Top Secret Military Bases

Atlantic Alien Base

Atlantic Alien Base

Source: Tony Dodd
Outline from his book 'Alien Investigator'

Here's a summary of events outlined by UK researcher Tony Dodd in his recent work, 'Alien Investigator' (Headline Books, highly recommended) as regards activity in the North Atlantic, including unreported ('suppressed' would perhaps be a more accurate term) sightings in Iceland.

Iceland, rich in folklore, has its own history of UFO incidents. Small creatures have been reported on the Snaefellsjokull glacier, where residents leave food out for the 'little grey people' who 'live under the glacier'

Winter 1992 was a very active year for sightings in North Scotland, with hundreds of witnesses reporting unidentified lightforms and strange shapes. During this period one incident was reported in the National Press, that on 20 December a UFO was tracked on radar near the Orkney Islands, and a fighter scrambled to intercept it. It was reported from Dodd's source that the plane and the UFO merged on the radar screen and radio contact was lost, a repeat of a Foxtrot 94 event.

A search and rescue plane took off and eventually identified the missing aircraft in an isolated spot in the Orkneys. The plane was in one piece, with the pilot missing, yet a controlled landing in this area was deemed impossible.

During the course of Dodd's inquiries, information was received from a Naval source to the effect that three large UFOs had been tracked coming down into the Sea off the east coast of Iceland near Langeness. This sighting was also tracked on radar and confirmed by other witnesses. Subsequently, fast-moving underwater craft with flashing coloured lights were reported, apparently tracked by a glowing object in the sky which was travelling South towards Scotland. These submarine objects caused extensive damage to the trawl nets of fishing boats; patrol boats from the National Icelandic Coast Guard were dispatched to the area.

23rd December: two gun boats from the Icelandic Navy plus a coastguard vessel showed up, ostensibly for 'observation'. The crew were not told why. They were joined by a fleet of Navy warships (including British) officially on an 'exercise' around Christmas. Newspapers reported that large underwater craft were being tracked - speculation abounded that it might be Russian.

According to Dodd's source, four more UFOs were tracked coming down into the sea in the same quadrant, and the fast-moving underwater craft were again reported. At this time an American ship was reported missing. During the NATO search, one of the British submarines unaccountably lost power and hit the sea-bed; power subsequently came back on and the sub resumed operations.

12th January: weather conditions worsen, forcing the smaller Icelandic vessels to run for cover in the Langeness Fjord, where they stayed for three weeks.

At this time Icelandic radio broadcasted reports of large UFOs over the mountains in the east, while residents reported seeing small figures around the ice of the Fjord, during the appalling weather conditions.

25th February: An American Flotilla of three destroyers within the Arctic circle warned all other vessels not to approach within three nautical miles. Outside the exclusion zone, radar picked up sixteen airborne contacts with the American fleet. These were seen as bright amber lights descending from the sky, in conditions too bad to permit helicopters. The lights hovered above the U.S. vessels then sped away, fast.

In March, an Icelandic Airlines plane en route to Reykjavik from London was tailed by two balls of white light from North Scotland, according to passengers and crew.

In April, two Icelandic fishing boats went missing. Search crews reported white tubular-shaped lights hovering over their boats. Radios went dead, resumed when the lights moved off. All the seamen involved were warned not to report what they had seen.

15th April: only two American destroyers remaining in the area; other vessels again ordered to search for the missing warship. The names of the remaining ships were blacked out, and the crew were observed wearing full battle dress. Once again, the order was given for all civilian ships, including fishing boats, to remain at a distance of three nautical miles.

A colleague of Dodd's approached the Office of Naval Intelligence to inquire about the Iceland activity. The woman intelligence officer concerned jokingly dismissed the reports of underwater craft as rubbish. However, the same officer later rang back with a much more strident, aggressive tone, demanding to know where the information had come from.

At this point Dodd's ship-to shore contact with the flotilla ended, and resumed when the contact arrived on shore. He was told that there had been a huge clampdown on calls after the information leak.

Mid-April: Russian naval vessels joined the remaining ships in the North Atlantic; these appeared with the NATO ships, covering the mouth of the Barents Sea. A message between two Russian vessels was intercepted, and reportedly said: 'We are engaging unknown underwater craft'.

Meanwhile, British newspapers reported 'Joint American and Russian Military Exercises About To Take Place'.

