
The Grays - and their Long Journey Home

The Grays - and their Long Journey Home

Source: PHENOMENON Newsletter
May 17, 1998

Of all the different types of aliens, we seem to be fascinated the most by the Grays. In fact, the bald oval head with the large almond-shaped eyes and pointed chin has become the standard icon for our concept of all aliens, even to the point of becoming cute to look at. The alien head now adorns everything from key chains to t-shirts, and is used in all kinds of advertising, regardless of whether or not it has anything at all to do with real aliens or ETs.

But who is this small gray being, and where do they come from? Are they visitors from other worlds in the cosmos, genetic creations, other dimensional beings, time travelers, etc... ?

The first thing that immediately stands out is the fact that even with their strange alien look, they are still roughly humanoid in general appearance. This resemblance alone opens the door to all kinds of questions regarding their ancestry. So, let's take a look at several possible theories as to their possible origins, and see where it leads.

Are the Grays actual extraterrestrial beings from another planet in our universe? They certainly do have an alien look to them, and they do fly around in what we call flying saucers. But, how could a being from another planet light years away have so many human physical characteristics? They may be small, gray and baldheaded, but they are still humanoid. Their eyes are big and almond shaped, but they're still eyes, and they're in the right spot on the head.

Come to think of it, the mouth, nose and ears are also in the correct places. They have a torso, with two arms, having hands with fingers, and they also have two legs with feet. The clothes may look a little strange, for now that is, but they do generally wear clothes. I thought alien beings from another planet were supposed to have round fat bodies with bug eyes, or am I thinking about Rodney Dangerfield? (I know that I don't usually pick on anyone, but he doesn't get any respect anyway :-)

There have been reports of beings that do look like they came from another planet, but the Grays are too similar to us. There have been sightings of Grays that are much taller than the more common shorter ones, but the Japanese are also getting taller, now that we've put Mc Donalds over there. (Um, maybe I've come up with a possible answer for the cattle mutilations.)

Maybe the Grays are from another dimension, one in which lighting conditions are the reason for the grayish skin color and large eyes. But, then again, they still look too humanoid.

They could be an engineered species, bred to pilot the saucers, and to conduct medical examinations. The Grays do seem to be orientated to those specific tasks, and the reported lack of reproductive organs doesn't seem to indicate a self-replicating race, other than by artificial means. (No wonder they never smile)

An engineered race would also serve to hide the actual masters from us, even though these masters have been observed on occasion, and appear to look human like us, or resemble a being that may have an ancestry going back to the dinosaurs. If this is true, then any of the above could be correct, since genetic material from humans could have been used in the process.

If the Grays are actually alien life forms from another world, then it would seem to indicate a grand master plan within the Cosmos, a plan that requires a humanoid body in order to allow a "brain" to evolve. After all, can we have intelligent thought without a physical brain? This idea alone would take an entire article to explore.

But, for the time being, I would like to suggest a more down-to-earth answer to the riddle of the Grays. They are simply, us, but from an Earth in the distant future. Before you say "Bob, you've really lost it on this one", let's look at the facts.

By evolutionary laws, the human race is changing. Women are not breast-feeding their babies as much any more, and they're not having as many children either, on a worldwide average. This is slowly resulting in smaller breasts, and the hourglass figure is giving way to more straighter lines. If you don't believe this, just look at the women in old movies and compare them to the women of today. Also, look at the women in the old paintings of the Masters. I'm not saying that this is a bad change, and most men agree that the women of today are much more pleasant to look at. (I wonder if I got through that one without getting too many women upset with me? Besides, it's the women that are improving, not the men. I can see the emails now!

Anyway, the only thing that I'm pointing out here is that the human race is evolving. Another change is with our concept of sexuality itself. We humans think of sex more as a sport than as a means of continuing the human race. In fact, at some point in our future, our genetics will have reached the point where procreation is no longer necessary. The pain of childbirth would no longer have to be endured in order to have children. The genetics of the man and woman would be combined in a birthing institution, and a few months later, Junior is carried home.

The problem with this is that the DNA in our cells carry a genetic memory that is directly influenced by it's environment, namely us. Men no longer would have to impregnate women. Women would no longer need men to have children. In fact, they wouldn't even be going through the birth process at all. Just give a little bit of their DNA to the lab, and let artificial nature take it's course. Of course, the new DNA begins to know this, DNA being as smart as it is, and starts to make changes of it's own.

