Creatures - Bigfoot

Three Separate Sightings

Bigfoot reported in Trinity
by Jim Schultz

Record Searchlight

HAYFORK — He's back.

No, not Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Bigfoot's the name. Eluding captors his game.

And he's apparently up to his old tricks.

Three separate sightings of the elusive, hairy — and perhaps mythical — man-ape creature have been reported near this Trinity County community since last week, according to Bob Everett, head of the roughly 40-member Northern California Bigfoot Organization.

''He's roaming around Hayfork,'' he said.

The latest sighting was Tuesday morning, west of Hayfork, as he — or she — was spotted by a Hyampom man who reported seeing a huge Bigfoot crossing a dirt road that's a route between Hayfork and Hyampom, said Everett.

The 65-year-old Everett, who declined to identify the three Sasquatch spotters who caught glimpses of the impossible-to-catch legend, said Wednesday that he plans to travel today to the location of the most recent sighting to see if the heavy-footed creature might have left behind footprints.

He's already checked out the other two sites for evidence, but he came up Bigfootless.

Everett, who describes himself as a retired U.S. Navy and Marine Corps veteran with a slew of prestigious combat medals, including the Silver Star, said the three Bigfoot sightings were all within about 10 miles of each other.

''This is the time of the year they (Bigfoot) start to move,'' he said, speculating that Bigfoot and his kin might be coming down from the hills in search of edible vegetation. ''I'd sure like to get an outstanding photo of him.''

Everett said he received the first Bigfoot sighting report May 10 from a longtime Hayfork woman, whose friend saw a 4-foot-tall creature near Barker Creek Road as she was driving home around 10 p.m. May 8.

But, he agreed, that woman's sighting loses some credibility because she said she was not wearing her glasses at the time and the creature was ''kind of blurry.''

The second sighting, which occurred the following morning, carries more weight, he said.

According to Everett, a 25-year-old Hayfork woman, who also happens to be a volunteer for the Hayfork Fire Department, said she saw an approximately 8-foot-tall Bigfoot trying to catch fish at Ewing Reservoir, north of Hayfork.

''She said he just stood there from about 70 feet away until he saw her move,'' he said. ''Her story sounds pretty credible.''

The sightings are the first since a 22-year-old Redding man reported seeing Bigfoot in October while on a camping and hunting trip with friends and family in a desolate area of Trinity County.

That man, Tim Ford, was deluged with a flood of telephone calls from newspaper and TV reporters throughout the state seeking interviews shortly after he reported his sighting to state Department of Fish and Game officials.

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