
Chapter 1 from Alien Magic

California Contactees
by William F. Hamilton

Source: Alien Magic
© 1996, 2000

"The Flying Saucers we see are very likely scouting craft sent from mother ships moored in orbit."
--T.B. Pawlicki

Some say it is the California sun or the Santa Ana winds that created the weird culture of the west coast. The inhabitants think differently. Westerners are open to new ideas. Visitors from another planet are welcome in California.

I was enthralled as a teenager to read the story of George Adamski who rode out to Desert Center, California on November 20, 1952 to meet a visitor from the planet Venus, an event attested to by six witnesses who signed a notarized statement.

In 1956, I met Daniel W. Fry who had started an organization called UNDERSTANDING. I was elected vice-president of unit 1 in El Monte. Dan Fry claimed he was taken for a ride in a flying disc at White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico on July 4, 1950. He documented his story in a book called, THE WHITE SANDS INCIDENT. Dan was a brilliant man. He sounded truthful. He was fond of telling how aliens broke dozens of laws just entering our atmosphere and landing their craft on earth.

Dan claimed he had taken a ride in a most unusual vehicle that he was invited to board at White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico on July 4, 1950. He was waiting in a small depot for a bus to town in unbearable summer heat when he decided to take a walk in the desert. During his walk he noticed that three or four stars blinked out. He quickly surmised that something dark obscured the stars and was growing in size implying an object headed on a straight-on trajectory. The object came in for a soundless soft landing on the sand. Dan noticed that it had the shape of a oblate spheroid. He had not seen any evidence of external propulsion. He thought it the strangest aircraft he had ever seen. He went close to touch the hull of the grounded craft when he was surprised by a voice thundering out in plain English idiom, "Don't touch the hull, pal, its hot!" The voice identified itself as A-Lan communicating to him from a mother ship in orbit through a speaker housed in the remotely-piloted vehicle before him. On a later meeting with A-Lan, Dan describes him as human, as a being born in space aboard an artificial planet that roamed the galaxy. A-Lan revealed that his ancestors once lived on Earth and had traveled to Mars. A-Lan informed Dan that they had been observing our society and that our lives were out-of-balance. Our material development had far outstripped our social and spiritual development, and that if we were to continue on such a course, it would lead to disaster. A-Lan emphasized that to achieve peace on Earth, we would have to promote Understanding among all the peoples of Earth.

Biologists believe that human life is a product of the long evolutionary processes that are unique to Earth. They consider it extremely unlikely that we would someday encounter human forms from another planet. This popular view has prevailed to the degree that most scientists reject the stories of the contactees. They also point out that other planets in our own solar system do not have atmospheres conducive to human life as we know it. Venus has a hot-house atmosphere and it bears down on the Venusian surface at a pressure 90 times greater than earth's atmosphere at sea level.

As a teenager I was excited by the prospect of making contact with the visitors or, at the very least, catching a glimpse of their ships over these remote desert regions. This was not a formal investigation of contactees. I had very few doubts then. I felt that the contactees were not concocting stories. Little did I know that an era was passing, that a future day would come when UFO researchers and investigators would dismiss and debunk contactees as frauds who possessed motives of greed and a need for attention and adulation. Little did I know that the contactee of the future would report a different kind of experience, that of menacing abductions and examinations conducted by humanoid, but non-human entities. Little did I know that the future would bring greater mystification rather than enlightenment.

A contactee by the name of George Hunt "Rick" Williamson had written a book in which he had detailed his experiments in telepathic and radio communication with the saucer pilots. He had started these experiments using a board with letters and numbers drawn out and using a glass tumbler as a "planchette" to allow the communicating intelligence to direct his hand to the correct symbols and spell out a message. Like the Ouija Board, others had reported success in using this device as a means of communication. Later, Rick met Lyman Streeter, a radio operator for the Santa Fe Railroad. The board had instructed his party to attempt to use radio. Often they would broadcast a message on one frequency and receive an answer in Morris Code on another frequency.

I decided I was going to try an experiment of my own.

