Dear __________:

Can you believe it's been about six weeks since you completed the initial YW Domestic Violence Training?

I am writing for two reasons. First, to remind you that I'm here for you and also a resource if you have questions ... need to talk, vent, or share successes! Please don't hesitate to call on me for anything at all!

Second, I would really appreciate your feedback. Your honest constructive opinions on how your experience as a volunteer has been is so important. From the initial phone call inquiring about our volunteer opportunities to where you are today. How has it felt for you? How can we improve the process, the training, the volunteer role and responsibilities? Please take a minute and fill out the enclosed evaluation form and fax it back to me. It can be anonymous if you like! The more feedback we receive, the better equipped we will be to make positive changes and improve volunteers' experiences.

As you know, time is incredibly valuable. Thank you for choosing to give your time so freely to the YW and our Domestic Violence Center.

Thanks again!


__________ ___________

Director of Volunteer Services Volunteer Coordinator

Domestic Violence Center

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