Did You Know ?

by: Eva


         Millions of spiders in Pakistan doing something that has never been done before. They fled into the trees and the busy to making nests which envelops the entire tree. This incident was first immortalized by a photographer who comes from the province of Sindh in southeast Pakistan, near Karachi, where the trees there dibaluti by cobwebs like a cocoon. Many have attributed this incident with Pakistan floods that occurred last year, which is the worst flooding experienced by Pakistan since last 10 years.In this flood, about 20 million Pakistanis homeless and according to the Department for International Development, the British government, the floods are still leaving puddles covering the UK.

        This event had never happened before. However, residents reported that the presence of webs spiders in the trees has contributed to reducing the number of mosquitoes in that place, whose population became increasingly due to waterlogging.
As quoted from dailymail site, the risk of malaria is also expected to decline due to trapping nets had malaria mosquitoes are milling around the place.