Cattle Mutilations

British Farmers Asked To Help In Mutilation Research

British Farmers Asked To Help In Mutilation Research

Source: Phenomena Online


On the face of it, the advert in the current edition of Farmers Weekly (April 17-23 1998) seems straight forward. "An Appeal for Assistance to all Farmers, Veterinary Surgeons and Animal Welfare Officers. Any discovered fresh animal carcasses with specific unusual injuries sought by Manchester-based Professor of Pathology for research purposes." But Phenomena On-Line can exclusively reveal that this advert has been placed by the UFO research group Quest International who are currently researching animal mutilations across Britain.

"I have a number of cases I am following up at the moment", said David Cayton "but the problem is that it is often too late for proper investigations to be carried out on carcasses because of the time lapse from discovery until I am informed."

For years UFO investigators have suspected that many unexplained animal deaths are the result of alien experimentation and the Farmers Weekly advert details some of the tell-tale signs:

*1-3cm diameter neat holes in the centre of the skull
*amputation of limbs
*complete blood loss, and
*occasional organ removal via small, neat holes.

"There was a recent case in Wales where the police had been called in and when I spoke to them over the telephone they were a little suspicious that I was able to tell them what injuries to look for." said David "I think that this particular case had all the hallmarks of alien mutilation".

About 18 months ago in the High Peak, an area well know for UFO sightings, a number of sheep were found dead and mutilated on the South Yorkshire/Derbyshire border on the Woodhead Pass. Speaking at the time in the Glossop Chronicle community police officer Kevin Ratcliffe said that the method of killing was unclear and that the animals had been 'butchered' at the site, rather than being taken away.

David Cayton of Quest International says that he plans to make available to farmers the details of any autopsies carried out and that a report will be sent to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF). In the meantime if you have any information that you feel may be of benefit to David's research he can be contacted via Phenomena On-Line (link).

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