Cattle Mutilations

Is there a Connection?

Is there a Connection?
by Jim Keith

© FATE Magazine

While the mysterious mutilations of cattle have been mentioned in the media, particularly in small rural newspapers and many books, the possible connection of these bizarre crimes to governmental biological warfare testing has hardly been explored.

Many mutilated cattle have been found marked with fluorescent paint, probably to help identify them in the dark. But most telling is that a large percentage of mutilated cattle have also been injected with strains of Clostridium bacteria (a genus that includes bacteria that cause blackleg and malignant edema). In a 1970 investigation of bacteriological warfare, Senator Frank Church's Senate Select Committee on Intelligence determined that the CIA had stockpiled canisters of this same bacteria.

One popular rumor is that cattle are used in biological testing because of the similarity of the eye membrane with that of a certain ethnic group. Researcher Ed Sanders interviewed G. C. Errianne, a former member of an unnamed intelligence agency, who admitted that secret bacterial research is being conducted in the U.S., and that these studies were conducted "in regard to Oriental [sic] warfare." Sanders also interviewed reporter Bill Hendrix of KTVX-TV in Salt Lake City, who confided that Dugway Proving Ground in Utah had done research on a specifically "anti-Asian" biological weapon.

The answer to a substantial percentage of the cattle mutilations, many of them connected to black chopper sightings, is what the most likely evidence points to: secret testing of biological warfare viruses. This would also offer a clue to the precise "laser-precision" cuts that are sometimes observed in the mutilations; if anyone is likely to possess the kind of laser or other high technology tools necessary to create these kinds of incisions, it would be the government.

What do we really know about the helicopters? What hard evidence do we have?

We have collected a large volume of confirmed sightings of a wide range of sizes and types of helicopters seen flying in apparent violation of federal regulations. These choppers have harassed people. They have sprayed unknown chemicals and their occupants have shot at people.

Beyond this, it is largely guesswork. Because we don't know who is operating the choppers, it is hard to know their purpose. They could be a legitimate part of our national defense, or they could be getaway vehicles for high-tech crooks, or they could be engaged in activities as unfathomable as those ascribed to UFOs.

The dangerous thing about the black choppers is that their existence is being denied. Being unmarked, or having their markings illegible, makes their operators safe from identification by ground observer--clearly an intent to hide their identity.

Denial by FAA and military air controllers (who must see them, if only intermittently) on radar, is possible evidence of collusion between various government agencies and the operators of these craft--but to what end? UFO researchers have discovered many instances of such probable collusion. Is this official silence an attempt to hide that the government knows as little as we do? Is it just a case of business-as-usual military secrecy? Or could it be an attempt to hide misdeeds on the part of some strange conspiracy?

Very possibly, there is some activity taking place that the authorities know we would object to if only we knew what it was. We must know. The black choppers are a string that can be pulled to lead us to the discovery of probable crimes taking place, possibly crimes in high places. All we can do at this time is to keep asking questions about the black helicopters--and keep searching for answers until the whole truth about the black helicopters is revealed.

Jim Keith is the author of Black Helicopters Over America, published by IllumiNet Press.

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