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You've managed to make your way over to Senseless Sky, a music rotation belonging to me, Haruka. Much of the music featured here will be Japanese pop/rock, especially from various Johnny's Entertainment groups, since that's where most of my attention is going. However, I'll occasionally put up some other types of music. You never know. :P

I do this for you the visitor, so I do take requests. However, I only fulfill requests that are possible for me to fulfill, meaning you must check my playlist to see if I have anything you want. Updates won't have any set schedule, but I will update this front page and say if I've added anything.

There aren't many, but there are still rules, so please check out that page before doing anything. (Don't worry, I don't do that annoying "find the password" thing. That's far too much of a hassle. XD) The files I upload are hosted on MediaFire. If that is inconvenient for you, please feel free to e-mail me and I'll try to accomodate you.

Okay, I think that's it! Have fun listening, and remember to support the artists! X3

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Copyrights / Credits

Site and content belongs to Haruka. Layout designed by hachi of aikagi.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws