Cattle Mutilations

Reply to "Chupacabras Crisis"

Reply to "Chupacabras Crisis"
by Jorge Martin
[email protected]

A recent e-mail sent by Mr. Steve Wingate regarding an alleged Chupacabras 'crisis situation' in Puerto Rico, stated that a woman, an alleged source who worked at a U.S. NAVY base in Puerto Rico [surely Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, in Ceiba] and was travelling to New Jersey, informed about the alleged 'Chupacabra crisis' and that the people of Puerto Rico was about to invade the base demanding for answers on the situation pertaining to the Chupacabras situation. Allegedly, she also said she had been told by a NAVY source that these creatures were the result of genetic experimentation.The 'source' also alleged the goverment was trying to control the creatures.

Being the sole journalist in Puerto Rico who researched and investigated seriously on this matter on a full time basis, I can assure you that this information is COMPLETELY WRONG AND NOT TRUE, as to this moment there's no such crisis in Puerto Rico. This type of statements apparently are part of a government disinformation program destined to change the public's perception on the whole affair, and to keep the masses away from the knowledge of the real scenario behind the situation: a UFO / alien / U.S. military connection with these creatures. The real facts are very different, as readers will realize after reading the situations described below.

During our research on this matter, we have received confidential disclosures from military sources who told us certain things about the knowledge the U.S. Armed Forces have about the Chupacabras situation. According to some of these sources, the Chupacabras type creatures were first reported in the jungle of Panama, Central America, in year 1958-59, after UFO related incidents there.

Another of these sources [who was with U.S. Army Intelligence and was a member of a UFO retrieval team] saw two of these creatures which were being kept in a cell in a concealed facility close to Roswell, New Mexico, in year 1960 [not in Roswell AFB].There was another alien being there, which had been allegedly captured with the other ones after a UFO had been captured by the U.S. military, in another cell, and it was NOT OF THE GRAYS TYPE, it was tall [about 6 ft. tall] of a more human looking appearance and looked like a frail human albino with reddish eyes and a somewhat bulgy head.

This connection between this type of aliens and the Chupacabras creatures was corroborated independently, as the same type of aliens have been observed by serious and reliable witnesses on several occasions accompanying Chupacabras type creatures in different places in Puerto Rico.

According to our research up to now, it is very posible that these type of aliens, seldom mentioned in the UFO research field, are the ones who really may be in league with a faction of the Government, and not the so called "Grays", as has been told so many times. We are currently investigating more on this angle of the issue.

In some instances, the creatures have been observed as they were levitated inside flying saucer and pyramid shaped UFOs in a beam of light. Also, mysterious and unidentified military personnel [apparently U.S.] dressed in black swat type uniforms, have been observed escorting flying saucer type UFOs associated to cattle mutilations in Puerto Rico. These personnel move around in black 4 x 4 Yukon vehicles with darkened windows. Due to all this, as we can see, there seem to be an apparent UFO / alien / U.S. military connection with the Chupacabras situation.

Another such example of the apparent UFO/ alien connection with the Chupacabras situation is the major incident which occurred on saturday 18, 1995 in the town of Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, when a flying saucer type UFO, brightly lit, hovered at low altitude over the antennae of Radio Procer radio station, in that municipality, for several minutes, affecting the station's electronic equipment. At the same time, several Chupacabra type creatures were observed by many residents in the sorroundings, among which were many residents of an urbanized sector known as Ciudad Universitaria residential.

The incident and sightings of both the UFO and the creatures were reported in live broadcasts by puertorican TV stations Channel 4 and Channel 11, but strangely, both TV stations censored the angle about the creatures sighted. We travelled to Barranquitas and investigated the whole incident, interviewing a large number of witnesses of all ages, as well as policemen of the Barranquitas Police Headquarters, who verified the incident and the sightings. There are many other examples on this aspect of the Chupacabras enigma.

At this moment we are receiving similar reports from colleague researchers in Mexico and Brasil which indicate the same findings we made originally here in Puerto Rico pertaining to the connection between UFOs, the 'alien albinos with reddish eyes', as well as unknown military forces with the Chupacabras phenomenon.

All these data has been documented in a recently published book of ours in spanish language, and it covers the reality and the apparent truth behind the so called Chupacabras phenomenon, with the details that the media and the Government's agencies won't reveal to the public. Those interested in the book can send an e-mail to:

[email protected]
or call us at: [787] 758-0692.

All the above could very well be the reasons for the strong disinformation program organized in relation to the Chupacabras phenomenon here in Puerto Rico and abroad, which also includes an intent to discredit our research in this field, as the public is becoming aware of the real situation.

Obviously, those behind the allegations of the so called "crisis' in Puerto Rico, are trying to keep the public away from the actual real facts pertaining to the Chupacabras situation, as well as trying to create a panic situation on the matter. As a matter of fact, our research on the behavior patterns of these creatures indicate that they don't attack human beings, only animals. They seem to KNOW the difference between human beings and animals. They seem to be intelligent creatures, even though their appearance is not humanoid.

Representatives from the TV media from the U.S. and Europe, who have visited Puerto Rico, have required our services to produce reports and docummentaries on the Chupacabras situation, and we mobilized them so they could freely interview the many witnesses who have observed these anomalous details pertaining to the UFO / alien / military / Chupacabras connection, but after becoming aware of the situation and obtaining all the details, they refuse to report on these angles. Being witnesses ourselves of this biased attitude, we've asked ourselves what has become of the search for truth and journalistic objectivity.

Finally, we must say that, sadly, some researchers in the UFO field, lacking personal knowledge on the real facts pertaining to the Chupacabras / alien situation, as they have not visited the island to investigate and corroborate personally the events, are expressing biased and negative views and comments on whole issue based on second, third or fifth hand sources. To these we must say, with all due respect, the same words Stanton Friedman has issued under similar circumstances: "Science is to investigate the unexplained, no to 'explain' the univestigated."

Please, before commenting on matters not corroborated or researched personally, at least verify things out with those who have done the research on the issue.

Visit our web page at:

Thank you for you attention.


Jorge Mart�n

[email protected]

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