Alien Abductions


Military Mind Control and Alien Abductions
by Helmut Lammer
PhD copyright 1999

Nexus Magazine
New Times
Vol 6, No. 4

Alien abductions are a very strange and complex phenomenon. For skeptics, most journalists and the public, it is hard to believe that abductions by non-human beings have their basis in physical reality. Reports of alien beings entering bedrooms through walls and levitating abductees through closed windows into a waiting UFO are hard for the open-minded researcher to believe, too.

Recently some alien abductees have said that they were kidnapped by covert military/intelligence personnel and taken to hospitals and/or military aboveground/under- ground research facilities where they were examined, interrogated and sometimes implanted with tiny devices. Such experiences are called "MILABS"--military abductions of alleged alien abductees. Not many of the popular books on the subject of alien abductions mention these experiences. Especially disconcerting is the fact that the abductees recalled seeing military/ intelligence personnel together with alien beings, working side by side in these secret research facilities. The presence of human military and/or civilian personnel inhabiting the same physical reality as the alien beings exceeds the mindsets of the skeptics and the open-minded researchers by several orders of magnitude. For our new book, MILABS (co-authored with my wife Marion Lammer) we reviewed hypnosis transcripts of MILABS abductees and compared their recovered memories with the experiences of survivors of now known, declassified, government- sponsored mind-control or behaviour-control experiments. We found a strong indication that covert "human" military personnel are involved in the alien abduction phenomenon. In coming to such a conclusion, we researched the following points in our book

1. Documented history of secret mind-control and behavior- control experiments;

2. A possible purpose of MILABS;

3. Activity of dark, unmarked helicopters in connection with alien abductions;

4. Alleged kidnappings of alien abductees by covert military/intelligence personnel;

5. Genetic aspects of MILABS;

6. Otherworldly journeys and military underground facilities;

7. Creating an imaginary alien abductee

8. Towards a controlled society: terrestrial implants and their application to MILABS and future warfare; 9. Military interrogation sessions with alleged alien abductees.

In this article I will address the implant situation, since some MILAB abductees report that their military kidnappers showed an interest in tiny foreign devices which were implanted in their bodies. In some MILABS cases, a military doctor is said to have searched for implants and sometimes implanted the abductee with a military device. Therefore, it is important to offer an overview of terrestrial implant research and technology, and their applications for covert operations like MILABS. Implanted electrodes were being used on unwitting persons as early as 50 years ago. Swedish researchers have evidence in X-rays of operations that took place at Karoninska Hospital in 1946 and Sachska Children's Hospital in 1948, both facilities located in Stockholm 1. The mother of one such victim claimed that she'd heard her son Bengt's screams from the lab room during an unscheduled visit. As she rushed in, she saw a surgical team and nurses who ushered her out, although she witnessed how they were driving a large number of electrodes through the base of her son's skull. Bengt has suffered for over 48 years from these medical experiments and has spent several years of his life in a psychiatric unit.

During the late 1950's and early 1960's, neuroscientist Dr. Jose Delgado invented and experimented with the Stimoceiver, an electrode capable of receiving and transmitting electronic signals via FM radio waves. Such a device, implanted in the brain via the sinus cavities, will act as a powerful stimulant when activated by FM radio waves. One can speculate tht the Stimoceiver has since been modified to receive stimulation from microwave pulses and is capable of wielding a great degree of control over the implanted victim's response mechanisms.2

Implant technology was developed after World War II. During the Cold War, both superpowers, the USA and the Soviet Union, researched intracerebral mind control, electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB), biological radio communications and bio-telemetry for mind and behavior control. By means of a two-way radio communication technology, or telemetry, an electromagnetic wave broadcasts to a receiver/transmitter located under th skull or in the brain. This signal then records the brain activity and relays it to a computer for analysis, by which all aspects of the subject's life can be monitored.

