Creatif: Express Yourself Here

Welcome To Creatif
  • This website started off as a college project in September 2022, and has continued to blossom into the page it is today with updates currently 2-3 times a month. The creator Alina Sanchez was born in Salt Lake City, UT and has since lived in 7 states. As someone who's moved a lot, she's learned to keep connections with friends from other states with life updates on social media. Of course her first website would be a blog!

notebook with pen
  • Coffee shops seem to be a home away from home for those who travel, work from home, go to school, etc. Since it's one of the best places to study and write while feeling creative, why not turn this atmosphere into a blog website? Our mission is to provide an open website for people to openly express themselves within a peaceful yet productive atmosphere. Aesthetics are high on our list next to customer satisfaction.

notebook with pen, laptop, and coffee

  • Instagram: @Creatif

  • Facebook: Creatif

  • Phone: 800-CRE-ATIF

  • Email: [email protected]
notebook with pen and laptop