I had made friends with a school chum, a French-Canadian, by the name of Yves Lauriault. Yves and I started a regular routine of skywatching and conducting experiments with ESP. During one of these experiments I remember hearing my name being called out, yet Yves had not spoken. On another night we heard a strange tone permeating the room, but coming from outside. Upon rushing outside to look at the sky, we saw nothing, but the strange humming sound continued.

One night in May, 1957 our experiments paid off. We were laying on the grass outside of Yves' house in Alhambra when a small disk, glowing red, traversed soundlessly overhead on a course from south to north. Yves initiated a telepathic request, hoping to communicate with the minds behind this disk when the disk maneuvered as he requested. We were under the impression that the disk was a small probe sent down to monitor our experimental activities. The instant the disk responded to our telepathic request, I had a sudden feeling that we were dealing with something unearthly. Even if I could explain this object as an unusually lighted aircraft, I could not explain its response to our silent communication. The first disk was followed by others. At one time, two flew in tandem and executed telepathically requested maneuvers. One of the maneuvers included the disk stopping its forward motion and retracing its flight path, a maneuver impossible for an airplane. From that day on and for a period of three years, I had frequent sightings and the UFO became a proven reality.

Later that month I had a brief sighting while observing a forest fire in the mountains. It appeared to be a silvery, metallic disk. Clouds of smoke later covered it from view.

All during the summer of 1957 I sighted many erratic moving lights, fireballs, disks, cigar-shaped and cone-shaped craft making nocturnal appearances over the San Gabriel Valley. In most instances, I ruled out the possibility of conventional objects such as stars, planets, airplanes, clouds, or meteors. I had a growing interest in amateur astronomy and purchased my first telescope, a 50X refractor. I had become familiar with the planets along the ecliptic, various constellations, and the names and locations of some of the primary stars in these constellations. One could view the sky as a clock with various hours and minutes of azimuth and degrees of elevation for the purpose of communicating the sighting of objects to friends. Many of the unidentified objects I saw defied conventional aerodynamic behavior while exhibiting patterns of intelligently-controlled maneuvers. In some cases these objects would flash signals or return flashing signals. I felt like I was participating in a signal moment in history -- making contact with extraterrestrial intelligence's.

The first contactee I ever met was a woman who lived alone in the desert. Her name was Doris LeVesque, but she went by the nickname Teska. Teska claimed to be in contact with fourth density beings, one whom she called Deska. Supposedly, Deska was her soul mate on another plane of existence where he cruised our skies in a Master Craft. She told me that she saw this master craft on many occasions and that it was crescent-shaped and glowed with a golden light. One night I witnessed Teska call down a craft that appeared to be a translucent disk about the size of a dime held at arm's length. There was no doubt in my mind at that time that the contactees were in contact with someone from out there.

On June 3, 1958, I saw the master craft Teska talked about. It had a characteristic golden light. It glided silently over my driveway at 9:05 P.M. Its course was from east to west and first appeared about ten degrees from zenith. It came in response to my "telepathic call." As it drifted overhead, I felt an electrical tingling travel down my back. Then I heard a mental voice in my head. It said "This is Nah-nine of the Solar Cross. You are in a deep sleep. Awake!." As the golden light disappeared over the western horizon, I wondered if I had just received my first voice communication from an Extraterrestrial Source or if I had imagined it. And what was its meaning?

I am well aware that by revealing these early experiences I had with contactee-type elements I am destroying any last vestiges of credibility that I have as a scientific investigator with other scientific researchers. I have witnessed the cavalier dismissal of these events by others who would rather guffaw at them than have the courtesy to listen and have an open mind. I have my own degree of skepticism. To superficially accept this type of contact experience and become a true believer does not satisfy my doubting mind. But, we will never get off first base or start asking probing questions until we can accept the reality of such reports.

