
Croatian computer magazine VIDI has placed this site among 100 best Croatian sites!

Also, this site was placed among 10 best science sites in Croatia!

Croatian computr magazine VIDI Croatian computr magazine VIDI

This is the article from VIDI and English translatation.

"All those interested in asteroids and the secrets of space will be thrilled with this Internet site. Excellent graphics immediately follow the theme of this site, which makes it especially attractive. Without much trouble you will find out everything about these bodies in space. If you're not an asteroid lover, a visit to this site will make you one. Simple, educational, attractive and useful."


Article in VIDI

This is the article from Croatian newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija and English translatation.

"Even though asteroids are the most common bodies in the Solar system, they barely attract any attention from the common public (except as unpleasant boulders which could fall down on us one day), even scientists do not give great attention to them. However, individual lovers of the never-ending space like Zeljko Lipanovic, student from Split, didn't regret the effort put in the wish to present in detail these heavenly bodies. It's shame that on the site of this domestic author, except English we don't have Croatian language."

Article in Slobodna Dalmacija

This is the article from Croatian newspaper Slobodna Dalmacija and English translatation.

Domestic Geosite

Lately there has been a trend to forsee the soon-to-be collapse of the Earth - in domestic press every so often a title about a new killer asteroid turns up. If you would like to lessen your ignorance and fear, visit the Internet site This is a site of one domestic man, an enthusiast which has been till now visited by just a hundred curious visitors. Maybe that's because it deals with an exotic branch of physics or because it is written in English. Only the fact remains that the number of visits would certainly grow of the site would be in Croatian.

Article in Slobodna Dalmacija
Like it is, it all looks nice (truly nice, the photography will knock you of your feet) and it is good that in between a hundred sites that deal with this phenomenon in detail there also exist a domestic site. When it speaks out in Croatian surely the door to this site will be more frequently knocked on. For Zeljko, the author of the site, we give an A for effort an that much for his enthusiasm as well.

Let's go!
I'm here if you need me!

Last updated: July 11, 2000.