Cattle Mutilations

Chupacabra ... Not of this World!!!

Chupacabra ... Not of this World!!!
by Jane and Edward Myers

Note: The following is a spirit writing session conducted by the authors in an attempt to clear up the present mystery of the Chupacabra. As will be learned through the reading of this article, it is imperative that these creatures be exterminated as soon as possible. This information has been acquired by the process of spirit writing, also known as automatic writing, which is a spiritual activity that enables a person to communicate directly with the spirit realm. The writing session is presented in a question/answer style just as it was received except for the correction of language, typos, and spelling.

4/27/96 OPENING PRAYER: I now request the Good Spirits to be with us at this time and surround us with an unbroken chain of Good. Let only Good and love prevail while we communicate with you. Good Spirits I have with me Edward Myers who wishes to confer with the Source of Universal Knowledge. Will the Source be with us now and answer Edward92s questions? THE SOURCE: Yes, I am here.

Q: Dear Father, a mystery situation has developed on the island of Puerto Rico, which involves the killing of many animals of different species. They have been found with a puncture wound about the neck and have been drained of blood and internal organs. Please tell me what is happening to those animals?

THE SOURCE: As you have seen by an artist92s descriptive sketches, you now have an idea of the appearance of this strange animal, and of the mystery. Naturally these incidents have excited many of the people in that area, and some have exaggerated and dramatized the reports. This creature is an animal originating from experiments by an ET race of beings who have cross-bred an alien animal with one on your earthly planet. As a result, this strange creature has turned out to be strange indeed.

Q: Which earthly animal was used in the cross-breeding?

THE SOURCE: The crocodile was used. The ETs are now making experiments with earthly animals as well as some experiments on humans.

Q: I am curious about the features of the creature, and its relation to the animals from which they were produced. In some features, the animal resembles an Australian kangaroo. Other features suggest webbed arms and a fin like back. The possible crocodile features, of the creature, appear to be the minor features brought into the union of the animals. Apparently the creature most closely resembles the original alien animal. Is this correct?

THE SOURCE: Yes. I would say you are correct. Also, I understand you want more information. The cross-breeding took place in a most unusual manner, compared to your earthly cross-breeding. This took place in more than one procedure. Some of the experimentation was accomplished through injection of fluid from the crocodile. Another experiment took place by transference of the egg from the crocodile into the animal from the ET race. The results from the experiments did not all turn out as the ETs had expected, so they proceeded to make more experiments from those results of the original experiments. This continued until they had created the creature you now have learned about. They are not satisfied with their result. The creatures, which roam about in Puerto Rico, are the discarded animals they do not wish to use now or in the future. They wish to improve on their experiments. They desire an animal which can more easily be controlled. The creature you are seeing is much too vicious and aggressive, a quality which they do not approve of. They may relocate their experiments to another area of the earth, selecting a different type of animal species to cross-breed with an animal from the ET race.

Q: Would you describe the animal that the ETs brought with them for use in performing these experiments? Also, describe the reproduction method of the ET animal, is it an internal or external process?

THE SOURCE: The ET animal has an appearance similar to the artist92s sketches you have seen. I will describe the actual ET animal on board their space craft, which they use in the their experiments. This animal creature stands upright, but also can readily crawl on all fours. Its size is approximately four to five feet long; has four legs, three claws on each. When standing on its hind feet, the upper legs appear and function as arms. It has a large snout, extremely protruding large bulging-slanting eyes that glow in such a manner as you sometimes see the lightening bugs glow on your earthly planet. It has no visible ears; but it does hear sounds. The skin is leathery green with dark brown variations. In the ET environment, this creature can survive in the atmosphere or in liquid. It has a short tail. The reproductive organs usually produce a litter of offspring, and this is done by means of the animal giving birth, having carried the egg within the body for a period of time. While in the ET environment, this animal consumes plants, and is not flesh-eating. Its behavior is easily controlled. They have cross-bred it in such a manner as to make progress with its intelligence. This was done by injecting the ET creature with some of the DNA fluid from their own humanoid type of beings.

Q: Which race of ETs are doing this?

THE SOURCE: A few of the Grays are doing this and also the Dark Ones are doing this on a large scale.

Q: What is there reason for performing these cross-breeding experiments ... Is it just fun and games for them, or do they have a higher purpose?

THE SOURCE: The Dark Ones are doing this partly for their pleasure, partly to learn from the results, and partly because they wish to have animals that will live both in their environment and on earth. The Grays want more knowledge, and any information they may gain from cross-breeding animals from both civilizations.

Q: One report was of having seen two different types of UFOs near one of the sites, where animals were found mutilated. One was reported to be oval shaped, and another is said to have been pyramid shaped. What can you tell me of this incident?

THE SOURCE: The oval shape was from the Dark Ones; and it was involved in their experiments. The pyramid shaped UFO was an observer, not involved in the animal experiments. It was from the White race of ETs.

Q: How many such animals have been created and set loose on the earth to this point?

THE SOURCE: Three at the present time. They have made many more experiments, but the others did not survive. They died during the process of the experiments. It is very possible, that the people in Puerto Rico will be seeing more of these creatures, because they will in all probability, multiply. As reported, they are intelligent.

Q: Were all three creatures released on Puerto Rico, or are there others elsewhere on the earth?