On June 10, 1958, I was observing the four moons of Jupiter through my telescope. My neighbor, Dwayne, came over to take a peek through my new telescope. He trained it on a bright star and remarked that he could see a tiny light orbiting the position of the star in the scope. I was standing back in the drive scanning the sky to the north. Suddenly, and more swiftly than a jet, a large luminous object descended on our position coming from the north and moving south. It stopped on a dime directly overhead. Its movement halted so swiftly that my eyes tracked ahead of its hovering position. It was huge! It was totally silent! This craft was shaped like two giant cones joined at the base. The entire craft was glowing milky white through a translucent skin. Bright white lights shone from the opposite tips of the cones. I wondered how such a huge object could hover in the air. As I watched it did an incredible thing. It flipped end-over-end along its longitudinal axis, but due to its symmetry, appeared the same as before. It then instantly accelerated and climbed swiftly into the clouds south of us. Dwayne glanced up as it started to move and exclaimed: "What is that?" Its awesome, silent power climb left me with chills.

Later that summer I experimented again. I went out alone to the patio and turned the radio on, then went onto the driveway where I could view the sky. I started projecting my thoughts asking the saucers to come. I heard something like code coming over the radio. I had the urge to look southeast. Appearing out of nowhere a white glowing disk, surrounded by a glowing red corona and leaving a sparkling trail, dashed over my backyard only a few hundred feet above the ground. The disk appeared in a section of the sky and disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. As low as it was, I heard no sound. I wondered about the ramifications of this experience. I felt that it had come in direct response to my telepathic call. I never gave a thought to the logistics of providing me with such a show.

I had one daylight sighting that year. I saw six silvery disks performing intricate maneuvers in the eastern sky. In 1959, I had more frequent daylight sightings and even photographed two disks playing in the sky above Yucca Valley in the California desert. The developed photo was disappointing. It showed two indistinct pinpoints in the noon sky. Poor evidence.

A significant experiment was conducted on February 15, 1958 in the high desert off Old Woman Springs Road about 15 miles north of Yucca Valley. An electronics technician, Carol Honey, had installed a light-beam transmitter in his car. This was basically a further development of an invention conceived by Alexander Graham Bell he called a photophone. It acted like a radio, except instead of transmitting modulation over a low-frequency radio wave, it utilized a beam of light and was only effective for line-of-sight communication. This makes it virtually impossible for the signal to be tapped by a remote listener unless he could set-up a receiver in the path of the beam. The spotlight on the car provided the light beam. This project gave me the feeling that we were conducting a citizen's SETI project. About a dozen of us gathered at this remote spot in the desert to conduct the experiment. Some contactees were present. We took turns at the mike saying somewhat silly things like, "Earth calling outer space. Come in outer space." And we waited. After a half-hour of this, I received a mental communication that said essentially, "Look for our bright blue flare in the west." That was strange. We had the receiver on and all we could hear was static. Why didn't they return our communication? Why did someone decide to respond on a telepathic channel? I was hesitant and doubtful, but nevertheless whispered to my trusted friend, John McCoy, that which I heard repeated three times. Within minutes, as if on cue, we all turned to face the west. The last glow of twilight was fading over the distant hills when, out of nowhere, a bright blue bolide appeared and traveled over the horizon. It appeared to be shaped like a dumbell and left a sparkling trail. Not only could I communicate my wishes to those magnificent men in their flying machines, but they could somehow communicate with me. It was almost unbelievable.

The next day I went to Giant Rock with John McCoy and Rick Williamson to meet with George Van Tassel. Rick and John were embarking for Phoenix on the lecture circuit and it gave me an opportunity, before they left, to converse with the contactees. Van, as his friends called him, was an impressive man with a strong personal presence. I found him exceedingly intelligent with a down-to-earth devil-may-care attitude. Van was born in Jefferson, Ohio in 1910. After leaving high school, he worked 4 years as a flight mechanic for airlines at Chicago and Cleveland. In 1930, he came to California and was employed by Douglas Aircraft at Santa Monica for eight and half years. He left Douglas and went to work with Howard Hughes in 1941. Connected with flight testing for Mr. Hughes in the desert near Barstow, he acquired a desire for the peace and quiet of the great open spaces. After two and half years with Mr. Hughes, he went to Lockheed Aircraft in Burbank for four and half years flight test work. While there he came to a decision to live in the peace of the desert, after almost 20 years of aircraft experience.

