Alien Abductions

How Humans Can Survive
by Lawrie Williams

There are UFO's and UFO's, aliens and aliens, abductions and abductions. All display wide variety with a consistent thread - similar technology. Even amongst our one species from this one world humans can differ enormously in race, activity and attitude.

If humans at our current level went out to the stars imagine how much worse they would behave. At their typical worst they would do just what they have done on this world - and still do!

* Adventurers would do almost anything to get their hands on treasure.

* Hunters would shoot anything that moved to get that "trophy".

* Missionaries would trash sacred places because it is "not christian".

* Special agents would undermine friendly nations to get power over them.

Despite the thousands of encounters that have taken place in this century, deaths and serious injury have not figured prominently, nor has theft or vandalism. It seems as if by and large our Visitors from All Over are remarkably polite, restrained and gentle. There have been far more cases of humans attacking them than vice versa.

When people are abducted they are usually returned promptly to more or less where they came from, although Nick Pope mentions that an increasing number of incidents are ocurring where people are returned the wrong way around in bed, or in the wrong clothes. He wonders how long before some abductees get returned to the wrong beds. That will set the cat among the pigeons!

If humans were being returned with limbs missing - as did reportedly take place now and then some centuries ago, or just get dumped out the hatch, then we might suspect some hostility. It seems as if the biggest risk at present is that of a UFO being attacked while there are abductees aboard. Indeed this has allegedly happened.

Some people who are abducted evidently get very well cared for indeed. A number of abductees have offered testimony to the effect that after the event systems have been left in place to protect and educate them. Does this in aliens seem hostile?

Why would they want the Earth anyway? So long as they can collect whatever it is they are collecting (bio-samples, water, entertaining information, useful artefacts) they are hardly likely to change the way things are. The biggest risk we face is that some humans will seek to stop them coming here. Then we may be in great danger. So perhaps this new multi-billion dollar pentagon-funded laser system will spell doom for our species.

It seems almost routine for the Others to seek to consult with the people they abduct. If it is the use of the client's body, they usually ask. However there are cases where the abductee is tricked and when they recover they have detailed memories of extremely painful incidents that themselves vary widely - physical torture, painful medical procedures and, in a recent case right here, a night spent on a featureless black plain with an orange sky. This involved a sustained attack by critters that bit and tore at the abductees body - and he had voluntarily walked miles at their call, expecting something rather different. On the following day he appeared anaemic and was certainly shocked at what had happened, but he recovered quickly.

So I have to accept that some people are indeed being subjected to a very real living nightmare. But because of skeptical ridicule and institutional conservatism, next to nothing is being done to properly investigate this mystery. Where are those institutions that are supposed to protect and care for our citizens?

Trying to develop a useful model that accounts for the phenomena being attested to is challenging. No human seems to have managed so far.

Perhaps we are being fed the grapes of wrath. The friendly little guys of the fifties and sixties were shot out of the sky and the scene is now dominated by a more curt and pushy agency. Maybe our little oasis is of necessity being pacified by impassive but efficient mercenaries, here to do a job according to strict protocols. If so, it is likely to continue until 40-60% of the population have been tagged.

But demons who inflict pain on some people are very much part of the history and folklore of a number of cultures. Perhaps this happens every time a UFO or those aboard are attacked by humans for whatever reason. There is nothing bizarre about punishing innocent people, our culture does it to harmless drug users all the time. (Perhaps because the banned substances open telepathic gateways to the visitors!)

So lets take heart. We should not panic, but we must not ignore the danger we are in either. We do have much in our favour, such as the numbers and our relative isolation in this galaxy. We are established and well adapted to this planet too.

Now you can believe or leave this, but the war god Ares told an abductee during the mid 'eightes that there is advantage in having control of the lower ground. That is not advice to be taken lightly.

Ares also appeared to be advocating by example that humans progress towards a forest-based society. Humans will then be very difficult to conquer because there will be nothing to conquer - no control infrastructure, no centralized hoards of wealth, no resources too far beyond minimal needs, too few population concentrations.

Humans evolved in the forests and the forest fringes. Forests make us hard to find and harder to catch. Forests produce food, fuel, shelter and clothing. They modify the extremes of climate and weather. Forests give us weapons that are not affected by advanced technologies. This will seem to many to be a crazy proposal. It is not!

By contrast, pushing towards world unity is foolish. While we still have regionally based administrations we remain impossible to subvert and control from above. The covert push by the Americans to unite the world (under their own benign ethical values of course) is perhaps our greatest danger! we have only to consider the wars and the waste and the cruelty that has already taken place under this unhealthy regime.

We have become more vulnerable. Our population density is a health risk. Humans living under the modern economic and industrial systems are out in the open, surrounded by poisons and a constant danger to one another.

Not that all that has been done is so foolish in retrospect. It took less than ten years after Roswell to turn the planet into a potential wasteland. Any other species that tried to openly take over would have inherited a totally poisoned and radioactive planet. "Scorched Earth" was evidently decided upon as the best defence in the case of an overwhelming attack from space.

But that was then, they had to make a quick decision. This is now. We really need to adopt new strategies now. In a consensual manner.

If we are being farmed then for now we must needs grin and bear it. So long as we remain useful we have a chance. If we make it impossible to visit for whatever purpose then we might just get wiped away and replaced with a more amenable population of humanoids.

Abductees are our best avenue for a two-way flow of information. This has to be seriously addressed. Contact is happening, but humans are making a mess of compiling and assimilating the data being gained.

It might well be that there are "no fraternization with the natives" rules for as long as the war our people have started continues. But the natives and some of the visitors are still getting together now and then. We should put our divided past behind us and focus now on the need to collect and collate every fragment of information we can get - in the interest of human survival.

I am saying I do not think there is a major risk, but that we should conduct ourselves as if there is.

So in summary, here is my security assessment:

1. Find out all we can. The authorities who know anything should share the data. Abductees need to seek out and share the information they can get. UFOlogists and other concerned people can help compile that data and help to make sense of it.

2. Contactees need a better deal. They should not be hounded, taunted and branded. They are the front line, they are the people who are getting the data, bewildering and addled as it might be. At least they are functioning instruments. Their better ideas and intuitions should be tried out.

3. The attacks on UFO's must stop. Whatever the perceived possible gains in technology, this is not the way to assimilate the theoretical information needed to make sense of "captured" equipment. Let us remain exploited and exploitable for the sake of survival and so that we can learn more.

4. Seek regional Alliances. The Others are competitive and have often fought one another. We can most likely align ourselves with one group or another but we must be ever ready to share knowledge. This is a course of action fraught with hazards, so again, we must learn all we can as fast as we can.

5. Limit population growth severely. We are becoming increasingly vulnerable as we destroy the global ecology. People who are well fed, well educated and well housed can cope better with whatever pressures the future holds for us. It is not too late, but it soon will be.

6. Change our social, economic and industrial systems. This means devolving the systems we have and developing alternatives that will give humans a lower profile but a more productive and meaningful way of life - and a more effective means of defence!

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