
Hello! ^_^ Welcome to my TCG collective! This is where I keep track of all my cards, activities, TCGs, etc. :D

Follow the links on the right to find my TCGs and their corresponding pages. If you'd like to trade with me, just send me an e-mail at xsynnedx[@]yahoo.com, or IM me on AIM at yukionna ex, or send me a message on MSNM at [email protected]. You'll get the fastest responses on those Instant Messengers, obviously. :P

If you have no idea what some of the TCGs listed on the side are, why not check them out? You can go to their sites by following the pages I've linked and clicking my badge. ^_^ If you decide you'd like to participate in any of them, please put chanda as your referer! <33


oh man. I've joined a crapload of TCGs. I have no idea where I'm going to find the time to play them all. xD; oh well! :] It's not as if I have to avidly play all of them. I've set my saturdays and sundays to be comprised of playing them, since during the school day I want to focus on school.

Since my last update, I've joined Gentlemen, a nifty new TCG owned by Rahenna & Nadyell (*cough*), Mata Ashita!, a new TCG owned by Joey (who was the owner of Ninja Song x_o), Picture Perfect, another couples TCG owned by Faith-san, and I've come out of hiatus for Fictional, ugh. That's nine TCGs. @_@

I'm considering quitting Lilio Candidior and Yuuwaku since they're not my types of TCGs (for varying reasons). I'll stick around for a bit to see what happens. The same goes for Housenka, which has a shaky future ever since the forums pruned over and Nadyell just stopped updating, leaving it up to Kyouki. I hope something good comes of everything?
~ chanda @ 2:24PM, January 28, 2007

eh. @_@ I uploaded all my card pages so they linked each other and stuff. It makes things a LOT easier, especially since I'm joining a bunch of TCGs now. >_>;; The only problem is I forgot to actually link THIS page, the main page. *shakes skull*

It'll all be over soon. *sigh*

Anyway, I've joined a bunch of different TCGs next to Soul Mates. It's a great TCG. :3 Housenka used to be. But they hardly even update nowadays. They were great until their updates started getting erratic. >_> Anyway. I applied to join Faded Souls a couple of days ago, and just today applied to join Lilio Candidior and Yuuwaku. I've always seen Yuuwaku around, but was too lazy to sign up. xD; Well, I'm in it now, right?

That's the news with joining, but I quit Ninja Song. That was all very pointless to open up prejoin and then have to go on hiatus/close a couple weeks later. @_@ I was a bit reluctant to quit since I was a prejoin member, but ah well. I'll always have time to join again when/if they get on a consistent schedule.

Oh, and I've also gone off of hiatus for Fictional. ^__^
~ chanda @ 2:56PM, January 21, 2007


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chanda ~ info

Name: chanda (lowercase)
Sex: Female
Birthday: November 17
Likes: Friendly admins, pretty cards, yaoi xD
Dislikes: Grumpy admins, inactivity, homophobes

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lilio candidior
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mata ashita!
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picture perfect
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