Cattle Mutilations

The NORAD Mute

The NORAD Mute

Source: Blue Resonant Human
[email protected]

"Since the first rule of any secret agent is to always appear to know everything, the so-called UFO censorship may be more of a bluff than a cover-up. This suggests more of a particular meaning for the message. Dropping a mutilated cow at the main entrance of NORAD may be a clear indication that somebody is now calling that bluff."

In Colorado, there was a concentration of mutilation incidents in Elbert County, very near some of the world's most sophisticated military installations; these include Ent Air Force Base, Fort Carson Army Base, Peterson Airfield, Lowry Air Force bombing range, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the Buckley Air National Guard and Naval Air Station, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (where nerve gas is manufactured and stored), and the Rocky Flats, where H-bomb triggers are manufactured.

Noting the impressive display of technology in the vicinity, Frederick Smith writes:

"The capstone of all this, and ultimately of all U.S. military muscle is Ent Air Force Base and Cheyenne Mountain, the headquarters for NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) and the Canadian Air Defense Command ... Carved into the solid heart of Cheyenne Mountain is NORAD's Combat Operations Center. Forty-five thousand cubic yards of granite had to be blasted out to accomodate it's solid steel buildings, some of them three stories high, all free-standing and mounted on the biggest coil springs ever made ... The purpose of this fortress inside a mountain is to detect and analyze everything entering or crossing U.S. air space."

The celebrated Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is situated to the north of the mountain. A 1500-pound female buffalo was mutilated there on Tuesday, October 21, 1975. An udder, an ear, and four square feet of hide had been removed. The vagina had been cut. Zoo director Dan Davis stated, "There is no doubt the animal with some sort of sharp instrument handled by man." Additional details were given by El Paso County Coroner Dr. Raoul W. Urich: "The cutting was done neatly, cleanly, obviously with a very sharp cutting instrument. The dissection was of the type that would eliminate any type of predator." Noting that the hyde had been removed without puncturing the tissue underneath, he added, "It was better than I could do if I were trying. It was really an expert job."

It was an expert job, but even more remarkable was was an incident that had occurred on July 6, 1975, next to the NORAD entrance gate, near the unmarked NORAD road (which is not shown on most road maps). The entire area is a military reservation, and every few feet there are signs warning, "VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW." The mutilation was "standard." It was a cow due to calve in two months. Sgt. Robert Stone of the Sheriff's Office "ruled out the possibility that the sex organs were removed by a coyote."

There are other indications supporting Mr. Smith's thesis that the mutilators' purpose is to send a message to the military and the intelligence communities. Many of the carcasses appear to have been dropped from the air. In one report, a large bull was found with all four legs broken. Other animals were found outside an intact fence. Two cows mutilated in Park County were found in a pasture where the owner had left them. Sherrif Norman Howey said they "couldn't possibly have been where they were found unless they had been dropped from the air." The carcasses showed evidence of internal pressure from the fall. Furthermore, some mutilated animals were discovered in ponds, straddling ditches, wedged between large rocks, or lying bloodlessly next to large trees at places inaccessible even to helicopters. Sometimes the mutilations are clearly "signed." Sherrif George Yarnell of Elbert County is quoted by F. Smith as saying that his "most memorable case" was one in which an udder was "neatly cleaned out, leaving only the skin, which was then tightly packed with several gallons of sand." In other cases, organs were cut out and left on top of the carcass. Perfect squares or circles were taken from the hide. In one incident a scalpal had been left behind; it was an ordinary article of military surplus.

The stage was set for new attempts to explain the facts. The "delusionary spiral" theory clearly did not hold up, and something better had to be found. As each new hypothesis became more complex and more incredible, a specter began to rise. It gave the whole idea of "contact" with friendly space brothers another deadly blow. It froze the blood of the believers, and it gave the skeptics some interesting new items to think about. But more than anything else, it challenged the law-enforcement community.

For a long time, UFO believers have womndered why so little recognition has been given to the problem by high government levels. They speculated that our leaders thought the public was not ready to learn "the truth," which, in their eyes, consisted in the fact that an alien space invasion was taking place. I find it difficult to believe in that kind of a cover-up. It seems to me that the intelligence community has only two good reasons to hide the truth about such a phenomenon: either it is secretly causing it for it's own purposes and doesn't want the phenomenon examined too closely (as in the case of its own deception operations); or it simply doesn't know the answers. Since the first rule of any secret agent is to always appear to know everything, the so-called UFO censorship may be more of a bluff than a cover-up. This suggests more of a particular meaning for the message. Dropping a mutilated cow at the main entrance of NORAD may be a clear indication that somebody is now calling that bluff.

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