The Secrets of Kurama

              Warning: Spoilers!!! -- LOTS of them!

         Kurama is originally a youko, a fox spirit/demon of the Makai. He was very powerful and had many followers. But tragically, he was shot by a hunter, and was as good as dead. He, then, fled to Ningenkai, entering the body of the unborn baby in the womb of Minamino Shiori. The baby was called Syuuichi. Kurama would wait until 10 years for his wounds to heal.

         When Syuuichi (or Kurama) was a young boy (about 6 years old), Shiori was severely injured from saving him from sharp plates on the floor. His mother had been sickly since then.

         When Kurama was in the third year of junior high (14 years old), he was classmates with his childhood friend, Kitajima Maya, who apparently liked him. She was kidnapped by a youkai, but was saved by Kurama and a new youkai friend, Hiei.

        Kurama was in the first year of highschool (15 years old), when Shiori's condition worsened. Kurama had no choice but to join Hiei and Gouki to steal the three valuable treasures of Reikai, the Ankoku Kyou (Mirror of Darkness that can grant wishes in exchange for someone's life), the Gakidama (a ball that steals people's souls), and the Kouma no Ken (Ghostslayer Sword that can turn any human into youkai). Kurama needed the mirror to save his mother's life.

        With the help of Yusuke, Kurama's life was spared from the mirror's power, and Shiori regained her health. Kurama surrendered himself to the Reikai officials, and was sentenced, along with Hiei, to become a spirit detective.

        Kurama and Hiei helped Yusuke and Kuwabara to fight the four youkai, Genbu, Byakko, Seiryuu and Suzaku.

        After defeating them, the Urameshi team had another mission to rescue Hiei's sister, Yukina.

        And after that, the Urameshi team went to fight at the Ankoku Bujutsukai to defeat the Toguro brothers.

                                                                     Roto X - Kurama O
                                                                    Gama X - Kurama O
                                                                     Touya X - Kurama O
                                                                      Bakuken O - Kurama X
                                                                   Uraurashima X - Kurama O
                                                                      Karasu O - Kurama X

        Kurama had changed into his youko self in the battle with Uraurashima, but so far, the most severe battle was with Karasu. Kurama changed into his youko self as well, but was able to kill Karasu while in his human body. Unfortunately, Kurama still lost the battle due to the rules (he was still down after 10 counts).

        After deafeating the Toguro brothers and when the Ankoku Bujutsukai was over, the Urameshi team faced Sensui and his henchmen. Kurama killed the Gamemaster, Amanuma Tsukihito, by ways of a '7' game. Kurama felt really bad about killing the Gamemaster that he killed both Gurume and Toguro ani (who was inside Gurume's body) in all his anger.

        Luckily, Koenma was able to revive the Gamemaster.

        Yusuke was killed by Sensui, and in his anger, Kurama transformed into his youko self. He, along with Hiei and Kuwabara, follwed Sensui to Makai, and ensued a battle there, but they were no match for Sensui.

        After Sensui was defeated by Yusuke, all of them went back to Ningenkai. Kurama received a strange message from someone named Yomi, an S-class youkai. Apparently, Yomi happens to be someone from Kurama's past.

        After Kurama's mother's second wedding, Kurama buys the newly-weds plane tickets to Europe, then heads off to Makai to meet with Yomi. Yomi offers Kurama to work for him, but Kurama is reluctant and suspicious. Yomi shows Kurama the remains of a youkai (still alive), who Yomi explains to be an assassin who tried to kill him, but instead, was only able to blind him. Yomi asks the assassin who sent him, and the assassin answers, "Silver-haired Youko. He has cold eyes." Yomi kills the assassin on the spot.

        When Kurama was still youko, Kurama was a great and powerful leader among thieves. Yomi was his right-hand man and partner. However, Yomi was very selfish, greedy and inconsiderate. He put many lives in danger, just so that he could have his way. Kurama didn't like that, so he sent an assassin to kill Yomi. The assassin was only able to blind him. But as the years went by, Yomi's sense of hearing became very strong, and his power increased, making him an S-class youkai.

        When the assassin was killed, Kurama remained expressionless. Yomi offered Kurama to join him. Kurama said, "And if I refuse?" Yomi replied with a smile, saying that something bad will happen to his mother, who's on the plane, if he refuses. Kurama curses him, but decides to join Yomi because of the blackmail.

        Kurama goes back to Ningenkai to think things over. A suspicious youkai possesses Kurama's step-brother, Shuuichi, but Kurama was able to put things under control.

        In order to defeat Raizen and Mukuro, Kurama told Yomi that more strong fighters were needed to fight on their team. Kurama gathered six warriors, who happen to be Chuu, Rinku, Jin, Touya, Shishiwakamaru and Suzuki. Kurama trained them very hard, and they achieved a high level of youki good enough (about 1500-2000+) for them to join Yomi's team.

        However, Sachi, Yomi's right-hand man was very jealous of Kurama, because Yomi seemed to favor Kurama more. Sachi decided to take Kurama by surprise and kill him. He thought to himself that killing Kurama would be easy because Kurama didn't have a high power level of youki. But when Sachi was about to kill Kurama, Kurama transformed into his youko self, and killed Sachi instead. Sachi was shocked to see that Kurama's youki was 152000.

        After Sachi was killed, Kurama became Yomi's right-hand man. Luckily, Yusuke declared a tournament, foiling all of Yomi's plans to destroy Raizen and Mukuro, and then take over Makai.

        At the tournament, Kurama fought against Shigure, the youkai who implanted Hiei's jagan. Kurama was badly injured in the fight, due to Shigure's weapon, but he won, nonetheless. He was able to transform into Youko Kurama, but he decided not to fight as a youko, because he began to accept himself as a human.

        After the Makai tournament, Kurama headed back to Ningenkai. He talked with Kuwabara at a train station, and was mistaken for Kuwabara's girlfriend by Kuwabara's classmates! After that, they both head for a restaurant where they meet Shizuru and Keiko, then head for Genkai's temple. The gang meets there, except for Yusuke (who's not yet back) and Hiei (who decided to stay on Makai with Mukuro). Genkai tells them that when she's gone, she wants them to take care of her temple. After that, the gang heads down to the beach, where Yusuke finally arrives.

        In the manga, at the end of the series, Kurama now works in his step-father's company.

        There is also a scene where Hiei goes down from Makai after a fight with Mukuro. He talks to Kurama about what to give Mukuro for a birthday present. Kurama asks Hiei, "Lovers' quarrel?" and Hiei replies with his usual smirk and "Hn." Kurama gives Hiei a bouquet of flowers, and tells him to give it to Mukuro's father. Hiei takes the bouquet and gives it to Mukuro's father, and the flowers devour him, making him look like a human tree in a pot. Hiei brings the 'human tree' to Mukuro, and tells her, "Happy birthday." Mukuro smiles, knowing that she now has something to do that's fun ---torture her father endlessly. ^^;;;;;;;

The End. ^^;;;;;


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