
Aliens Were Not Greys

New Roswell Eyewitness To Crash Scene And ET Ship Comes Forward!

Source: George A. Filer
[email protected]
Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern
MUFON Skywatch Investigations
Filer's Files #12

March 27, 2000

The story continues to persist that an alien vehicle crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Several teams of researchers are racing the clock to reach witnesses before they pass away. The Air Force claims that a Mogul Balloon train with radar reflectors was responsible for the many legends surrounding the crash. Some claim that people from Roswell even made up the story to save a dying town and to keep tourism alive. Most of the key witnesses lived around Roswell and had financial reasons for keeping the story going. The new witness is from Texas so these accusations do not include him.

NEW ROSWELL WITNESS CLAIMS ALIEN CRAFT CRASHED Investigator Tom Carey writes: "Don Schmitt and I have just returned from an eight-day research trip to New Mexico and Texas. On this trip, we spent an entire day on the Plains of San Agustin looking again at the Barney Barnett story of an alleged UFO crash there in 1947. We believe that we have broken new ground on this case and may have solved it. More about this at a future time. We traveled to El Paso, Texas to interview a new first-hand eyewitness at the 1947 UFO crash site outside of Roswell. Now 83 years-old, Tex (synonym) was a civilian working for the military at the time and describes the crash scene thusly:

Tex said that as they approached the crash site, he started noticing pieces of silvery-like metal on the ground. It was light and very hard. On one of the pieces [not an I-beam structure as described by Jess Marcel, Jr.] he noticed strange symbols, like "hieroglyphics", on it. He and the two NCOs in his vehicle picked up some of the pieces, but the debris was taken away from them by the military before they departed the scene. The witness stated, "The craft resembled something that reminded me of something I saw on the old Buck Rogers serials. It was tear-drop-shaped with stubby curved-back wings, which gave it a scalloped-shape in back. It was small, about twenty-feet long by about 12-14 feet wide. It had a dark canopy in front which was open.

In the canopy were two 'beings'. One was slumped over but still alive, and the other was standing up in the canopy looking at us as we approached. There was a third one, dead, which was curled up on its side at the base of the small hill that the craft had hit. It had apparently been thrown from the ship. I did not get a real close look at them, as I was about 15 feet from them. One of the NCOs in my group had gone ahead of the rest of us and shouted back to us, 'They're aliens', and we knew he wasn't talking about Mexicans.

They were small with grayish/greenish skin. Large heads, small noses and ears but with a small lobe of flesh near the ears. Had about 1-2 inch slit for a mouth? The eyes were dark, not black, and slanted, but not like those big black eyes that you see on book covers and in pictures. I couldn't tell their uniforms -- if they had uniforms -- from their skin. I also cannot recall their hands or feet as the one curled up was too far away and being halfway inside the ship obscured the other two. I heard later from another NCO involved in the recovery that there were two more 'beings' found dead further inside the ship. We left shortly after the recovery began. I noticed that the two 'beings' that were still alive were also placed in body-bags as was the one dead one that I could see.

After returning to base, we were told not to talk about what we had seen and made to sign a nondisclosure form of some sort. By my calculation, the nondisclosure agreement ran out a few years ago. That's why I am talking now." This witness was found in good health living comfortably in El Paso. He was an electrical engineer at the time of the Roswell Incident. George, you have my permission to use this for your "Filer's Files". Thanks to: Tom Carey TCarey1947

Editor's Note: This new witness is very significant. He verifies much of the what other Roswell witnesses have reported and that the debris had strange writing on it.

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