Gruppen, a Swedish organisation opposing illegal human mind-control experiments, and similar organisations have collected large amounts of evidence showing that various military/intelligence agencies are engaged in secret implantation projects. 1,3,4,5 These organisation are in contact with many victims, all over the world, who believe they have been implanted and who experience strange mental anomalies but have nothing to do with the UFO/alien abduction community.

One of the best-documented cases of the implantation of unknown electronic devices is the cases of the implanted of unknown electronic devices is the case of Mr. Robert Naeslund. The first doctor to support Naeslund's struggle to show how he's been used was Prof. Peter Lindstom, at the University of California, San Diego, who wrote in a letter to Naeslund: "In response to your most recent letter regarding the Roentgen films, I can only confirm that some foreign objects, most likely brain transmitters, have been implanted at the base of your frontal brain and in the skull... I fully agree with Lincoln Lawrence who, in his book, Were We Controlled?, wrote: "There are two particularly dreadful procedures which have been developed. Those working and playing with them secretly call them RHIC (Radio-Hypnotic Intercerebral Control) and EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory)." Robert Naeslund describes is story in a report which is available from Gruppen: "It was on my first occasion with the police, 10 March 1972, that I was put to sleep without my consent, and when I awoke a few hours later it was to a whole new life circumstance. The first thing I was aware of was a deeply disturbing radio signal in my head. As one can see from X-ray pictures, this transmitter had been inserted through my left nostril. Dr. Lindstrom's reference in his second letter to the process as 'Electronic Dissolution of Memory' is a fitting description of what was an obvious change of my memory functions because of the intensive radiation."

What is clear is that the exploitation of human beings in secret mind-control experiments has given rise to a new mentality amongst those involved.

The following story shows that the same sort of abuse, with unwitting people baeing implanted with radiotransmitters, goes on in New Zealand as in the USA, England, Scandinavia and many other countries of the industrialised world.

Mrs. Janine Jones had just graduated as a sociologist from Massey University in Palmerston North, New Zealand and had a bright future ahead of her. This was until everything changed, as she explained in a letter to the Prime Minister, James Bolger, in 1996:

"I am writing to you for help. I ask that your inter- vention in this matter be an imperative. For the past seventeen months now, I have been targeted by some form of technology which has done considerable damage to me.. Evidence gathered from research has shown that military agencies, in particular the intelligence service, has the capacity to use and does access this mind-bending technology which can maim and ultimately destroy people."

Mrs. Jones has very good evidence to back her case, since Dr. Richard Thompson from England has analysed her X-ray and issued a radiological report, dated 10 June 1997, as follows:

"Lateral projection shows a foreign object implanted in the frontal lobe directly adjacent to the nasal passages. This object is most probably a radio-transmitter.

"Interference in blood-circulation is spreading over large areas of the brain, concentrated in the frontal lobe and in particular around the implanted foreign object...It is highly likely that this blood-flow impairment is the result of the radio-signal emanating from the transmitter. This, in turn, causes a depletion in oxygen levels and a reduced nutrient suppply to these areas of the brain, where changes in neurological activity are inevitable."

British implant victim Mr. Nico N'Tumba described similar effects to other victims who claim that they were implanted by people unknown.1 "Concerning the brain implant in my head, it has been performing without my knowledge or consent....What's very outrageous is that I am sharing all my vision, thought images, hearing...with people around me, as the security services are engaging in a large-scale propaganda drive to smear my character, background, behaviour, emotions and motives... I have no privacy at all... I am not a spy, I am not a criminal, I am not a terrorist. Being an innocent victim of MI5... my persecution started in June 1988..."

Mr. N'Tumba has X-rays in his possession that were reviewed by medical experts in Stockholm, Sweden. The doctors confirmed that a tiny transmitter has been implanted in his left nostril. Furthermore, one can see that electrodes placed in the occipital lobe are blocking the blood flow, causing oxygen depletion. This is seen as well in his frontal brain, just above the implanted transmitter. Moreover, Mr. N'Tumba has obviously been anaesthetised without his knowledge, or this implantation could not have been performed.1,8

Interestingly, UFO abductees have been reporting since the 1960s that alien beings were implanting them by placing small objects up their nose through the nasal passage and sinus cavity. An important fact is that thansnasal implantation is in common use in neurosurgery. 9,10,11,12

A secret agency, interested in tracking and monitoring physiological information about an alien abduction experience, would also use biomedical telemetry.

