Cattle Mutilations

Cattle Mutilation in 1968

Cattle Mutilation in 1968
by Tim Matthews
[email protected]

At a very successful meeting in Warrington, Cheshire, last night the British UFO Studies Centre received several intriguing UFO reports from members of the public. I was lucky to speak with a former RAF man who had seen a UFO on one occasion (1975). He served near RAF Upper Heyford in the late 1960s.

In 1968 both he and several friends were called to visit the site of a strange animal death by two US MPs stationed at Heyford whom they knew. A sheep had been "cut in two" by what the witness described as "a laser". Moreover, there were no signs of blood around the animal, no footprints or tracks and other animals in the field were very agitated. Both halves of the animal were particularly smooth and the blood inside the remains appeared to have congealed.

The MPs noted that on previous nights there had been reports of UFO activity in the area and no doubt this would have been a matter for some concern.

I offer no judgement on this report except to say that the man I spoke to has a good job, is intrigued by UFOs, for perhaps obvious reasons, and has only ever told his wife about this event before last night.

This strange animal death may be the result of entirely explainable causes even if the farmer and local military personnel were at a loss to understand it. I have no idea at this stage whether the local vet or other government agencies were involved in subsequent investigations.

There is a problem with such reports; skeptics always site the work of sadistic cultists, satanic groups, predators and so on whilst certain Ufologists offer evidence of alien-human-animal experiments. There must be a better solution!

Hopefully, Updates subscribers may be able to contact me with similar cases. I intend to interview the man again in a few weeks time....

Tim Matthews,
Press Officer,
British UFO Studies Centre.

[email protected] [email protected]

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