Dodd learned from a highly placed American source that a team of remote viewers, working for the US Defense Department, were being asked to assist in trying to find the missing warship. They determined that it was the Sea Shadow, a newly developed 'Stealth Ship' and had been towing a barge loaded with advanced surveillance equipment, for the purpose of monitoring underwater mining operations carried out by extraterrestrials. They could not conclude how the ship had disappeared. Significantly, there are known to be deposits of naturally radioactive material in this area.

After further inquiries, Dodd established direct contact with several fishermen, who have been reporting large black triangles as big as football pitches speeding underwater, surrounded by coloured lights. These are seasoned sailors, familiar with Russian and UN submarine patrols.

A source inside Icelandic Airlines has reported that, since 1993 there have been incidents where circular objects attached themselves to planes. One pilot nearly ditched into the sea trying to shake of two of them, one on each wing.

A report from a member of the Royal Norwegian Air Force was received about an incident which occurred at 7:15 am on 9 December in North Norway. A large horizontal flame appeared in the sky above Bardufoss, determined not to be caused by normal atmospheric phenomena or meteor activity. No sound was present during this event, nothing picked up on radar, and no official explanation.

Sightings in the North Atlantic continued to proliferate in clusters, usually of large black triangular objects, with several uneventful weeks in between sightings.

7:30 pm, Monday 12 February 1996: A ship-to-shore call from a fishing vessel in the Denmark Strait, off the West Coast of Iceland. The caller stated that a huge triangular craft had appeared and was hovering low in the sky close to his boat. During the call the transmission was cut off, and after resuming, the caller said that all the electronics on the boat had suddenly failed. He and his crew had seen the object move away from the boat and descend into the sea. Power resumed after the object had gone.

Six days later at 9 pm, another call came from a fishing vessel. The terrified caller reported that three large triangular black objects, accompanied by three independant balls of red light, had emerged from the sea and were hovering silently close to their boats. Asked if they were being tracked on radar, the crewman said no, but radar was irrelevant, since the whole crew was on deck watching them. They were black, with small lights visible on the outline... Again, the phone cut out, and later it was ascertained that the objects had vanished into the sea.

Next day, another fishing boat crew observed a gigantic sphere hovering in the air not far from the boat, which slowly moved away and dived into the sea. An hour later, another phone call from the same boat:

'There are now six large flourescent-tube-like objects hovering in the air close to our position. They are a blue colour and not making a sound. All these strange things are making the crew very frightened, we don't like this at all.'

Two months later, at 10:55pm one evening, he was contacted from a ship fishing 200 miles south-west of the Icelandic coast. The caller said:

'You are not going to believe what we have just seen. We were fishing fairly close to a group of American warships and suddenly there was a blinding flash of light and one of the warships just disappeared in front of our eyes. I know it sounds crazy, but I can assure you it happened a short time ago. Soon after this an American boat came over and ordered us and other fishing boats to leave the area immediately.

'Our captain was happy to go. He told us to get the boat out of the area as quickly as possible and return to our base in Iceland. We are now underway for Iceland. This incident has upset us all, but particularly the Captain. He is in his cabin with a large bottle of whisky.'

As before, the occurrence of missing ships was denied by the authorities. Dodd wondered how this sort of thing could be kept quite, when anxious families might ask awkward questions? he was assured by his well-placed contacts that silencing families poses little problem where pensions and other support systems can be undermined. Alternatively, it was considered that the US Navy could have been testing a high-tech masking device.

Reports continued to trickle in through the summer of 1996, mainly strange lights and objects not trackable on radar; airwaves picked up by one researcher from RAF and commercial planes determined that something persistently unusual was going on.

In the autumn, there was a major UFO flap over East Anglia. A red and green rotating light was seen in the sky over the sea, south-east of Skegness. Among the witnesses: a local policeman, a ship crew, a passenger aircraft in the vicinity, coastguard officials, and local residents. This object was detected on radar.

Here's a transcript of messages recorded at Yarmouth Coastguard HQ, starting at 3:14 am with a message from Skegness Police:

03:24 Skegness Police: We can see a strange red and green rotating light in the sky directly south-east from Skegness. It looks as if it is stationary and there is no aircraft sound in the area.

03.26 RAF Kinloss (Scotland): [RAF] Northwood have a radar contact bearing 221 degrees at sixteen miles. It looks to be stationary and there is no way of determining its height, but it must be quite a size if it can be seen from Skegness.

03.46 Conocoast (oil) tanker (at sea): We have these lights on visual. Now they are flashing red, green and white. Cannot identify as an aircraft as it looks stationary and it is approximately one mile high.