Biological telemetry is defined as a special area of biomedical instrumentation that permits transmission of physiological information from an often inaccessible location to a remote monitoring site.13 The transmitting unit can be implanted within the subject's body. Animals have been monitored with bio-telemetry for about 30 years. By using telemetric systems as a method of monitoring alien abductees, the military could obtain physiological data such as information on respiration, muscle tension and the presence of adrenaline in the bloodstream.

Recently, the Austrian TV broadcaster ORF2 reported in its weekly scientific magazine program, Modern Times, that medical researchers sponsored by the German Government have developed a brain-implant for monitoring people for heart-attack prevention or other medical purposes.14 The bio-telemetric brain implant is the size of a rice grain (0.8 x 2 mm). It was reported that this 21-million-dollar "civilian" research project was gven a top priority by the German Science Ministry. The whole report was propaganda for the "medical" use of brain implants. Quoted were medical doctors who envisioned that in the near future "everybody" would be implanted with such a device. They claimed that 300,000 people per year suffering from heart attacks in Germany alone could be protected with this bio-telemetric monitoring technique. Sadly, nobody reported the negative aspects of this technology.

If the visions of some doctors and governments come true, that everybody will be implanted and monitored with such devices, then George Orwell's 1984 will look old-fashioned. Cognitive manifestations and activity, such as thoughts and visual impressions or emotions, and behavioral and psychological reactions would continually be registered, making it possible for secret military/intelligence agencies, medical scientists and the government to observe an implanted individual in a deeper and more comprehensive way than could the person himself. Through anlysis and manipulation via computer, it is even possible for changes in an individuals physical and mental status to be effected. The potential of intracerebral remote control is limited only by the imagination of the research.

MILAB abductees like Debbie Jordan and Leah Haley have reported that doctors removed implants from the ear. During an hypnosis session, Leah Haley reported the following scenario:15

"There's some kind of black machine over my head. I think they are giving X-rays with it... They are people! I keep expecting to see the alien creatures, but they are people. Humans. That man is wearing a white lab- coat... There's a a sheet over me.. It looks like a hospital room.. I am on a hospital bed, like an operating table. There is another operating table to my left and a bluish-green curtain, but it's open. There's medical equipment in here.. I see only men, but I can't see them clearly because I've been sedated or something. I don't know where I am. I don't know how I got here. I don't know who these people are. They are standing against the wall.. Three. One of them is wearing a white lab-coat. I can't see his pants; I am lying down.. My right ear is hurting badly... A man in a khaki uniform asks the guy in the lab coat, 'Did you get it okay?' The man in the lab coat says, 'No problem.' Then the man in the lab coat says, 'Yeah, I've got it right here.'

One can see from this hypnosis-recovered memory of a MILABS experience that the doctor in the white lab-coat probably removed an implant from Leah Haley's right ear after she was X-rayed.

We speculate and present more information that covert military units implant people who experience alleged alien abductions, and monitor them during an abduction experience via bio-telemetric implants, tracking devices, etc. On the other hand, there is also evidence that some abductees are being used for secret implant tests.

There are CIA documents, released under the US Freedom of Information Act, which document that the American spy agency researched implants during its MKULTRA mind control projects. Interestingly, there exists a research proposal where the CIA proposed secret field studies on humans in the 1060s. This is the time where the first alien abduction cases, like that of Betty and Barney Hill, came into the open. One could suggest that here might be a connection between covert implant/mind-control field studies and alleged alien abductions.

