Alien Abductions

Abduction Millenium Project

A Survey For Abductees

The Abduction Millenium Project: A Survey For Abductees

The survey you have been asked to complete is part of a research project that I am conducting for the completion of my Ph.D. at Duke University. The subject of the dissertation is the UFO abduction movement -- a term I use in order to avoid using the word "cult," which I dislike in this context. The names of my dissertation project advisors can be furnished upon request. Please note my address below.

This survey is specifically for those individuals who know that they are, or feel that they may be, "abductees." I use "abductee" only for convenience since it is a widely recognized term. In using it, I do not mean to imply anything necessarily negative about the experience or those who have it. Whether the experience is a positive or negative one is for you, the experiencers, to tell me--not for me to tell you.

As the wide variety of questions indicates, I am searching for several kinds of information. On the one hand, I would like to be able to compare abductees with the general U.S. population. To that end, I ask a number of sociological questions. On the other hand, I want to know more about the kinds and frequencies of experiences that abductees report, and their attitudes about certain things. To that end, I ask a rather long series of questions formulated on the basis of typical abduction scenarios. Gathering this much information makes the survey rather long, and I very deeply appreciate your willingness to assist me by filling it out and returning it.

Participation in this survey is totally voluntary. Furthermore, you may refuse to answer any of the question(s). This is particularly the case with regard to my request for your name and phone number. I ask for these so that I can contact you if something in your answers is unclear or I would like to know more, but under no circumstances do you need to provide me with that kind of identifying information if you don't feel comfortable doing so. Needless to say, the information that you do provide will be held in the strictest of confidentiality.

Finally, having answered surveys before, I know how frustrating it can be to answer multiple-choice items. Sometimes it seems that the listed options don't quite express all that I would like to say about a subject. Also, while such lists of answers are necessary to collect and process the quantity of data I hope to get in this project, I recognize that this kind of data collection can only "get at" one kind of information. Therefore, I would like to encourage you to attach lengthier responses to any of the questions that you feel need elaboration. You may send lengthier replies to me at a later date -- separately from the survey itself.

Brenda Denzler
Graduate Program in Religion
Duke University
Campus Box 90964
Durham, NC 27706
[email protected]




General Demographic Info

1. I am:
2. I am:
3. I am:
4. I have completed education to the point of:
5. My income bracket is:

General Attitudes and Observations :

For the following statements, indicate whether you Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), are Unsure (U), Agree (A) or Strongly Agree (SA).

6. These days a person doesn't really know whom they can count on.

7. There is little that people can do to change the course of their lives.

8. Most people don't really care what happens to the next person.

9. We each make our own fate.

10. I believe that the people in Washington, D.C. are out of touch with the rest of the country.

11. I feel that my life has a special purpose.

12. I have always been "different" somehow from most of the people around me.

13. I spend my free time engaging in hobbies or sports.

14. I spend my free time watching TV.

15. I spend my free time reading.

16. I enjoy science fiction books and movies.

17. I enjoy religious and spirituallyoriented books and movies.

18. I enjoy science books and shows.

19. I learn more about UFOs and abductions by reading.

20. I learn more about UFOs and abductions by watching TV shows and movies.

21. I learn more about UFOs and abductions by attending local meetings on the subject.

22. I learn more about UFOs and abductions by attending conferences on the subject.

23. I learn more about UFOs and abductions through my personal experiences.

24. I learn more about UFOs and abductions through talking with or writing to others on a onetoone basis.

25. Human nature is basically evil.

26. This world is basically evil.

27. I am very concerned about the threat to personal privacy in American today.

28. I believe that the government is hiding the truth about the alien presence.

29. The government is slowly leaking the truth about UFOs to the American people.

For the following statements, indicate if you have Very little (VL), Only some (OS), or A great deal (GD) of confidence.

30. When it comes to radio and TV, I have confidence in them.

31. When it comes to the military, I have confidence in it.

32. When it comes to the executive branch of the federal government, I have confidence in it.

33. When it comes to the print media, I have confidence in it.

34. When it comes to the scientific community, I have confidence in it.

35. When it comes to organized religion, I have confidence in it.

36. When it comes to Congress, I have confidence in it.

37. When it comes to UFO organizations, I have confidence in them.

38. In general, I find my life to be:

39a. I have:

39b. If you answered "Developed an interest in UFOs" in the question above, when did this interest begin (year) and why did it develop? In the last two years, have you been (select all that apply):

40a.Sick enough to go to a doctor?

40b.In counseling for emotional or mental problems unrelated to abductions?

40c.In counseling for emotional or mental problems related to abductions?

40d.Suffering from any kind of substance abuse problem (example: alcohol, marijuana....)?

40e.So disabled that you cannot work or carry out normal daily activities?

40f.Having serious trouble with your spouse or life partner?

40e.Having serious trouble at work?

41. My health right now is:

42. Taken all together, things for me these days are:


For the following statements, indicate whether you Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), are Unsure (U), Agree (A) or Strongly Agree (SA).