Van leased an abandoned airport at Giant Rock in 1947 and by 1951 had gathered together a small group who had a sincere interest in the greater secrets of life and the desire to understand phenomena that could not be explained by mundane science. Van found that he could go into a trance and contact beings from other life levels. A group of these beings were using a technological means of communication, a Tensor Beam of high frequency that produced audio and visual output in the brain. If this beam were not carefully focused, it would cause a burning sensation in different parts of his body. Van called this method of communication "channeling" as he said it was like tuning in a television channel to decode the electromagnetic signal. This was somewhat unlike what people call channeling today. Entities with names like Ashtar or Deska announced that they were operators of the spacecraft we saw in our skies that we called by the ridiculous appellation "flying saucers."

In 1952, it was beyond belief that someone could actually be communicating with the operators of the flying disks. Witnesses who even reported seeing one were suspect. Even today many would consider Van Tassel a little loony.

Van reports that on August 24th, 1953, during the night of a full moon, a scout ship with the same configuration as that photographed by George Adamski came to a halt eight feet off the ground out on the landing strip at around 2 AM while he was sleeping outdoors in a sleeping bag. He awoke in an instant and lit a cigarette. When he sat up, he could see a man standing about six feet away from the foot of his bed. This was not uncommon in the desert as people had car trouble frequently on the dusty desert roads. The glowing scout ship hovered about one hundred yards beyond the man.

The man addressed Van Tassel saying, "My name is Solgonda. I would be pleased to show you our craft." Van tried to wake his wife, but the man seemed to have her under some kind of mental control, a situation commonly reported years later by abductees. Solgonda escorted Van to the ship. Van stepped on a glowing spot on the sand and rose slowly into the air through an entry hatch on the bottom of the 36-foot scout craft. This lifting beam has been noted by many contactees and abductees. The lighting inside the scout had no source such as a light bulb, yet everything in the cab of the craft was evenly illuminated. Van saw three other men standing by controls and all were about five feet seven inches in height. Solgonda conducted Van on a tour of the small craft. One apparatus had transparent tubes filled with colored liquids that would continuously change levels. Van was also shown the magnetic motor and counter-revolving rotors that produced propulsion for the scout. The scout evidently carried a battery because it had to be charged periodically for its brief mission on Earth. Twenty minutes later, Van was back at his bedside. During the time Van was with Solgonda, Solgonda demonstrated the amazing ability to tune-in to his thoughts and voice replies to his mental questions. Van had a queasy sensation in his stomach after this tour and asked Solgonda if he would be okay. Solgonda replied that he would, then tapped a crystalline device around his neck and promptly vanished. A moment later the craft rose into the air and took off in a northerly direction.

Two days later Van checked the spot with a compass where the ship had hovered. When walking into the spot, the compass needle deflected 10 degrees to the east, and when walking out of the spot, it deflected 5 degrees to the west.

Van's son-in-law, Dan Boone, lived on the Giant Rock property. He was awakened at 1:55 AM that same morning by the pulsing hum of a generator, but found that he could not rise from the sleeping bag as some force seemed to prevent him from moving.

Dan Boone had many contacts of his own, but would not tell the public. He confided a few of his experiences to me, but the one I remember the most was the one where he met two men and two women at a Yucca Valley liquor store. They were asking directions to Giant Rock. Dan overheard them and offered to lead them out there. When the four arrived, Van was preparing to start one of his Saturday night meetings in the hollowed-out room under Giant Rock. The leader of the group of four was a tall, dark handsome man who called himself Venudo. Venudo sat on an ottoman near Van and Dan. The others sat on a couch across the room. About thirty others were present sitting around the room. Venudo produced a device that was hanging around his neck and tapped it just as Solgonda had done. He instantly disappeared. There was light pouring through the window from outside powered by a gasoline generator. In a minute Venudo was again visible. Dan asked him to repeat his performance. He did so, but this time Dan reached out with his hand and could feel Venudo's shoulder, but still could not see what he was touching. These witnesses had just seen a demonstration of alien magic!

