Sugar and Blood
the following may not be nice, and it may not be respectful, or that ray of fucking sunshine you've been searching for your whole life.. but its the truth.. and the truth is all i have..

Last updated: January 1st, 2002 (janvier un, 2002)

okay.. i have all the pictures scanned hopefully they'll be up by sat. Thursday i'll be at Kryz's for awhile, so if you need me, i'm there. and Friday is October Special/Sunday Flood/TBA. I hope you know who is there. and i hope someone else isnt. because.. that would kind of suck.. and it would be really really awkward. but yeah.. i'm going to go see The Ring with Mirra & Kelse. YAY. au revoire.
oh, and just remember...

You are VERYdirty.

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