
This is a more recent essay, and was assigned both as a vocabulary test [thus the underlined words] and as a reaction to the WTC incident in the style of the article that the vocab was from. I took the liberty [again] of pointing out how I felt that our society can, and will, someday come crashing to the ground, and based the essay on that premise.

A Journey

In Truth, What We Can Build, We Can Fell

September eleventh is a day that will remain in our minds and hearts throughout out lifetime. But in truth, the depth of the atrocity committed on that day will grow weak in the hearts of society over time, as does every other event in our lives. A century from now, September eleventh will be in the history books, yes, but it will be regarded in the same fashion as the events of the First World War, or the Renaissance, or the invention of the light bulb. Yes, all of these have changed society, but are nothing more than simplistic overviews found in history textbooks and are only material for a history class. We will have forgotten how the wanton destruction stirred millions to help those whose lives were deeply affected by the attacks. We will have forgotten the names of those firefighters who gave their lives to save the lives of others. We will only know that it had happened, and that those numbers and names are nothing more than statistics. True, as a nation, our sense of pride is now awakened, and we now sport militant feelings toward the Arab nations, feelings that, if found in any schoolchild a mere three months ago, would have been incomprehensible, and we would have punished that child according to our zero-tolerance policies. We, who would seek to quell any feeling of anger, to put an end to any conflagration, now clamor for justice to be meted out with an iron fist. Our society is fickle, and yet, it prevails. However, it is up to us to see that our enemies also hold ideals to the same degree that we do, though they are utterly more prepared in their hearts and minds to defend their truths. They also have a more sensible grip on their goals. They know, far better than we it would seem, that any tower we build can be felled. We treat our losses as a strange phenomenon, as something that simply can not be, while this is far from the case. We have been victims of our own success, and have felt, in our sanitized, emotionally deprived society that, though we are not invincible by any means, there is no reason to fear anything. We applied our methods of thought to the rest of the world, and upon believing that the rest of the world thought as we thought, felt, were betrayed by an effective military spirit, and dynastic goals. We lived with a belief of our immunity to the rest of the �undesirable� world. Now, we know differently, but only for the time being. What makes our lives so perilous is our nature to disregard the past. Though we do not forget it, as we would never make the mistake of forgetting the past so as to be doomed to repeat it, we become apathetic to the past, and are doomed to let it manifest itself upon us again. We, the people of the United States, in order to create a more perfect life for ourselves, subsist on the will of the masses, the mob, to create our standards for us. We fail to realize that all our precious buildings can fall, that all our priceless parchments can burn, and that one man who is gallant will seem to another as a monstrosity. It would seem that we can not willfully follow the path we choose to follow, and yet, nothing can change this situation, for, as long as our towers can fall, so can our nation and our society. Our life can easily be taken.

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