THE SOURCE: Of this particular breeding, these three are the only ones released on planet earth, but they are still doing experiments, which may result in more being released of other species of animals. As you know, when cross-breeding takes place between species, the results can be quite devastating; and far from the intended species. All three were released on Puerto Rico.

Q: Of the three creatures that are currently living in Puerto Rico, are they of both sexes, male and female, enabling them to produce more offspring?

THE SOURCE: Yes, of course. It appears, these three creatures are now in the process of producing offspring. The infant creatures will soon be born and Puerto Ricans will become aware of them, as they are discovered. I must add here, that the Dark Race of ETs have now left the area of Puerto Rico with their experiments. Their may be some Dark Ones returning to Puerto to observe, but the ones doing the experiments have now chosen to move to the jungles in Australia, or in that area of the earthly planet. They may choose some remote island or what would appear remote to them. They will be continuing their experiments by choosing a different species of animal from earth with which to experiment by cross breeding with their animal.

Q: There have been reports of similar animal mutilations in Miami. What is causing these occurrences?

THE SOURCE: They are not true, the reports are a hoax to draw attention to the area for those interested in such dramatic UFO sightings.

Q: If and when these animals are found, how should they be dealt with?

THE SOURCE: They should be destroyed immediately. This should be done in an isolated area, so that the contaminated vaporous fumes would be eliminated as much as possible. The fumes, caused from the process of destroying them, could infiltrate the surrounding air.

Q: Then I would presume the best way of destroying them would be by cremation. Is that correct?


Q: Is there any danger of bacterial contamination to humans by handling the animals after their having been killed?

THE SOURCE: Yes there is great danger. Any contact by humans, before killing the creatures, should be done by a method in which the human is protected from physical contact with the animal. Following the destruction of the animal, it should be placed in a sealed container such that the fumes from the animal could not enter the earthly environment. I must tell you; there is probability, they will not attack humans but this is not a positive fact.

It is possible they could attack a human, if there was an opportunity for them to do so. In such a case, the victim would be contaminated; and could contaminate other humans, if touched.

Q: Then we have a most dangerous situation evolving; because the animals that have been killed by these creatures are being handled, and examined by the people who find them and by the doctors. Is this the beginning of a new plague on earth. How dangerous is the situation?

THE SOURCE: It is very dangerous. All those who handle any of the evidence left from the animals mutilated victims are in danger of becoming contaminated. Eventual illness will result, and it may be several months before it is fully evident. Those infected may not realize what the problem is, but it can happen. They should have protected themselves with surgical gloves and other protective covering.

Q: As we have seen on TV, the people who have found the mutilated animals, and the doctors who have been examining them have been doing so without any protective clothing or obvious concern regarding bacteriological problems. This is why I asked, are we to expect a plague-like situation developing as a result?

THE SOURCE: It could very well lead to a plague. The germs would spread upon being released into the environment, if the animal has left any on the mutilated victims. It may be that the creature having drawn the blood and taken some of the flesh, may have in the process left no residue that would contaminate the area; but this cannot be certain. The reason the area would be clean from residue would be because the creature has first immobilized the his victim and rendered it lifeless; and following that, the creature performed the acts of blood sucking and flesh sucking process. If the animal had remained alive and fought back, then because of the struggle, there would be some remaining tissue or fluid from the creature. In that event, the remaining evidence would be dangerous.

Q: What else should we know about this situation?

THE SOURCE: You should know that this can happen elsewhere on earth. As yet it has not, but you cannot be certain about the future of the animal experimentation. If the people living in Puerto Rico discover any illness from the events, they should not allow the germs to penetrate into any other areas. They may not realize the danger, but let us hope they do.

Q: The bacterial contamination of these newly created creatures apparently must be the same as that presently existing within the ET race of Dark Ones, and their animal they are using for these experiments. Is this bacterial contamination so vastly different, from that which presently exists on earth, the reason you are concerned for the welfare of those who come in contact with it?

THE SOURCE: The bacteria from the animal of the ET experimental species, is different from anything you have on your earth. It will cause contamination and illness if it comes in contact with humans. It may or may not cause death, but it will cause illnesses. To the ET race of beings, the bacteria poses no threat to them.

Q: Would this generally be the situation with each race of ETs that visit earth. ... That they would possibly be carriers of bacteria not harmful to themselves, but harmful to people on earth?

THE SOURCE: Yes. That is very true. Some races would contaminate earthly beings but some would not be harmful to you. The greatest problem for them is being contaminated by earthlings; and they are concerned for their safety, not only of their physical being but of their mental state, especially the more highly evolved spiritual ET races of beings. They do not want to be influenced, or reduced to your status of thinking.

Q: It would seem then, that this would be the primary reason why all these races of ET beings have avoided contact with earthlings. Also, I suppose, that in the case of people who are abducted by the ETs; those people are decontaminated in some manner?

THE SOURCE: Yes, you are correct. In the process of ET races taking earthlings into their environment, they have protected themselves in whatever manner it took, in order that they did not contaminate themselves by contact with earthly humans. They protect themselves by several methods, both physically and mentally.

Q: You have said these animal creatures possess intelligence, is this intelligence such that it may be possible for them to elude their being captured?

THE SOURCE: Yes, that is certainly true. That is why they have thus far not been captured or even a close possibility of being captured.

Q: Thank you, Father. That is all for now.

Posted by Terry W. Colvin
[email protected]

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