

NEWS 2001.12


Stitch Tokyo 's new arrival - Mini-mini chair

Each chair is only 15cm x 15cm

Price from 7000yen to 20000 yen.


New item for X-large

  唔知Double Park會唔會入貨




Stylish men (Part I)

Head Porter 's new series - 'Silver Jet' (silver version of tanker) and 'enam'



   改編自山本英夫的同名漫畫 ' 殺し屋1',  由三池崇史監督, 浅野忠信主演成的電影版亦快於本月22 號在日本公映.  故事主要講述在新宿歌舞伎町的安生組頭目'こと垣原' (浅野忠信)和 '殺し屋イチ' (大森南朋) 的生死決鬥.  各主角造型獨特, 奇奇怪怪, 有點兒科幻. 應該值得一看.

  又一改編自同名漫畫, 不過明年才上映的 'ピンポン' (Ping Pong), 亦是另一值得留意的電影.  起用新時代演員亦是其中主要賣點, 有憑 'GO' 獲得最佳男優 -  窪塚洋介 (Peco), REVOLVER 主理人 - Arata (Smile), 香港制造 - 李燦森 (China), 出生自歌舞伎名門 - 中村獅童 (Dragon), 人気俳優 - 大倉孝ニ (Akuma).  故事主要講述兩個年青優秀球手在球場上遇上的挫折, 光榮, 孤獨.... 

Head Porter 's new series - 'Silver Jet' (silver version of tanker) and 'enam'

Stylish men (Part I)

Is DJ Krush gonna come to HK?  Refer to the news, he'll be one of the guests with DJ Tommy at a local countdown party in Northpoint Ferry Pier HK, on 31 Dec 2001.  However, his official site states he gonna play at another countdown party in Shinjuku Liquidroom Japan, on the same day.  So who's right?


2001.12.09 updated

Christmas is coming, money is going..... I've been so busy lately, really no time to update the site, not even going out to buy any Xmas gifts.  So, what u guys will do during Xmas holiday?  Me.... hide away..... maybe go somewhere to relax...

Shopping in Tokyo  

Get more for Xmas


2001.12.04 updated

Rize Special Part II

includes interviews, 爆雷祭, LA Part 2, 雷電撃質問 Part 2

56k here: Chp 2.1 Chp 2.2 Chp 2.3

100k here: Chp 2.1 Chp 2.2 Chp 2.3



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