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Yogesh Rajashekharaiah

Yogesh Rajashekharaiah, yes, that's really my last name. Usually people take a second look at my last name, some try to pronounce it and some even try to count the length, few have tried counting the length infront of me, it's 15. When i was in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, i was yogesh for most, yogi for many and ????? for very few. All my school and college records shows me as Yogesh R. "R" being my initial. Only after i landed in Windsor, Connecticut, USA that my initial "R" became my last name leading to many interesting stories. Sometimes people remember me as "Oh!, i got it, by the way how do you pronounce your last name" guy. Sometimes to make corrections to my wrongly spelt last name in some record or the other, i end up calling, mailing, calling again, all along waiting for the sweet automated voice to go away and for the real one to come online and say "i am sorry sir, can i call you yogesh". Friends sometimes call me yogi with the "bear" or "berra" and a few even call me "boo boo", but for most i am yogesh. What's in the name, ask me, what's this web site about, it's in I and Web Site.

More I
I grew up in the beautiful "Garden city", "Pub Capital of India", "Asian Silicon Valley" Bangalore. Before i even realised about anything in general,i was done with my school and was in college. My four year bachelor degree was in Electronics and Communications engineering from Karnataka Regional Engineering College, KREC, recently rechristened to National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, NITK. But i am sure many old timers like me prefer it as KREC (for many reasons!!!) and ourselves as ex-krecians, sounds closer to martians, which we were in many ways!!!. I am among the many who claim college life is/was the best in life. I am still waiting and hoping for a new period that can beat my current best.

I and College
Having spent four years of college life on a beautiful beach, i know how much i miss the sun, sand, waves, lighthouse(i finally went on top of it, a year after graduation), hillock, Ganesha temple, Raju dabha, gate, Akshatha....Ummm regarding the last one i can say i do not miss much, but yes it was part of the excitement then. First day in the hostel, when i saw a 10ft snake moving peacefully i knew it will be a pretty interesting neighbourhood. After i moved to a new room in my second year, i learned that an year ago one of our unwelcomed neighbour was a visitor to my current room. From then on till i moved to a new room in my third year, i always feared the hissing welcome everytime i opened the door. The closest i ever got to was when i was about to step on one, was stopped just in time by my friend and my leg remained in the air till the snake crossed to the other side of the dimly lit road.
I can never forget our daily cricket matches and my never ending sitting/standing/running commentary, the sight of the rain inching closer and closer towards us from the sea(is there any other college with it's own private beach???), the roaring of the sea during the full moon day, spectacular display of lightnings, dhoti clad old man umpiring cricket everyday in the playground near the temple, movies in SAC come moonlight/rain, GPL's, Incident's, Cresendo's, playing soccer with some inspiring kk, bora's dribblings, rcb's gift to my left eye while playing football just 2 weeks before the exam, stylo mani receiving our "wingers-trophy", the list continues.... Most of my time in college was spent in doing nothing(actually in sleeping a lot), Whatever something i did was Hiking.
When i was not doing any of the above, i tried my bit to get an undergraduate degree and was successful in joining The Class of 97.

Many of us moved far away from KREC in terms of distance, but it's not so difficult to keep in touch with our Alma mater or our friends. To know the latest happening on the alumni front, checkout the KREC Alumni website.

I and Time
I sleep, a lot. I bet i beat the sleep expert's average of about 8 hours a day. Once i mentioned to someone in a bar that within a minute i hit the sack, i am into deep sleep. He couldn't believe it and then he went on to say that there might be something wrong in me and it is better to see some sort of sleep therapist or sleep analyst or some sleep guy like that. Later he gave me his business card. Needless to say i did not go down to see this sleep expert. My daily TV viewing pleasure is limited mostly to IFC TV. I still do not know what my ex-roomies thought when they were forced to see IFC along with me. Probably they thought i was a weirdo, it turned too difficult for me to prove otherwise when they found out that i was trying to understand the movie "Prospero's Books". I stopped trying any further. Worse, even after watching it twice, i am yet to understand the movie. Well, it gives me a reason to watch it again!!! When not sleeping, not working, not watching Zatoichi i like to do a bit of Reading,    Travelling,    Hiking.

I and Work
I am lucky to have learnt the pleasure of spending my hard earned money. I was part of the team in Bangalore that developed Flexcube, a universal banking solution. I moved to USA and started my career as a consultant. Now, i am a certified Oracle Database Administrator, certified Project Management Professional(PMP) , trained in Enterprise Architecture. My passion and expertise is in Enterprise Architecture. Here is my public profile on Linkedin.

I and Web Site
I have been on the internet since my college days. I decided to put up a web page pretty late (on internet timeline). Why? and why now? I guess i felt i had nothing to put on web. All i had was couple of monkeying photos of me and/or links to various sites. After all these years, i now know i have something to say along with the photos. And voila my website is here. If not for anything, i atleast take a look at the photos and savour the sweet old memories and try to keep website updated.

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Yogesh Rajashekharaiah
Last update: Apr, 2008
Any comments :- [email protected]

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