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lit. means the Book Of The Holy,aka The Book of The Seven (7) Seals! Originally revealed in Ethiopia on 23rd July 1961 by THE FIRST HAILE SELLASSIE, King of Kings of Ethiopia (Rev 5:5). Now! Rev. 8: 1 = revealed to the Bredren of the Babylonian Captivity since 1991 by Ras Iadonis Haileyesus Sellassie founder of the LOJ

Product ID: HIMAB1961
Title: H.I.M. 1961 Authorized Bible in Amharic
AKA: the Book of the Seven Seals.,revealed 1991 by Ras Iadonis of the LOJ

The FIRST HAILE SELLASSIE BIBLE in Classical Amharic-Ge'ez is the "book of the Lamb" mentioned symbolically in Revelations Chapter 5 Verse 5. The book of Beggu, the Lamb, 'the God of Ethiopia, Jah Ras Tafari.' The H.I.M. 1961 Authorized "Old" Amharic Bible is the official Authorized text of the Ancient Holy Scriptures received by Ethiopia in the Old Testement and the New. The H.I.M. Bible is the opened and un-sealed book of the Lamb which the King of Kings of Ethiopia (Rev. 5: 5) revealed to the Ethiopian Nation in 1961 AD and to the world since 1962 through various Bible Societies globally. The H.I.M. Bible was again revealed by 'the Lion of Juda' Ras Iadonis HAYLE-YESUS Sellassie in 1991 as the BOOK OF THE SEVEN SEALS to the Ethiopian and Rastafari diasporas (Rev. 8:1). H.I.M. BIBLE IN AMHARIC IS THE HOLY/ILA SCRIPTURES OF THE LOJ_RASTAFARI MOVEMANT OF H.I.M. NOT THE KING JAMES! NOT THE QUEEN JANE VERSION! PLEASE SUPPORT OUR 144,000 ETHIOPIC BIBLE DRIVE!

***** Sure to be a Collector's Classic!

Scriptures: 66 Books of OT/NT
Sale Price + SH
Total pgs : 962 pages
Language: Royal AmharaGi'iz
Style of Script: Imperial Shoan
Availability: In Stock - Limited!!

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