Crop Circles

4 Catagories of Crop Circles

4 Catagories of Crop Circles
by Martin


Ultra Days is the biggest annual event of paranormal phenomena and esotheric information in Finland. It took place 9th - 12th July this year.

I met a young woman who is a gifted contact person. She is in constant contact with alien beings but also studies "eartly" sciences and is always willing to confirm information received through contacts with scientific experiments. Her name is Mira.

Her knowledge of Crop Circles is in addition to contact information based on ONE visit in a genuine Finnish formation (in Espoo, 1996). She doesn't know English and doesn't have an access to the Internet either. There is no literature about Crop Circles in Finnish and the magazines have also told only very basic facts about them. Since Mira's ideas also match and complete mine (and I think most of you) pretty well, I'm rather convinced that her contacts are for real and she can be a great aid in studying the Crop Circles as well as other important phenomena today.

She has promised to send me detailed information as well as a list of scientific experiments to confirm this. She also promised to ask her contacts about some details concerning the crop swirl and the "balls of light" which was not quite clear to her yet. But here's a brief description of what I learned from her (this is not her words exactly but added with my own knowledge).

There are 4 catagories of Crop Circles based on the makers and the motivation. I present them in the apparent order of importance and magnitude:

1. Pure energy transmitting formations

A large ship hovers over the field. This is not physical but exists on a level not normally visible to us. It seems some people are able to see it. The ships transmits pillars of vertical energy to a point on the ground where there is a counter-energy of Earth. The ley lines and their crossings in England are such points. The energy bounces back from the ground. The visible print of the energy on the field is a result of the inteference of the energy beams and thus it's kind of a "side effect" while the actual purpose is to transmit healing and balancing energy to Earth. However, the 2D formation we perceive reflects cosmic harmonies and language and I would say that as a drawing or painting of a scenery can have a similar emotional effect as the scenery itself, though on a smaller scale, a diagram of a Crop Circle can transmit the same energies which are present in their creation.

2. Informative formations These are created in the same way, but now the formation is actually planned to give some information, apparently mostly about cosmical events. The energy beams must be cast in such order and direction that the acquired pattern emerges. This definately requires more attention and concentration. Of course the healing energies are important also in this case.

3. Human triggered formations

The energies used for Crop Circle creation are sensitive to human thoughts. In regions where the vessels are present, some people's thoughts can trigger the forces and as a result create a formation that somehow matches their ideas. This is why sometimes such patterns arrive that seem to be a result of people's wishes or thoughts. Somebody wrote me about a case where a group of hoaxers planned to make a certain kind of pattern and as they entered the field the formation was already there! Obviously their ideas were caught by the Circle Makers.

4. Man-made hoaxes

This is the smallest group. Man-made formations don't have the energy of the genuine ones and this is how they can easily be recognized, providing one has the talent or equipment to register the energies. It might be that hoaxed Circles can act as stimulation for the real Circle Makers but since this can be accomplished with mere thought energy (for example through meditation), there is no need for people to make Crop Circles.

When I told Mira about the idea of the light balls being responsible for actually laying down the crop using the energy pillars or barriers as guidelines and "on-off-switches", she promised to ask about this. The following day she said she had received some information that suggests this is at least partially true. I will get more information about this later.

What seems apparent now is that were should not spend too much energy and time trying to analyze the Crop Circles, especially not the abstract ones since they do their job without being mathematically studied. Most important is to allow ourselves to be "lifted" by these cosmic patterns and energies and spread them around the world. Also we need to convince the scientists and politicians of the reality of this phenomenon.

Though some might disagree, the Circle Makers have limitations. They can only make Crop Circles in areas were the Earth's own energy "chakras" are located. It is apparent wathing the development of the formations from the 70's to our times that the Circle Makers have only recently developed this system to transmit energy to our planet and for us people. They are not omni-potent though certainly on a higher consciousness level than we human beings. Many animals and even plants probably react to these energies more spontaneously than we. I wouldn't be surprised if for example Dolphins were completely aware of what is going on - and perhaps they are even co-operating with the Circle Makers!

I am going to England about three weeks from now. I wish that the researchers on the spot in August are willing to co-operate with me making the experiments suggested to Mira by her cosmic friends. This is meaningful as the material and "metaphysical" science have to meet each other and support each other. This is also a chance to prove to the skeptics and the scientific community that space contacts are for real (anyway, I don't think there's any other way Mira could have received all the information she has). Mira wants to develope this "spiritual science" together with Finnish and international researchers and is also quite willing to take part in proving the existence of cosmical beings and forces through scientific experiments.

I will send further info to the research members of my mailing list. It would help if all of you who are interested and especially those who are in England next month would let me know.

Best Regards,

- martin
[email protected]

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