"Lyon Legion"

Regimental flag located at General Sweeney's Museum
near Wilson's Creek Battfefield, Missouri

PURPOSE:� The purpose of this site is to collect and post information and data on the 24th Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment.� This is a dynamic web site that will change with new information from descendants, photographs, paintings, drawings, letters, diaries, newspaper articles, stories, legends, etc. and other sources containing information about the Regiment.

DEDICATION:� This site is dedicated to my Great-Grandfather, First Sergeant, Francis (Frank) M. Richards and my Great-Great Grandfather, Private Jonathan "John" Noblet who served honorably in Company K, 24th Missouri Volunteer Infantry for the preservation of the Union.� Both were members of the Greene-Christian County Home Guard prior to enlistment in the 24th.� Francis (Frank) was a cook, pontoonier and infantryman while on active duty.� After the war, he was founder of Rome, MO and a farmer, merchant and community leader.� He was also a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.� John Noblet also had a son John, who served in the 14th Missouri State Cavalry.� Little is known of both John Noblets.

UNIT HISTORY:� This unit never had an "official" history written for the national or state archives.� However, this site will provide a limited outline of major activites the unit participated in during the war.� A regimental history was written by J. Randall Houp,
The 24th Missouri Volunteer Infantry, "Lyon Legion".� This book is out of print, but is available in some libraries.� Interlibrary loans are also possible.

Brigadier General Nathaniel Lyon

Colonel Sempronius Boyd

The Regiment was formed under the direction of Sempronius Boyd.� A prominent citizen and lawyer from Sprinfield, MO, he was authorized by General Lyon, just prior to his death, to organize an infantry regiment.� General Lyon was killed at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, MO on August 10, 1861.� He was the first general killed in action during the Civil War.� The 24th Missouri Volunteers served from 1861-1865.� Colonel Boyd was a lawyer,� congressman, diplomat to Siam and mayor of Springfield, MO.


Pea Ridge, Arkansas������������������������� March 7,8, 1862
Licking, Missouri������������������������������ May 26, 1862�
Pittman's Ferry, Arkansas����������������� October 27, 1862
Van Buren, Missouri������������������������� December 28, 1862
Mill Creek Bridges, Missouri������������� April 24, 1863
Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee������������������ August 16, 1862
Little Rock, Arkansas����������������������� September 10, 1863
Fort DeRussy, Louisiana������������������� March 14, 1864
Pleasant Hill, Louisiana������������������� April 9, 1864
Jenkin's Ferry, Arkansas������������������ April 30, 1864
Yellow Bayou, Louisiana������������������ May 18, 1864
Lake Chicot, Arkansas��������������������� June 6, 1864
Tupelo, Mississippi�������������������������� July 14, 1864
Mineral Point, Missouri������������������� September 27, 1864
Franklin, Tennessee������������������������� November 30, 1864
Nashville, Tennessee������������������������ December 15,16, 1864

The Regiment consisted of Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and K.� Company E was attached to the 10th Missouri Volunteer Infantry and campaigned east of the Mississippi River.� Companies F and K formed a pontoon bridge battalion and served at various locations attached to other units as well as with the main regimental units of the 24th MO Volunteers.� The Regiment lost three officers and 40 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded.� One officer and 220 enlisted succumbed to disease for� a total of 264.� The last known survivor of the Regiment died in 1939.

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