43. Science and technology are the ways in which we can change this world.

44. Science gives us an adequate model of reality the "way things are."

45. Overall, modern science does more harm than good.

46. We believe too often in science, and not enough in feelings and faith.

47. Science holds the keys to understanding more about alien abductions.

48. Any change humans make in nature no matter how scientific is likely to make things worse.

49. Modern science will solve our environmental problems.

50. Science will solve our social problems like crime and mental illness.

51. For modern science to continue to make contributions to human knowledge, it is going to have to undergo a paradigm shift.

52. One trouble with science is that it makes our way of life change too fast.

53. Scientists always seem to be prying into things that they really ought to stay out of.

54. One of the bad effects of science is that it breaks down people's ideas of right and wrong.

55. Most UFO researchers use a physicalworld, scientific approach to the study of UFOs.

56. The UFO phenomenon requires science to come to terms with the reality of a nonphysical world.


57. What is your religious preference?

58. How often do you participate in your religious community's activities?

59. Using the school grading system of A, B, C, D, and F for Fail, how do you rate your church or religious group in meeting your spiritual needs?

60. Would you describe yourself as:

61. Which best describes your belief in God?

62. If your belief in God has changed, when did that happen and what led up to it?

63. I feel angry at God:

For the following statements, indicate whether you Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), are Unsure (U), Agree (A) or Strongly Agree (SA).

64. Religion and church is very important in my life.

65. I feel at home in any church.

66. Religion and science are incompatible knowledge systems.

67. I feel extremely close to God most of the time.

68. The Bible is humanity's only authoritative guide to living a good life.

69. I pray or meditate regularly.

70. The essential core of all religions is the same.

71. God is within you.

72. There is a literal heaven and hell.

73. When the alien presence is finally acknowledged, religious institutions will suffer a crisis.

74. Religion holds the key to understanding more about alien abductions.

75. I have often had doubts about my faith due to a conflict between faith and science.

How often have the following events strengthened your faith? Answer Never (N), Sometimes (S), or Often (O)

76. Death of someone close to you

77. Birth of a child

78. Seeing a UFO

79. Falling in love

80. Having intense sexual pleasure

81. Being abducted


82. I first became aware of my abduction experiences:

83a. Year that this occurred:

83b. Age that this occurred:

84. Most of my abduction memories are in the form of:

85. I have been hypnotized to try to retrieve: Approximately what percent of your experiences begin from:

86a At night, in bed.

86b At home, while alone or isolated.

86c At home, while with others.

86d While traveling or on the road.

86e A public place, but while isolated or alone.

86f A public place, in a crowd or with others.

The entities I see during my abductions are: (Answer O for "often", S for "seldom" and N for "never".

87. Grays

88. Reptilians

89. Insectoids

90. Nordics

91. Energy beings

92. Humanlooking military types

93. Other

94. I have or have had the following unexplained marks on my body:

94.a scoop mark or depressed area

94b. scars

94c. rashes

94d. burns

94e. bruises

95a. Have any of the above been in particular patterns that would identify them as different from ordinary marks?

95b. If yes, please describe:

For the following question, indicate whether you Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), are Unsure (U), Agree (A), or Strongly Agree (SA):

I have had good support for my abduction experiences among:

96. My immediate family

97. My extended family

98. My neighborhood

99. My social network

100. My work environment

101. My school environment

102. My religious group

103. Health care providers

104. The UFO community

105. The metaphysical community

106. I've never told anyone before.

For the following questions, indicate whether they are or have been true for you Never (N), Seldom (Sel), Several times (Sev), or Often (O).

107. I struggle with feelings of depression.

108. I have walked in my sleep during my adult life.

109. I have had hybrid babies and children presented to me during my abduction experiences.

110. I have been told that some of the hybrid babies or children were mine.

111. I have seen unusual lights in my room, and didn't know where they came from or what they were.

112. I have felt that I was flying through the air, though I didn't know how or why.

113. I have lost periods of time, or seem to have been missing, for reasons that were not apparent at the time.

114. I have seen terrifying figures that I couldn't explain.

115. I have awakened feeling paralyzed with a sense of a strange person or presence or something else in the room.

116. I have found scars on my body but didn't know (at the time) how I got them.

117. I have seen UFOs in connection with my abduction experiences.

118. I have had outofbody experiences.

119. I have seen a UFO.

120. I have thought that I was somewhere I had been before, but knew that it was impossible.

121. I have felt as though I was in touch with someone when they were far away from me.

122. I have seen events that happened at a great distance as they were happening.

123. I have seen events happen before they actually occurred in real life.

124. I have felt as though I was really in touch with someone who had died.

125. I have felt as though I was very close to a powerful, spiritual force that seemed to lift me out of myself.

For the following statements, indicate whether you Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), are Unsure (U), Agree (A), or Strongly Agree (SA).

126. I feel attracted to the entities that abduct me.

127. I feel that in some way I am part alien.

128. It is important for abductees to make their experiences more commonly known.

129. I felt abandoned to my fate when I was abducted as a child.

130. As a child, I had an "invisible friend" or playmate.

131. I have had a neardeath experience.

132. I feel that the "ordinary things of life" no longer have as much meaning for me as they once did.

133. I feel that in some sense I've given permission for my abductions to occur.

134. I have felt sometimes that I must be going insane.

135. I believe that the aliens are "good" forces.

136. I feel that the entities abducting me have molded my consciousness simply by their actions and attitudes.

137. I have been warned away from my interest in UFOs and/or abductions by odd people who seemed to know about me and my experiences.

