Corrino "Stifle the Insurgency" Deck Homeworld: Kaitan Imperial Deck: Arrakeen Carthag Minor Erg Open Bled Imperial Basin Arsunt Ionesco Valdeshar Governor of Arrakis Imperial Revenues Siridar Governorship House Deck: 4x Sardaukar Drop-Battalion 4x Sardaukar Battalion 4x Guard Commander 4x Levenbreche 4x Stranglehold 3x Petitioning Coup 2x House Agent 2x Arclight Assault 3x Guild Shuttle 2x Shield Failure 4x Imperial Entourage 4x Arrakeen Patriarch This deck is designed to win through the Control Arrakis victory condition: having >0 favor and engaging simultaneously Dune; Arrakeen and Carthag; and the Open Bled, Minor Erg, and Imperial Basin. Petitioning Coup is particularly useful because it not only pulls out your money makers quickly, in this deck it moves you closer to the victory condition by cycling through the Imperial deck. You can without difficulty be through your entire Imperial Deck turn three. Governor of Arrakis is the one capricious addition, but if certainly fits the idea of the deck; drop it on one of the Arrakeen Patriarchs (the nobility requirement is why they are not Carthag Privateers). Governor, along with the Guild Shuttles and Levenbreches, are nice but not essential -- especially considering their rarity. The former I'd replace with a solid charter (and then the Patriarchs with Privateers), the latter with more House Agents and some Dune Smugglers. With eight battle personas and eight battalions in a fourty card deck you have approximately a 67% chance of fielding a force 5+ attacker turn one, and good odds of pulling out 6+ force. While the investment, 6 to 9 solaris, may seem a lot, subduing an opponent's homeworld before their interval is a 7 to 9 solaris loss for them, not including side effects like preventing event deployment -- and your investment can hurt an opponent every turn. And that ignores the 1 (or 2 for the Drop-Battalion) favor gain for the successful rite (though I would use it in this deck as penalty for them). It also plays right into Imperial Revenues, which with the fast Imperial deck you have good odds of pulling. The military might puts the squeeze on opponents quickly -- few will have the resources in their deck to mount adequate defense of either their homeworld or a dune fief. The House Agents, Ionesco, and Arclight Assaults are to help with enemy Guard Commanders, the Shield Failures for the off chance someone is playing with House Shield Generators (and yes, it did happen to me -- and I used them). The deck is somewhat vulnerable to a Engagement Tactic deck: Predawn Rituals, False Diversions, and Low Morales, (and the related Lost in the Desert) or decks with the new versions of Lady Jessica or Gaius Helen Mohiam. It is really vulnerable to Armistice Treaty, but you don't see that too often. As for Dune-subduing force majeur cards, Judge of the Change and Change of Fief, they are infrequent and still put your opponent in the position of having to defend Dune from -- by that time -- an easy 11+ incoming battle force. Guild decks that go solely for charters and buying spice may give you problems; the Patriarchs can help out but it will be a race to see which of you pulls the win earlier. If you see one on the table funnel some of the battalion cash into buying spice -- worthless stuff, but maybe you can sell it on your last turn. Best of all? The deck widens the playing environment for different decks. No one will ever feel so secure about their Seitch Communitied Desert again. Nor about undefended homeworlds. So enjoy. Azegzao