by priscilla leonard

happiness is like a crystal,
fair and exquisite and clear,
broken in a million pieces,
shattered, scattered far and near.
now and then along life's pathway,
lo! some shining fragments fall
but there are so many pieces
no one ever finds them all.

you may find a bit of beauty
or an honest share of wealth,
while another just beside you
gathers honor, love or health.
vain to choose or grasp unduly,
broken is the perfect ball;
and there are so many pieces
no one ever finds them all.

yet the wise as on they journey
treasure every fragment clear,
fit them as they may together
imagining the shattered sphere,
learning ever to be thankful,
though their share of it is small;
for it has so many pieces
no one ever finds them all.

about this poem:

i found this poem in a book of poetry at my grandmothers house one weekend. i loved it so much i had to put it here. i am always saying "happiness" in any situation...i say it like some people say "oh great", or "oh shoot", or even "all right!". it's my multi-purpose interjection for every given situation, and now it's also a treasured poem.

� 1997
rhiannon@starrystarrynight dot net

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