One of the changes would be that sexual attraction is no longer necessary in order to insure that the human race continues. Humans would eventually turn to other, more intellectual, forms of entertainment to amuse themselves. If being attractive to the opposite sex is no longer necessary, our genetics would start to change our appearance to reflect our new life styles. Our heads would grow bigger, because of the increased brain activity resulting from not having to think about sex all the time, and since being pleasant to look at wouldn't matter any longer, why have all of that hair to worry about.

Our diet would most certainly change. With our increasing population, it's getting harder to provide as much meat in our diet. The new forms of reduced protein foods might result in smaller humans, which could also be affected by reduced amounts of human labor, which is constantly being replaced, or made easier, by robot machines.

A change that is taking place already because of our diet, is that we don't need our molar teeth any longer, because of the softer, easier to chew foods. Dentists will tell you that our jaws are now too short for us to keep our wisdom teeth any more. That why we have to have them pulled. Sooner or later, they will genetically go away altogether.

Since we no longer have as many craftsmen in the World, turning out intricate works with fine detail, our little fingers are no longer needed. The same can be said of our little toes, being kept inside shoes most of the time, and not needed for support.

What will the atmosphere be like in our future. We're cutting down the rain forests at an alarming rate, and allowing various chemicals to permeate the air. Our internal organs would have to slowly adjust to these new conditions, and our eyes would evolve into a more efficient means of seeing through the haze, and protecting the pupils from the harsher, more acid atmosphere. Our skins would develop a new color, with a harder, more protective, thickness.

What the human body could evolve into might include:

* A small slightly built torso with an enlarged brain, housed within an oversized head.

* Large eyes with protective membranes to better see through the altered atmosphere.

* A small slit-like mouth ,probably without teeth, or at least having only a boney ridge.

* Skin with a more leathery outer layer, and maybe having a dull gray color.

* Slender arms and legs with only four fingers and toes.

Beginning to sound familiar?

But the worst problem is still to come. All of those years of non-breeding could eventually result in disastrous results for this new human race of the future, one that could mean the end of the human race altogether.

Our genetic memory could eventually forget how to pass on the reproductive gene. This would mean that there could be a problem with using DNA cells from their current donors. Of course there could be a supply of Human DNA cells safely stored away some place, but that would eventually be exhausted. Also, serious health or genetic problems could arise, because of not having fresh new DNA cells in the gene pool any more. (In much the same way as each new generation of a photocopied document loses integrity.)

At this point, the scientists and/or leaders of this future time would attempt to find a more permanent solution to this disastrous problem. An obvious solution would be to find a new source of reproductive DNA, one that would once again contain the building blocks that remember how to create a new life with healthy genes. But where would this genetic material come from?

Mankind could, by this time, have spread themselves far out into space, starting various colonies on different worlds. A search would be initiated to catalog these different offshoots of humanity, in hopes of finding a fresh new source of genetic material. But alas, these sources are just as old as each other. Certain races could carry genes that would be fatal to other races, and still others may have reached the point to where their DNA is no longer comparable to any other race. A little time may have been bought, but the problem is still there, and is not going away.

Genetic Engineers would eventually realize that the only solution to this monumental problem would be to find a fresh supply of uncorrupted genetic material that is common to all of the different new races of mankind. The trouble is that this fresh genetic source only exists back in their distant past, on the home world of humanity - Earth.

Their scientists would then have the task of finding a means of traveling back in time, in order to collect this fresh genetic material. Time travel though, could be just as disastrous to a future human race as the current problem. What would happen if enough changes were made in just the right situations in the past that could cause this future race to never have existed in the first place. Great debates would probably ensue over this monumental risk. But non-the-less, in the end they would all likely be in agreement that this would be the only solution, but great caution would have to followed.

After a time travel device is developed, tested and perfected (a project that could take a very long time in itself), the next decision would be as to which time period to return to. The first trips would be short ones, to gather information about ancient humanity during different periods of development. Chances are that the time travelers would have very little idea as to what they could expect to find in the distant past. These future generations could be from thousands of years into the future, and records could have been lost for a great variety of reasons. We could face the same problems today, if we were going back say ten to twenty thousand years.