During our gathering at Giant Rock, the night after our light-beam communication experiment, I climbed upon one of the large boulders adjacent to the Rock while Rick and John were having some last minute conversation with Van. Suddenly, I noticed a pulsating white light approaching from the direction of the Los Padres Copper Mines to the north. As the light came closer, I could faintly make out that it was a craft similar to the scout ship Van had gone aboard. I was excited by the prospect that it might land as it was traveling low and slow and I yelled for the others to look. Van was calm about it and told me that he could see it and I didn't have to yell. I knew from that time on that Van was used to seeing these craft.

I remember when I first met Rick and John at a lecture in El Monte in 1957 that a brilliant glowing red disk hovered above the lecture hall so that all could see it. Others told me that this frequently happened at Rick's lectures. The UFOs seemed to follow him around, and this one was no exception. It waited around the area until he and John got into the station wagon and drove away. Later, John informed me that it followed them to the outskirts of Phoenix.

During one of the meetings in El Monte, I met Harry Mayer in 1959. He said that he had an encounter with a petite blond girl from Venus at Giant Rock. The girl's name was Mary. She wore a chocolate-colored ski-type uniform under a coat. Harry had sighted globes of light hovering over the Giant Rock runway and was chasing these on foot when Mary abruptly stopped him. Mary was only 5-foot 3-inches tall and Harry was 6-foot 4-inches tall, yet she arrested him in his tracks with the strength of many men according to Harry. Harry was a no-nonsense guy who had experienced something strange and was doing his best to persuade me to go to Giant Rock and assist him in contacting Mary once more. I never passed up a chance to visit Giant Rock so I went with him. Needless to say, we never made contact.

All these human visitors were described by various contactees, those who had written books, and many who had not. Their descriptions were remarkably similar.

George Adamski had described his meeting with a man at Desert Center and remarking that the flesh of his hand was as smooth as a baby's, but firm and warm. His hands were slender with long tapering fingers. He was only five feet six inches in height and looked like he weighed about 135 pounds. Adamski estimated his age at 28. He had a round face with an extremely high forehead; large, but calm grey-green eyes, slightly aslant at the outer corners with slightly higher cheek bones than an Occidental; a finely chiseled nose...an average size mouth with beautiful white teeth that shone...skin coloring that is an even, medium-colored suntan...and it did not look like he ever had to shave for there was no more hair on his face than a child's. His hair was sandy in color and hung in beautiful waves to his shoulders. His clothing was a one-piece garment...it's color was chocolate brown...a band about eight inches in width circled his waste...it was definitely a woven material...there was a sheen about the whole garment...saw no zippers, buttons, buckles, fasteners, or pockets of any kind...nor seams as our garments show. He wore no ring or ornament of any kind.

Contrast Adamski's description with that given by Travis Walton when he was abducted in 1975. Travis saw a human being, a man about six feet two inches tall. He was muscular and was evenly proportioned. He wore a tight-fitting bright blue suit of material that looked like soft velour. He had course, sandy-blond hair of medium length. He had a dark complexion, like a deep, even tan. He had no beard or mustache. In fact, a stubble or dark shadows of whiskers were not even visible.

Contactee Orfeo Angelluci saw a beautiful man with extremely large, dark and expressive eyes and noble features. He was wearing a kind of uniform, bluish in color, perfectly tailored and tightly fitted to the outline of his body. But it was apparently without seams, buttons, pockets, trimmings, or design of any sort.

Howard Menger describes a beautiful woman he met sitting on a rock. She had on a uniform which had a shimmering, shiny texture...the clothing had no buttons, fasteners, or seams that he could discern.