Yarmouth Coastguard: Did you see from which direction it appeared?

Conocoast: No, it just appeared and is stationary.

03.53 RAF Kinloss: [RAF] Neatishead say it could be caused by the weather.

Yarmouth Coastguard: I don't think so as we have visual contact.

RAF Kinloss: Well, [RAF) Neatishead and [RAF] Northwood report that there is no transponder on this object and therefore no means of interrogation. It is obvious that whatever it is does not want anyone to know that it is there. Also [RAF] Neatishead report its position directly over Boston [Lincolnshire].

04.08 Conocoast: It is still stationary and flashing red, green, blue and white. It looks very high, north of us, there is no engine noise.

04.17 Yarmouth Coastguard: Skegness, can you get video footage as the RAF are very interested and may require it later.

04.27 RAF Kinloss: [RAF] Neatishead are keeping a log of what looks like clutter on the radar.

04.45 Yarmouth Coastguard: Conocoast, can you give us an update?

Conocoast: We can see two lights flashing, green and red.

05.01 Yarmouth Coastguard: Give us the bearings of the two lights.

Conocoast: There is one stationary light at 345 degrees true and the other is at 160 degrees true. The lights are both visible with the naked eye and both exhibit the same characteristics flashing red, blue, green and white.

05.17 Boston Police: We can still see the light, it is towards south-east and seems about forty to forty-five degrees in the sky. It is just a bright light to us.

05.21 RAF Kinloss: [RAF] Neatishead are running a trace on this and cannot explain it. If they are helicopters they are fast approaching the end of their endurance as it is well over two hours since the first report let alone how long they were up there before they were actually sighted.

05.52 Conocoast: We can still see the lights and they are on the original bearings and flashing the same colours but they seem higher and dimmer.

07.08 Flight-Lieutenant McFarlane, RAF Neatishead: We had a report from [RAF] Northwood that a civil flight had also reported strange lights in the area. They ft exactly what was seen from the ground, multicoloured, flashing, stationary lights.

07.31 Flight-Lieutenant George, RAF Northwood: This echo is still on our screens and we cannot explain this at all apart from it being a meteorological phenomenon but then again we have visual sightings also. The civilian flight that reported these lights as a flare was six miles away at the time. All very strange.

11.09 RAF Neatishead: The object has still not moved, the London Radar and [RAF) Waddington can also see it.

19.20 Anglia Radar: There is nothing there now, we are of the opinion that it was Boston Stump.

Flight-Lieutenant Sweatman of RAF Neatishead later commented to the local press: `We have not been able to offer an explanation. The number of independent reports we have had suggests there is something to follow up. We will be investigating thoroughly.'

Ministry of Defence spokesman Nigel Sergeant said: `We are trying to prove that it does not represent any sort of security threat and that it was not an aggressive intrusion into our airspace. This is one of the bigger sightings recently, and has caused quite a bit of interest.'

Boston Stump is a church spire not visible out at sea where the tanker was. Church spires do not normally leap a mile into the air and flash three different colours plus white... the second explanation given was lightning from a storm at sea; but lighning is not multicoloured, and the sky was clear with visibility at twenty miles. While the official MOD statement was to the effect that it did not represent a threat to National Security, an order went out from senior military commanders NOT to scramble planes to intercept the UFO... so, if they hadn't intercepted it, just how would they determine whether or not it was a threat?

Second event that Autumn: North of the Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, 27 October 1996. Reports of an explosion, followed by burning debris falling into the sea.

Huge air/sea rescue operation launched, at a cost of approx. �200,000, yet no recovery officially reported.

Dodd's contact this time had access to information from RAF Kinloss station; there, the first reports were received at 5 pm on Sunday 27 October. An alert was issued to coast guards and other vessels in the area, of the following:

'Something seen spiralling into the sea, possibly larger than a helicopter'.

Two lifeboats were launched. An airborne RAF Nimrod had to be called off the search due to poor visibility; search resumed early next day.

At 8 am a situation report from the NIMROD was illegible, but Kinloss' reply went thus: 'Confirm...six feet long and three feet in diameter.'

Officially, in response to journalists, it was stated that nothing was seen or retrieved.

One week later: a 'routine training exercise' consisting of THIRTY-TWO surface warships, SEVEN submarines and EIGHTY aircraft. Routine? erm, yeah, sounds pretty routine to me......... :-)

All quiet for several months, then in 1997 a mass of UFO reports blitz Iceland. Civilians, aircrew, fishermen and Naval personnel all reported a cluster of lights in the sky. On Monday, 20th January, all flights attempting to land or take off from Keflavik Airport were delayed because of UFO activity in civilian air corridors.