We show in our book MILABS, that there is also a great military interest in implants today. A recent paper published for the Air Force, looking ahead to its technological needs in the year 2025, has the title, "Information Operations: A New War-Fighting Capability."16

In this paper the authors also write about a brain- implanted cyber situation.17 They propose implanted microscopic brain chips to perform two functions. Firstly, the bio-chip connects the implanted individual to a constellation of integrated or smart satellites. (IICs, or Information Integration Centers) in low Earth orbit, creating an interface between the implanted person and the information resources. The implant relays the processed information from the IIC to the user. Secondly the bio-chip creates a computer-generated mental visualisation based upon the user's request. The visualisation encompases the individual and allows the user to place himself into a place himself into a selected "battlespace".

In addition, a wide range of lethal or non-lethal weapons would be linked to the IIC, allowing specially authorised implanted users (super-cyber-soldiers) to employ these weapons directly. This means that a soldier would be capable of viewing the normal world plus an overlay of information identifying and describing specific objects in his field of view. He would now be able to evaluate the threat those targets represented, and order a variety of weapon systems to engage and destroy the targets from a distance. The military study concludes that cyber-soldiers should converse with computers. The authors write in their paper that the missing peace is a better way to format and transmit information from the digital computer processor in the computer chip to the analogue human processor in the brain. A solution to this problem would be the development of a nerve-chip: an electronic interface for individual nerve cells to communicate with a computer. This human-machine linkage would enhance the capability in many ways. Artificial eyes would convert video to nerve signals. By using the same technique, it would be possible to superimpose computer-generated information in front of one's field of view. This technology couldbe used to enable individuals to achieve an ultimate virtual reality trip.17

The California Institute of Technology has developed an energy-efficient computer chip which emulates the analogue thinking of the human brain. It is specifically modelled on the construction of the cerebral cortex. In the future, this chip could provide the baseline for a brain implant hooked to all sensory segments of the brain, not just the eye.

It is also interesting that the brain implants to be used for the propagated cyber-situation should disintegrate if the implanted soldier were captured or killed by the enemy. The chip would need to disintegrate so it could not be extracted by the enemy for reverse- engineering.17 Further, when faced with events of espionage and defections of friendly users to the enemy side, the IIC satellites would have the capability to deactivate and disintegrate the offender's implanted chips.17 Interestingly, implants that disintegrated after removal have sometimes been reported by persons who claim to have been abducted by aliens.

One can see from such military studies that secret research into the human brain/machine interface and virtual reality implants is already underway. Some of the references in the "2025" paper refer to military research institutes where the materials are classified and not available to the public.

The authors write that the implantation of devices in human beings raises ethical and public relation issues today. Everybody who is in the possession of the IIC brain technology would be a "Big Brother" who could watch over the whole globe. We should ask who the guinea pigs are in these futuristic research pro- jects.

Interestingly, the paper's authors suggest that concerns about implanting thing in the human organism may be founded on today's thinking; in 2025, the notion may not be as alarming. It seems that we are moving to a "monitored" and "implanted" society.

This short excursion into the "white" and "black" world of terrestrial implant research shows that the technology for monitoring or manipulating alleged alien abductees has been here for a long time. So claims by MILAB abductees and mind-control victims, that covert military doctors implanted them with tiny bio-chips, may not be fantasies.

POSTSCRIPT: MILABS Research Information Following the publication of my third MILABS article in the MUFON UFO Journal (no, 372, April 1999) several of my more vocal critics have tried to make life "difficult" with my employers.

So, I would like to inform all readers that my research into UFO phenoma, abductions and MILABS is not connected with my work as a space scientist and does not represent the opinion of my department, my director, etc., nor is it supported by them. This research is entirely private and comprises only my own hypothesis which is supported via investigative journalism.

I also do not claim that the whole US military and related intelligence agencies are involved in alien abductions, UFO research, kidnappings of abductees, examinations, etc. And I am not anti-American!

However, it is my democratic opinion that there are indications that covert human forces may be involved in the abduction phenomenon.

It is known fact that parts of the US military/ intelligence agencies did experiment on unwitting people during the Cold War, although this practice was illegal (see New Scientist, no. 1961, 1995; no 2030, 1996; no. 2058, 1996).

Helmut Lammer, PhD

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