Roswell 1960: 'Military Insider' Claims He Saw Humanoids And Chupacabras Source: Flying Saucer Review A MAJOR SECRET: A MEMBER OF THE U.S. ARMED FORCES
[In a recent issue, FSR 43/1, I gave an article by Jorge Mart�n relating the top-secret revelations of an American Army Officer. (Operation Curtain: Joint Military Exercises with Aliens?) It is evident that Se�or Mart�n has very good contacts in these important military quarters, and here is another report, from a different U.S. Army Officer, that will also give you plenty to think about! -Editor of FSR.]
We were recently contacted confidentially by a source who at present still prefers to remain "anonymous" for reasons relating to his own security, and who gave us certain infomation apparently linking the mysterious "chupacabras", now plaguing Puerto Rico, with....Roswell! This person approached us
after hearing one of our radio programmes on the Notiuno Channel at 10.30 pm on Thursdays.
Employing the pseuodonym of "Don Ernesto", this U.S. Officer, now aged 70, offered to tell us what he knew about the "chupacabras", which he says are linked with the UFO Phenomenon, but -so he claims- are not offensive towards humans!
Initially he was extremely cautious in his approach, emphasising that he had worked for U.S. Intelligence in very delicate and classified matters, and that, were his contact with us discovered, he would be "likely to face very difficult and dangerous moments."
Finally, however, after considerable indirect contact, we were able to meet with him in a public place in our capital, San Juan, where our respective credentials might be exchanged, and his revelations to us might begin.
Speaking with very great care, and carefully choosing his words, he was able to satisfy us as to his identity, and also as the nature of his past services.
He began as follows: "I�ve been listening to your programmes for quite some time, and I can see that you are a brave man, for there is a lot of danger in all this UFO business, and I see that you are the only who that dares to discuss things. But you have got to be very, very careful.
"There are certain areas of the Government that don�t want these matters known. I know because I�ve worked in Military Intelligence myself, with a very high security grading, and I�ve been involved with some things that I now rather wish I hadn�t, and that I can�t discuss with you."
His features as he spoke were grave and pensive, and I can only say that if what he was telling me was faked, then he was a very good actor. He went on to say that the whole UFO business was now badly out-of-control and was creating a climate
of hysteria; and that some sort of statement from the U.S. Government was long overdue in his opinion, and in the opinions of some of his colleagues.
And, in particular, he was worried about the general panic in Puerto Rico about the "chupacabras", which he said are of no danger to humans, whether adults or children.
We asked how he knew this, and he said he knew because he had seen them, that the creatures are extraterrestrials, and that the U.S. Government is fully aware of it.
He said his first knowledge of these matters went back to 1960, and his words were as follows:- "I was stationed at Fort Sill in Oklahoma, and I and other personnel boarded an aircraft there, and were taken to Roswell Base in New Mexico,
touching down en route at Wichita Falls. And at Roswell we saw the creatures in sort of cages. I don�t know exactly whether we were on the main Roswell Base or not, but anyway, it was close near there. ( About the alleged Roswell Crash in 1947 I know nothing -that was 13 years earlier. )
"One of the entities that I saw there was similar to what was later shown in the TV film about the Roswell Crash, though certain of its features were different."
When we asked him how the features differed, he replied that what he had seen in the cage at Roswell "was taller -about 6 ft. high, with very tiny ears. Like humans; it had a very fine, thin, velvety sort of down as hair. And it had a friendly, benevolent gaze, with sad-looking, dispirited eyes,
as though lost, a stranger, and asking for something, or waiting to talk, but as though nobody could understand
For the rest of this extraordinary story, see the current issue, vol. 43/3.
�Flying Saucer Review Library of Congress copyright
FSR Publications, Ltd. 1981. Contributions appearing in this magazine do not necessarily reflect its policy and are published without prejudice.
Gordon Creighton (Editor FSR)
By Jorge Martin
FSR Consultant.
(Vol 43 No.3)