138. I have confidence in the things the aliens tell me.

139. I have undergone medicaltype examinations during my abductions.

140. Since my experiences began, I have received messages from the aliens apart from further abduction experiences.

141. During my abductions, I have been given warnings of catastrophic events in earth's future.

142. I've been taught things during my abductions.

143. I have received an implant during my abductions.

144. My abduction experiences were mostly nonthreatening at the time.

145. In retrospect, my abduction experiences have been mostly nonthreatening.

146. I believe that the family I was born into has also been involved in abductions.

147. I believe that my spouse and/or children (or grandchildren, if any) have also been involved in abductions. 148. Abduction experiences are an ongoing part of my present life.

Abduction Sequelae

149a. My physical health since becoming aware of my abduction experiences has:

149b If worsened or improved, please briefly describe how:

150a. My psychological health since becoming aware of my abduction experiences has:

150b. If worsened or improved, please briefly describe how:

For the following statements, indicate whether you Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), are Unsure (U), Agree (A), or Strongly Agree (SA).

Since my abduction(s), I have:

151. ...become more psychic than I was before

152. ...had trouble with watches and electrical devices

153. ...been able to learn new things more easily.

154. ...had a higher level of energy

155. ...become more allergic to things that never bothered me before

156. ...become more sensitive to humidity

157. ...become more sensitive to bright lights

158. ...become more sensitive to flourescent lights

159. ...had my metabolic rate decrease

160. ...had my blood pressure decrease

161. ...become more sensitive to sounds

162. ...been able to sleep less

163. ...become more sensitive to pharmaceutical drugs

164. ...experienced more (or more severe) headaches

165. ...become more susceptible to illness.

166. ...become more moody

167. ...become more easily depressed

168. ...become subject to anxiety or panic attacks

169. ...been able to tolerate alcoholic drinks less well

170. ...had more and/or a richer sex life

171. ...become more aware of nonphysical entities

172. ...found it more difficult to think in strictly linear ways

173. ...become more actively aware of other dimensions or realities

174. ...had a more active and interesting dream life

175. ...become more aware of energy currents in my body

176. ...been permanently changed

177. ...become a better person

178. ...changed my ideas about religion

179. ...changed the way I practice religion.

180. ...begun to feel more safe and in control

Since becoming aware of my abduction experiences I have:

181. not publicized it (for instance, in a newspaper article or interview)

182. allowed it to be publicized, but with my name withheld

183. allowed it to be publicized, using my name

184. been a guest on a radio or TV show

185. considered publishing my story as a book

186. published my story as a book

187. given lectures or formal presentations about it

188. cooperated before now with abduction researchers

Indicate whether each of the following has Significantly Decreased (SD), Decreased (D), remained Unchanged (U), Increased (I), or Significantly Increased (SI).

Since my abductions...

189. concern with questions of social justice has.... 190. feelings of being "tagged" or under surveillance in some way has....

191. interest in achieving material success has...

192. concern with political matters has....

193. sense of personal vulnerability has....

194. concern over the threat of nuclear weapons has....

195. involvement in my family life has....

196. personal sense of purpose in life has....

197. understanding of what life is "all about" has....

198. interest in ecology has....

199. selfunderstanding has....

200. interest in organized religion has....

201. concern with spiritual matters has....

202. income level has....

203. sensitivity to others' suffering has....

204. feelings of selfworth have....

The Future

For the following statements, indicate whether you Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), are Unsure (U), Agree (A), or Strongly Agree (SA).

205. It is important at this time to rediscover and remember our past.

206. Forces are at work which will transform humanity into a more selfaware, spiritually sensitive species.

207. If alien life exists, it does not necessarily bode well for humanity's future.

208. I believe UFO abductions are a part of a larger plan to promote the evolution of consciousness among all of humanity.

209. We are already in or on the verge of a New Age.

210. I believe that alien beings are likely to exert increasing control over human life in years to come.

211. I believe that unless humanity changes significantly for the better, there will be massively destructive geophysical disturbances in the near future.

212. There will be a future age of bliss that the faithful will enjoy.

213. As a species, we may die.

214. Whatever happens around the year 2000 will happen abruptly.

215. I believe there will have to be a unifying forcesuch as a charismatic leaderwho can rally the masses of humanity to make the changes necessary to avoid a worldwide cataclysm.

216. I believe increased contact with alien life will bring material benefits for humanity.

217. In the next few years the human race must accept the end of life as we have known it.

218. There are no more real frontiers left to humanity.

219. Affairs in this world are spinning out of control.

220. Things are coming to a head in this world.

221. The human race is likely to survive and prosper in the long run.

222. Abductees need to join forces and work together in order to effect positive changes in the world.

223. The only real way to make things better in this world is for a cataclysm to "wipe the slate clean" so that the forces of creation can try again.

224. We are living in desperate time.

225. I am hopeful about the world's future.

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