Roswell Flyer
THE ROSWELL FLYER Some very interesting inferences can be drawn from the last metal sample submitted to Art Bell by an anonymous donor. The last sample was allegedly part of the skin or shell of the Roswell craft. There are micron thick layers of magnesium and zinc alternating with layers of bismuth, a diamagnetic element (Atomic No. 83).
Eyewitness testimony, especially that of Frank Kaufmann describes the underside of the craft as tiled with an array of hexagons. The craft itself is described as shaped like a manta ray and capable of changing its shape in flight.
In the third letter from the anonymous donor of Art's Parts, he states, "I now include the enclosed, and can only say that these scrapings came from the exterior underside of the Disc itself. It literally was a "shell-like" shielding of the Disc. Brittle and layered, almost with a prefabricated design and placing."
Bismuth has a hexagonal crystal system, but crystals are rare and imperfect for it often occurs in lamelar masses. Bismuth, atomic element 83, has a density nearly as heavy as lead. It can be located in hydrothermal veins, associated with nickel, cobalt silver, tin and uranium sulfides.
In Eugene H. Burt's book, UFOs and Diamagnetism, he discusses the Hall voltage developed across a conductor when the conductor is inserted in a magnetic field. In a few cases, one of them being Bismuth, the current may be considered positive current. It should be beneficial to determine whether there is a correlation between the observed diamagnetism in solid state physics and a positive current as determined by the Hall effect.
Henry Wallace, a GE Engineer, patented a device for creating secondary gravitational fields. He described using spinning discs composed of bismuth which had developed a strong positive electrostatic charge. T.T. Brown experimented with disc- shaped capacitors that were suspended and charged with high voltages. These disc- shaped capacitors accelerated toward the
capacitor's positive pole.
The Brown Effect is usually referred to as electrogravity. Objects that are highly polarized and develop high voltages tend to lose weight and levitate. A complete theory of electrogravity has not yet been worked out. Experiments with spinning objects also show gravitationally anomalous effects. Flying saucers are surrounded by an ionizing field that levitates
and propels them as well as acting as a refractive lens to divert light in stealth mode.
One of the characteristics of metallic hexagonal crystals is DIAMAGNETIC BEHAVIOR. Hexagonal matrices may act as waveguides in superconductors. Burt felt that saucers developed a time-varying diamagnetic field that interacted with the earth's magnetic field.
The Roswell flyer was definitely a craft of advanced technology, an organic technology that is able to grow an ordered structure from a crystalline matrix. Such organic technology is our next step in growing homes and vehicles that can change their shape and characteristics on command. The
Roswell flyer may have become the model for a prototype US Aerospace Plane. Notice the shape of Lockheed's X-33, a rocket-based Single Stage to Orbit (SSTO) Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV). The Lockheed Martin Skunk Works X-33 concept uses a lifting body shape coupled with an aerospike rocket engine
concept to propel the vehicle to over Mach 15. The lifting body shape could be fitted with electrogravity propulsers.
If we are willing to do some analysis and imagineering, then we can integrate the various pieces to this puzzle. The data begins to make sense. We are becoming ever more certain that it was no balloon that caused the Roswell Incident.