Gathering information from the past would present a great challenge, due to the fact that their current physical appearance would make them immediately noticed. They might not even have a precise idea as to what we really would look like. Our appearance could be as strange to them as they are to us.

In order to obtain the best possible match to their future race, the genetic material would have to be collected from a previous time period that was the closest to their own time, but was still only in the early stages of the changes yet to come, say the 20th century, give or take a century.

The first target would possibly be in a time period that their records indicated was not technologically advanced enough to detect their time ships. This could be a hit or miss situation, so they would probably pop into Earth orbit at different time periods, monitor electronic signals from Earth, and pop back to analyze the newly collected data. These first attempts might even be automated devices, with an occupied craft to follow later. Another method would be to send back an automated probe, and if it didn't detect any electronic signals, to simply wait until we had reached a certain level of communications technology before sending back a time reference beacon.

Once they had managed to find a time in which their time ships would not be detected in Earth orbit, the surface would have to be visited in order to actually start collecting genetic material. The time travelers would be astounded to discover vast unbelievable amounts of fresh water, and a great abundance of plant and animal life (Which could also be of great importance to a depleted future Earth). The first reports back to the scientists of the future would most likely not be believed, until they also had journeyed back to this wondrous world of the past.

Plant and water samples would be the easiest to collect undetected, but sooner or later human genetic material would also be required for research and testing. Since great care with altering future time is a great concern, these encounters would be planned to blend with the customs, myths and legends of a time period that didn't have mass communication abilities, say the last two thousand years or so, excluding maybe our last one-hundred years.

These encounters with our future selves would become the stories of abduction by the wee people of legends; elves, gnomes, leprechauns and such. These stories would tell of being taken to fairy houses, and of sexual encounters with these unusual beings. Usually, the hapless victims would return to fine that hours, weeks, or even months and years had passed, but to them seemed like only minutes or hours.

From these time periods, the Grays could send small probes into the near future on reconnaissance missions. These probes would be known to us as foo fighters, ghost lights, and other small unidentified glowing orbs of light. The grays would then follow in their larger craft, disguised to resemble the aircraft of that period, or in the next few years to come. We would assume that we were seeing new inventions, or the latest secret military aircraft.

Their geneticists could by this time have devised a means of sending temporary genetic human constructs to the surface when needed. These constructs, which we have given the name "men in black" (MIB), would be necessary to keep certain individuals, those who's accounts could seriously alter the course of future time, from accurately presenting their stories. These individuals would of course wonder why they were visited by these MIB, when they had so far kept their sightings to themselves, and had talked to no one else.

A major setback would come when they encountered an unusual recent Earth technology - Radar. Several time ships could be lost before they realized that these pulsed beams of microwave energy were interfering with their anti-gravity drives. A few mishaps could be dealt with by simply going back in time, but time travel is full of strange paradoxes, and it could be that not all of these loses could be altered by this method. In fact, it could force the Grays to do something that they had hoped would not be necessary, actually make formal contact with certain Governments of this Earth. They would provide certain items of technology, those that we would probably soon develop anyway on our own, providing that these Governments would agree not to disclose the official existence of the Grays.

Having the use of time travel, the Grays would also have the advantage of looking ahead into our future years, to insure that they would never be fully revealed. They might even discover a future global catastrophe, one that could serve to erase their gifts of technology to the near future generations.

There would still remain one very major problem though. Having long ago given up personally bringing new life into their world, and requiring the comfort of having a mate close to them, they would slowly have lost their greatest treasure, the ability to love someone or something.

Their first attempts at artificially replicating crossbreed newborns from our genetic material would encounter a very serious problem. Our DNA would still carry over into these newborns the need to have a mother figure to provide spiritual nourishment in the form of loving and caring, in order for their emotions to properly develop during the early years of life.

The Grays, having acquired the use of telepathic communications long ago, could also have further resulted in the masking of certain emotions; other than fear, which all species need in order to survive. The first crossbreeds could possibly develop into mentally and/or emotionally deficient beings. This could result in the Earth donor mothers being taken aboard their ships, and being telepathically scanned in an attempt to discover what necessary conditioning was being passed on to these children. The Grays might even have the donor mothers hold the children, in an attempt to pass along this required emotional conditioning. This problem would most definitely have to be solved in order for Human genetic material to be incorporated into the generations of the far future, a problem that might take a very long time.

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