Human extraterrestrials have been reported in Mexico, south America, and Europe as well. All of them have demonstrated extraordinary telepathic abilities. The uniforms they wear, first described by the contactees, are similar to those described by abductees in a later era. Some of these visitors reportedly blend in with us and could not be readily identified if they wore our clothing and make-up. This implies that they have a genetic kinship with earth humans and have evolved under similar biochemical and biophysical conditions to those found on earth. Their actual origin is unknown, but if they are from other planets or dimensions, then their existence is a challenge to our scientific dogma.

During the summer of 1959, the twins Ray and Rex Stanford paid a visit to Giant Rock. Ray and Rex claimed mental contact with the "Brothers." Ray was instructed to bring a movie camera with him as the Brothers were going to make a showing over the desert in one of their Master Craft (crescent-shaped). Ray did succeed in capturing something unusual on film. A brightly-glowing object descended from the sky that afternoon and was promptly followed by a jet interceptor. In the film, you can see the object "jump," leaving the jet crawling behind it.

Later, I drove Ray and Rex from Giant Rock to Mount Palomar to visit the famous George Adamski. Ray and Adamski argued about the function of the Master Craft. Adamski had taken us back to a small workshop where he was doing some experiments with magnets. Although Ray claims that Adamski virtually admitted that he had no need of contacts to describe what he had written in his books, I received no such impression from the man. Later, I interviewed witnesses to Adamski's contacts who described details of incidents without hesitation. Many others had described seeing the scout ships at close range. In 1957, I had seen an orange-glowing craft one night that had the same bell-shaped configuration as the one Adamski photographed. If Adamski had been constructing small models of this craft, then the large-sized original was making its appearance known in various parts of the world. After their visit with Adamski, Ray and Rex seemed to become disillusioned with contactees and even downplayed their own reported experiences.

The controversy concerning Adamski continues to this day. A few ardent supporters believe Adamski reported true experiences, and that his photographs of mother ships and scout ships are among the best UFO photos in the world. However, the majority of UFO researchers believe Adamski wove tall tales, that his earlier work of fiction, Pioneers of Space, foreshadowed his non-fiction tale, Inside the Spaceships; that he photographed small models through his telescope, models that he had constructed in his workshop. At one time it was thought that the scout ship had been identified as a chicken brooder, a lamp, or the top of a water cooler which had been made to look like a flying saucer. However, none of these explanations were ever convincingly proven. The fact that many other photos of this bell-configuration have been taken in different parts of the world, and that many independent witnesses had seen such a shape attests to its authenticity. Today, we know that photos can be easily hoaxed, but this does not mean that Adamski's photos were hoaxed.

Another contactee that I had met in the fifties was Bob Short. Bob was receiving messages via a "Tensor" Beam like Van Tassel. While Bob was out for an evening stroll in Joshua Tree one evening in 1957, he saw an orange ball of light come in to a soft landing in the sand a few yards ahead of him. It appeared to have the ubiquitous bell-shape of a scout ship. When a hatch opened in the side of the scout, and a dark form appeared, Bob got panicky and wanted to run (an emotion usually displayed by abductees), but his curiosity kept him glued to the spot. When the form got within a few feet, Bob recognized that it was a man with shoulder-length hair and penetrating eyes. The man reached out and touched the palm of his hand and Bob felt a calming, peaceful effect. The mysterious visitor, identifying himself as Sutko, said that he had landed to make a minor adjustment to his craft. Sutko continues to communicate with Bob through the Tensor Beam.

Bob's communicators have been more accommodating to him than with some of the other contactees. They have demonstrated their presence to witnesses by occasionally announcing a fly-over. Sometimes these fly-overs are precisely timed. Here is an example. Bob was receiving Tensor communication before a group of fifty or more people at a Giant Rock spacecraft convention one evening in October 1967 when the voice announced that they (the space people) were at an exact latitude and longitude north of our position and had released two reconnaissance vehicles that would overfly our position in four minutes. I remember expressing skepticism and walking away from the group grumbling about how I was beginning to think that such communications were a lot of nonsense. Exactly four minutes later, to the second, two metallic disks flew over Giant Rock heading south at about 90 to 100 mph. They each displayed a brilliant rotating light centered on the bottom hull. They were each about twenty feet in diameter and had smooth polished finishes. I estimated that they were no more than 200 feet above us as they passed over and headed down the runway. By the time they reached the end of the runway in the direction of Goat Mountain, they looked to be no more than ten feet off the ground, and executed a right-angled turn twice, then flew silently back over our heads, heading north to rendezvous with their mother ship. I was astonished by this whole display. What I saw were definitely flying machines, and their appearance was forecast in advance.

