relevant for the colour - but note, that they are present of course - and we assume that the male is tabby blotched and therefor carries tbtb.

Our female is still the same: aa B- cscs D- tbtb
We omit here also the combinations "ii", "oo" and "ss" as they are not relevant for the colour.

aBcsDtb aBcs-tb a-csDtb a-cs-tb
male ABCdtb AaBBCcsDdtbtb
black tabby
black/blue tabby
black tabby
black/blue tabby
ABcsdtb AaBBcscsDdtbtb
seal tabbypoint
seal/blue tabbypoint
seal tabbypoint
seal/blue tabbypoint
A-Cdtb AaB-CcsDdtbtb
black tabby
black/blue tabby
black tabby
black/blue tabby
A-csdtb AaB-cscsDdtbtb
seal tabbypoint
seal/blue tabbypoint
seal/chocolate/cinnamon tabbypoint
seal/chocolate/cinnamon or blue/lilac/fawn tabbypoint
-BCdtb a-B-CcsDdtbtb
black or black tabby
black/blue or black/blue tabby
black or black tabby
black/blue or black/blue tabby
-Bcsdtb a-B-cscsDdtbtb
seal point or seal tabbypoint
seal/blue point or seal/blue tabbypoint
seal point or seal tabby point
seal/blue point or seal/blue tabbypoint
--Cdtb a-B-CcsDdtbtb
black or black tabby
black/blue or black/blue tabby
black/chocolate/cinnamon or black/chocolate/cinnamon tabby
black/chocolate/cinnamon or blue/lilac/fawn or black/chocolate/cinnamon tabby or blue/lilac/fawn tabby
--csdtb a-B-cscsDdtbtb
seal point or seal tabbypoint
seal/blue point or seal/blue tabbypoint
seal/chocolate/cinnamon point or seal/chocolate/cinnamon tabbypoint
seal/chocolate/cinnamon point or blue/lilac/fawn point or seal/chocolate/cinnamon tabbypoint or blue/lilac/fawn tabbypoint

As you can see on both tables in some cases we are not able to decide the colour clearly, because we didn't know the full code of the parents - that's indicated by the "-".
In practice you use these tables to derive backwards the encoding of the parents. Once you have determined the colour of the kittens, you can fill out more parts of the table and deduct backwards some more parts of the encoding of the parents.

In the second table you can see another phenomenon, all non-colourpoints are colourpoint carriers, so called Colourpoint Hybrids - from outside they don't show points but inside they carry them. Such Hybrids are very often used in breeding programs - see our example 3.

Example 3

As you know it is still a problem with the Colourpoints that they are not so typy as their non-pointed collegues. How can be improved that they get shorter noses ?
A very common breeding practice is to use solid (=non-pointed and non-colourpoint carriers) coloured cats because they are more typy and to mate them with colourpoints. The improvement in type already in the 1st generation is obvious.
And from this litter, which are all Colourpoint Hybrids the best one is kept and used for further breeding.
A common practice is to breed Colourpoints from two Hybrids.
But note the eye colour of the Hybrids can be lighter orange and the blue eye colour of the Colourpoints bred from two hybrids might be faded. Sometimes also white cats with blue eyes are used - but only use cats with deep blue eye colour and which are not deaf.

1. step:
We mate colourpoints with solid coloured cats and keep from each mating one colourpoint hybrid.
It doesn't matter wether the female or the male is the solid part.
We assume the male is solid coloured.
female cs Ccs Ccs
cs Ccs Ccs

All the kittens are colourpoint carriers and we will keep the most typy ones for further breeding.

2. step:
Now we mate 2 hybrids.

By the way to find out wether a cat is a colourpoint carrier or not you have to do test mating either to mate the cat to a hybrid which is known to carry the gene cs or to mate the cat with a colourpoint. If the cat carries the gene cs you must get colourpoint kittens otherwise not.
C cs
female C CC
no colourpoint carrier
colourpoint carrier
cs Ccs
colourpoint carrier

What you can see in this table is that we got a colourpoint kitten and that we have increased the amount of colourpoint carriers.


What's about the Ragdolls ?

The Ragdolls are also pointed cats. Their genetic encoding looks like this:

Bicolour: aa cscs SS
Mitted: aa cscs Ss
Colourpoint: aa cscs ss

Bicolour and mitted Ragdolls also must show white feet, which are caused by another gene, the so called gloving gene (we will deal with it later).
You find them mostly in the four colours seal, blue, chocolate and lilac, you have to add "BB" or "Bb" for the seal/blue and "bb" for the chocolate/lilac.
If they are non-diluted you add "DD" or "Dd" - seal and chocolate, and for the diluted you add "dd" - blue and lilac.

non-diluted colour diluted colour
bicolour seal aa B- cscs D- SS blue aa B- cscs dd SS For "B-" you may put "BB" or "Bb".
For "D-" you may put "DD" or "Dd".
chocolate aa bb cscs D- SS lilac aa bb cscs dd SS
mitted seal aa B- cscs D- Ss blue aa B- cscs dd Ss
chocolate aa bb cscs D- Ss lilac aa bb cscs dd Ss
colourpoint seal aa B- cscs D- ss blue aa B- cscs dd ss
chocolate aa bb cscs D- ss lilac aa bb cscs dd ss


If you breed Ragdolls you need all 3 varieties, Bicolour, Mitted and Colourpoint. You should not cross two Bicolours as you could produce Vans which are undesirable because they have too much white.

Example 4:
We cross a bicolour chocolate Ragdoll with a mitted lilac Ragdoll.

Our chocolate bicolour male has the combination: aa bb cscs D- SS

The lilac mitted female has the combination: aa bb cscs dd Ss.

Of course both of them carry also "ii" - as they are non-silver - and "oo" - as they are not red.
Which tabby pattern they carry is not important, because they cannot show it as they carry "aa".
abcsDS abcs-S
female abcsdS aabbcscsDdSS
chocolate bicolour
chocolate/lilac bicolour
abcsds aabbcscsDdSs
chocolate mitted
chocolate/lilac mitted


If you want to know which Siamese and Burmese colours are possible klick here.


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Last modified on  99-02-24

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