
abigail araneta Chrisanty Matunan
Charmaine Lotoc
Jessica Cruz
Rachel Crausos

Studied in Bestlink College of the Philippines..Born on june18...

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Bachelor of science in Information Technology section 3105, some instructors says that we are one of the top among the other sections, we are the most active and smart section. The BSIT-3105 has fourthy seven students, 23 boys and 34 girls, most of the boys are noisy and playfull and noisy like a child, but they are cool being a friend. Academicaly, the boys of 3105 are weak but with in terms of making funny moments they are the number one. Girls, intellectualy good, very active student, beautifull, they are actually the smartest group in our section, but i can see that most of them are weak in terms of programming, with debating they cannot be loose anytime, when you argue something to them they always win, Our President was Mr. Perdie Mabakyaw, his nice,smart and funny but i dont know if he has a brain problem because sometimes actually all of the time his going silly and making some kind of funny crazy things. haha, but other than that, he is a good president of us and making his action as a leader of course. We notice that all of us on BSIT-3105 was easy to be with and friendly because after 1 week of first meeting of class, we are like brothers and sister after, it is not hard to became with them because they are all good.

In this photo you will notice the bondings among each groups of BSIT-3105, this two girls was in the group of pendong's I dont know how they get that name, but I was accidentally included in this group. BSIT has composed of many different groups, including our group, there has a group of mustadista who are always in the mustad, also there are groups of kind, and nice persons who will always prioritized their study- no enjoynment in life, they are just like geeks, I dont want to ask the names but let me call one of them as ______.

We can say that this section was one of the best sections we been trough on past years, because this section has a complete package of students, you wont be boblack because there is someone, actually, there are lot of them who makes you funny anytime, we have talented classmates, in singing, also dancing, when you are asking for someting about the subjects just ask the group of the geeks, probably they will tell the answers to you. And of course the best group in the room, a group of cool, loving and something crazy members of pendongs. Including Jaxx, teng, Avy, charm, jess, Benji, ikel and mark.
