Alien Abductions

How To Tell If You've Been Raped By A Space Alien
Naomi Wolfberg

"Many women who have been sexually assaulted by space aliens have profound, inexplicable feelings of helplessness, guilt and fear," says feminist UFO author and psychologist Naomi Wulfberg, who leads a support group for victims of alien sexual abuse.

Dr. Wulfberg says it's important for women who believe they may have been violated by aliens to seek professional help.

"The first step towards recovery is to recognize that there is a problem," said the New York City-based expert. "A qualified hypnotherapist can help restore your memories of the attack, so you can deal with the trauma on a conscious level."

Another important element in the healing process is to fight back, added the psychologist. "Taking a self-defense class to protect yourself from further alien attacks can help overcome your sense of helplessness," she said. "It can give you a real sense of empowerment."

Dr. Wulfberg listed eight common signs of alien sex abuse, explaining that if you experience five or more symptoms, the chances are that you are a victim. Here they are:

1. MEMORY GAP -- If an hour or more of your life is a total blank -- you can't remember anything about the period and you can't account for where you were -- you may have been abducted by aliens during the missing time. Your memories of the encounter have been blotted out.

2. UNEXPLAINED BRUISES -- Strange bruises may have been caused when aliens stripped you of your clothing or used restraining devices to pin you in position.

3. LOSS OF SEXUAL DESIRE -- A brutal attack by an inhuman being can turn you off to lovemaking forever. The thought of sex may even fill you with feelings of disgust.

4. FEELINGS OF HELPLESSNESS -- During alien sex assaults, victims are typically rendered unable to fight back, through drugs or high-tech rays. They feel helpless during the attack and this feeling of helplessness can linger for years afterward.

5. FEAR OF FLYING -- Usually these humiliating rapes -- which often include four or more attackers -- take place aboard alien spacecraft orbiting Earth. The victim is often left with a dread of going airborne, even in a conventional aircraft.

6. SNAKE PHOBIA -- Many abductees whose memories have been recovered have described their alien attackers as reptilian. An unusually strong terror of snakes is a natural result.

7. GUILT -- Some victims become sexually aroused during space rapes -- for which they feel deep shame. Afterward, they carry a vague sense of shame with them, unaware of the cause.

8. UNEXPLAINED PREGNANCY -- If you have become pregnant while using usually effective birth control methods such as the pill or condoms, it is possible that the "unplanned" birth is actually the result of alien impregnation -- and your baby is a human/extraterrestrial hybrid.

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