In April 1976 I attended another spacecraft convention in Tonopah, Arizona. This time Bob showed me a typed message at one o' clock in the afternoon that stated that a fly-over would take place that night at 10:30 PM. Bob started to receive his Tensor communication shortly after 10:15 and, as if on cue, an unidentified blue light appeared south of Ursa Major traveling slowly and at high altitude. A second blue light appeared traveling south and headed on a collision course with the first light. They came within kissing contact and abruptly stopped and hovered for several minutes before fading out. I could see both lights clearly attached to dark shapes through 7x50 binoculars. A faint blue cone of light appeared to descend from the objects to a point over Bob's head! Was this the Tensor Beam? There were fifty or more witnesses who saw this event including my ex- wife, her daughter, and my friend, John Maxfield.

Having witnessed such demonstrations as the one in Tonopah, I have come away convinced of the validity of some of the contactee's experiences, but this is not to obscure the fact that I and others still harbored doubts about the origins of these visitors, their motivations, and the validity of their statements to the contactees. One man who is very skeptical, yet fascinated with the contactee era is Jerome Clark who wrote a monthly column on UFOs for FATE magazine. He considers that contactees such as the well-known George Adamski were charlatans. He considers that the evidence against the early contactees was overwhelming and that Adamski and other contactees were caught telling falsehoods on more than one occasion. The remarkably clear photos that Adamski took of Venusian scout ships were fakes. Some believe that Adamski built models and others feel that he dressed up some common piece of apparatus such as a chicken brooder to look like a flying saucer, this despite eyewitness claims that craft resembling the Venusian scout ship were seen in different parts of the world. Tales of the so-called Space Brothers were no more than contrived fantasies to put one over on the unsuspecting public.

Isabel Davis who, in 1957, was an officer of Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York, once wrote a scathing critique of the contactee's claims entitled, "Meet the Extraterrestrials." One criticism that she levels at the spacemen in the contactee's stories is that they never provide unequivocal proof. And, of course, they claim to originate from planets that scientists know harbor conditions hostile to any kind of life, much less humanoid life. The main criticism of Adamski's claims is that his visitors claimed to have come from Venus, Mars, and Saturn.

The early contactees described meeting human extraterrestrials wherever their point of origin. These human visitors had very symmetrical features; their skin was clear and translucent; their fingers were more flexible than ours; and their irises had different hues and colors than those seen on earth. They are never reported to be fat, thin, or ugly. Their hair, teeth, nails, and eyes were all without defect. I'ts as if they perfected control over their genetic breeding and produced healthier and longer living specimens than terrestrial humans.

Once in 1960, a young contactee named Paul took a photo out of his wallet allegedly showing a picture of a woman from another planet. She appeared to fit the description given by many contactees. Her eyes were the most electric blue I had ever seen.

One of the most affective of the contactees was Orfeo Angelluci. Orfeo became my friend. Van Tassel had always stimulated my mind, but Orfeo had touched a deeper level of my being. Orfeo had answers to the flying saucer mystery that embraced all of mankind within its scope. He often met with a visitor he called, "Neptune" as the name had some meaning for him. Neptune had told Orfeo that he was functioning in dimensions unknown to our world. Orfeo was astonished once to notice that Neptune's uniform looked like it wavered as if seen through rippling water and its color did not remain solid and uniform, but changed in spots. One of the precocious revelations that Orfeo revealed in his book was that the flying disks that he had seen were a product of organic technology, that they were grown in chemical baths and all systems were grown into their seamless structure. Orfeo bore a large share of ridicule from the disbelievers.