Greenland, Dec 1997. A giant flash lit up the sky at 5 am on the 9th, reported by 3 fishing crews, and a car park security video at Nuuk, west coast of Greenland. Fisherman Bjorn Ericksonn described the flash thus:

I have never seen so strong light in the middle of the night. In the strongest part of the light there looked like a circle that was burning.'

Experts classified it as a meteorite.However, Danish Air Force planes could not locate a crater. Rapidly falling snow and ice was given as the reason why the crater was not detected. However, Dodd received a report contradicting this line; a forign politician contacted him to say it was an alien spacecraft, and that it came in for a controlled landing, which the Americans were expecting. A further landing apparently took place six days later at Jan Meyern Island, with another UFO coming down the next day, 17th Dec, at Eglinton Island, off the Canadian North Coast. At Keflavik during this period, American troop activity intensified at the USAF base.

April 1998: The Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail report a giant UFO being chased across the North Sea by both British and Dutch jet fighters. The RAF radar station at Fylingdales reportedly described the UFO as over 900 feet long, or 'as big as a battleship' This report was subsequently debunked, discredited and denied in the customary manner. No date was given for the encounter, however, several witneses in Ireland saw a large UFO on the night of 28th February. Researchers in the Netherlands researching the involvement of the Dutch Air Force have come up against a stone wall in their inquiries; previously helpful sources remained tight-lipped.

In 1997 a friend of Dodd's living in Hampstead received a registered letter. The note requested urgently that he go to an foreign embassy in order to meet a named diplomat. Following Dodd's advice, the individual went. The diplomat wanted to know why he and I had concluded that there was alien activity in the North Atlantic. Taken aback by the directness of the question, he explained that we had some evidence, but also a strong intuition about it.

After a short hesitation the diplomat confirmed that our instincts were right. He said that he had personally attended meetings with alien beings, along with other politicians from several countries, as well as military leaders. He had been present, he said, when a couple of aliens had specifically said that they wanted to meet me and my colleague. This was the only reason, he said, that he was talking to my friend. The meeting, he said, would probably take place in America. He warened that we should be ready to fly at twenty-four hours notice.

Dodd's initial reaction was that it sounded absurd, yet with the information he already possessed, he was ready to keep an open mind. At a subsequent meeting with the diplomat, my friend was told that the Americans, whom the diplomat described as 'the big boys', had vetoed the inclusion of civilians, unless with top-security clearance, in any of the meetings. The diplomat, thinking that he had been betrayed, agreed to cooperate in furnishing proof that these meetings took place.

One reason driving him was the expressed wish of the aliens to meet with them. It was more conveniant for the diplomat to meet Dodd's friend, in London, rather than him, so at one of these meetings he brought a package of photographs. One showed one of the 'greys', the grey aliens with the almond-shaped eyes (the ones responsible for human abductions), on board a warship in the North Atlantic with US military officers. Yet his friend pointed out that it was not the replica of the 'classic' alien that we are used to; the body was the same, but the facial features were different. Another photo showed a UFO on the ground at a USAF base, with aircraft in the background and a group of three or four greys in front of the craft, talking to USAF officers.

Yet another showed a different knd of alien, with a reptilian head and a powerful body, two legs and two arms. Its height was estimated at over seven feet. The ambassador said that this was an aggressive type of alien, but highly intelligent and dangerous. The word 'fearsome' was used to describe it.

At a later contact, the diplomat told of known underground bases in the remote desert areas of the USA where the reptilians live, watched carefully. One such surveillance team was attacked by them in spring 1998, and twenty soldiers were killed or wounded, therefore such surveillance is now carried out at a safe distance.

Another type of alien was discussed with dark skin and an oriental look, who are apparently the most friendly of all; they exude a feeling of calm. These wish to warn us about the activity of the predatory reptilians, who are responsible for mutilations. The greys abduct people and animals for medical research.

Photographs were promised; however, within days of this meeting, Dodd's friend got a knock on his door from a man and a woman who asked if he had received anything from the diplomat. He said no, and was told that he was being monitored, and that he should be very careful.

Agonising over what to do next, Dodd was pre-empted by the sudden recall of the diplomat, which necessitated a handover of the photographs on that day, 27th october 1997. They met in Hampstead, and then began the chase described elsewhere in the book......

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