Alien Abductions

Greys "Hybrid" Program

Greys "Hybrid" Program
by James T. Lee

In esoteric schools and other sources, especially by those who have the clairvoyant faculties to confirm it. Here's how they say the soul matrix interface to a body of the developing fetus in the baby. It occurs in the third month of conception. Apparently. The first 2 months are involved in the sperm/ovum interaction. During the third month. Something is seen around the mother's aura. It is the etheric mold that will interface with the developing focus. The purpose of the mold is to serve as a morphic field for the fetus development and as vehicle for the soul thru the chakra system in the body. The quality of it depending on the soul that informs it. The soul is located in higher plane. It is connected to the etheric mold in the atomic level. At any particular life. The Intelligence's that take charge of the soul growth will see what features or environment the coming body should have that would be compatible with the working out of its karma. So it will *scan* the entire planet for a fetus which is compatible to the feature that it is seeking, at +10% or -10% tolerable margin. After it has found it. The Intelligence's behind the soul growth will call on certain elementals to create the basic etheric mold that will infuse with the fetus. After the third month. The etheric mold is already in the baby and the soul is connected to it in the atomic level. At this point. Since the etheric mold is very sensitive to thought. What the mother thinks at this point would have impact on the final facial form of the baby. For example. If the mother constantly think about pig. The baby would look more like pig. If the mother constantly think about charcoal. The baby would look dark. If the mother constantly wish for a girl but the fetus is a boy, then the baby will have girl-like facial feature. This facial feature by the way can be changed when the baby grows up. If he is cruel. His/her face will reflect it. If he's kind, his/her face will reflect it too. That's it. We can be changed ut what we are.

Note that the above is NOT my idea but they all coming from major esoteric schools (mostly those with Adept Affiliation for example, Astara). The good thing about them is that. The students can confirm the teaching by developing the necessary faculties thru training. Ask Raphael if you guys knows him. He could confirm the process of birth especially the soul-body matrix interface mechanism).

Let me go to the Greys now and their possible "Hybrid" program. I read in many abductee account that a fetus is taken after the third month. Now since I read about Mark Cashman excellent illustration why aliens can't breed with Earthlings because of the complicated working out of the DNA and its expression. Then it occurs to me that the Greys could be using earth fetus to be used as body for the Grey Soul or Paraphysical entity. They need the fetus to be in the body of the mother until the third month because by etheric principles. The mother must be present for the correct etheric transmission or step down as the control has to be transfer although in more sophisticated setup. The fetus could be infused properly with etheric mold/soul matrix without the mother present.

Now. To do this. Could they just barge into the fetus during the third month, putting barricade beforehand to the human soul that is supposed to merge into the fetus? The barricade can be easily done. But the merging of the Grey Entity to the fetus would require help from the elemental kingdom in the working out of the etheric mold that is compatible with the fetus. Remember. The Greys are closer to the paraphysical kingdom because they originally operate there but they need a container to *effectively* function in the physical existence.

Now this barging into the fetus is somewhat the same concept as that of a member of the Black Brotherhood severing the silver cords from a victim's body and possessing it. Black Brotherhood literature says the feeling when the Black Magician has possessed another person's body is like a feeling of wearing clothes designed for another person. Because remember the body is designed for specific soul. Now how do they get over it. They may tolerate it for a while and after the job done, just have to snap the silver cord again and the body dies. Or they could adjust the interface to tolerable level. And I think this principle is how the Greys do it. Sometimes the baby will look Grey-like. This is very possible. They just have to adjust the etheric mold to change the shape of the physical body to conform to their original (Grey) shape, and this can be done even with complete and original DNA from the sperm/egg. But the Grey look alike I think is not so much as intentional but simply because their original shape hence the thoughtforms that informs it is Grey-like (remember the analogy above of the mother giving birth to a child whose look may be shaped by the mother's thoughts during pregnancy) but the former can be more possible.

I might sound wild to some saying all this but this is within the realm of possibility. I think this is how the Hybrid Program works. It is not by mixing two species DNA to create the Hybrid because as Mark Cashman illustrates, it's technically unlikely. So the other plausible explanation left is that the Greys are working on the etheric mold level and entity soul interface (Although if they have a way to go over the interspecies DNA breeding barrier, pure physical interbreeding using alien sperm or egg could still be the explanation. In such case. May someone who knows how this is done share stuff?)

Now what is the goal of all this (regardless of what principles are use). I think it is to make more efficient Containers to make the paraphysical beings (the Greys) manifest in the physical world.

About their origin, where they come from. It depends on where their UFOs come from. If they are really not of earth. Then the most logical thing to think of is the Greys being Aliens but not alien in the normal sense but one whose original existence is paraphysical. If they are malevolent. They should have mentally controlled and spiritually possessed the world they have conquered. If they are benign. It could be that they simply need the human body in order to experience something which they have not experienced before... The feeling of being human, a unique experienced perhaps not shared by any other creatures in the universe. For the reason that we are made in the image of God. Meaning we share with Him the Divine Power and hence the Divine Life.

Knowing the real intention of the Greys can mean a difference between possibly welcoming them as children who need to grow or passing a global GEA (Greys Eradication Act) that calls for the complete removal of every single Grey off the face of this planet using any force necessary. (With aids from friendly extrasolar forces).

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