Another, little-known California contactee of the fifties was Calvin Girvin. Calvin reported many contacts with a human saucer pilot named Cryxtan. Calvin also reported going aboard one of the scout ships. Calvin was also in the Air Force and was interrogated by the AF Office of Special Investigation. Last heard from, he was living somewhere in Hollywood.

From time to time present-day abductees report an encounter with Nordic-looking alien beings that bear a resemblance to the ones described by the contactees of the fifties. Recently, a coffee shop friend found out that I was a field investigator and was eager to tell me of the odd events that had entered his life when he was a pre-teen. Like the old-timers, he claimed that a man from Mars came to visit him, and, one day, took him for a ride to the planet Mars where they entered an opening in the ground. A shaft descended five miles toward the planet's interior where he encountered the inhabitants of an ancient underground Martian civilization.

The contactee experience has its own characteristics. Some of these characteristics are shared with the abductee experience, but most are unique to a contactee scenario. Most Ufologists of the nineties have been led to believe that the contactees were charlatans out to spread religious philosophies, and this has proven a stumbling block to any proposed scientific investigation of the contactee's claims.

A typical contactee scenario usually proceeds in this fashion:

1) The contactee has an urge or impulse that he or she perceives to be coming from an outside source and this urge seems to direct them to some remote location. There is an air of expectancy.

2) The contactee is usually approached by a human being wearing a one-piece uniform that has disembarked from a flying saucer. The human can access the contactee's mind with telepathy. The visitors do not display any difficulty with English or any other spoken language.

3) Either the meeting terminates or the contactee is taken on a tour of the ship or a ride to a mothership.

4) The contactee does not experience a loss of time or lapse of memory.

5) The contactee is usually given a message or project to accomplish. One of the common themes of the messages given to the early contactees is that we are upsetting the balance of nature.

Many Ufologists who study abductee (or, using the newer term -- experiencer) cases generally accept that there were no legitimate contactees and that there is no precedence for the abductee scenario.

Objections to the case for the contactees are:

1) The contactee doesn't have any first-hand eye witnesses. Although true of the vast proportion of abductees as well, it was felt that the contactee should have someone else that would attest to the reality of the experience. As we have related here, George Adamski, for one, had six eye witnesses to his first contact.

2) The early contactees claimed that the visitors came from planets in our local solar system such as Mars and Venus. Space probes have proven that other planets in our system could not sustain life as we know it. It might be possible that humans with advanced technology could build protected habitats on or under the surface of neighboring planets, but they would not have originated there. Other possibilities include coming from a different frequency/density/dimension of the other planet in our system, but the visitors did not always explicitly state this as their origin. Perhaps they were deceiving the contactees or the contactees colluded with the visitors to protect their identity and origin from enemies also contacting earth humans. Otherwise, we are left with the conclusion that the contactees fabricated this part of their story or their whole story. This last conclusion is, of course, the one that wins the most votes among researchers.

3) One of the primary objections to the contactee was the apparent zeal with which they spread quasi-religious messages. This was disturbingly cult-like. The feedback of adulation and attention given the contactee may distort whatever legitimate experience he/she may have had.

4) The contactees were not very cooperative with researchers; extensively ridiculed, they were not interested in providing proof of their experiences to still another skeptical inquirer.

5) One of the biggest objections to the contactee experience is that the visitors were reported looking human and able to pass undetected amongst us if dressed in our clothing. Humans were a product of earth's evolutionary development and could not possibly arise on other worlds. Yet, reports of human entities from UFOs will not go away. We still hear of encounters with them from the new experiencers. The existence of humans originating from an extraterrestrial or extradimensional civilization is a comforting thought to our aloneness in the universe.

This chapter recounts just some of my experiences with the early California contactees. I was convinced that the flying saucer mystery had a simple solution and that the mystery would be unveiled before the next decade of the sixties had passed. Little did I know that we were facing a complex phenomena that would continue to baffle us all to the present day.

Reproduced from book Alien Magic (c) 1996, 2000

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