Welcome to "My Xpressionnz"..

The following are some of my interests or achievements.
I've been doing Tag Design for about 10 years now. (Yesss!! Im a total PSP and PhotoShop addict)... And Now!.. have just recently branched off to learn more about Web Design and HTML Coding ..and Im having a blast!

Music is my number one all time passion. I love music ..and being able to put my graphic work together with it .. has just opened doors for me ..How could I resist this? How could anyone !! (laffs) Well if you appreciate it like I do .. you already know what I'm talking about.

I am soo amazed at how the resources are absolutely endless here ..Many thanks to those who offer thier time an skills to allow others to learn and discover thier own skills. Come check out some of my Personal Xpressionnz. I think you just might enjoy your browsing. * smile *

Music and Graphics

Are two of my all time passions.....Here I have put together to express in my own way .. my favorite music songs and lyrics from various artists.
I hope you enjoy them and will feel free to share with others.

Click on the Musical Xpressionnz image to browse these pages.

Musical Xpressionnz Link
Tags and Designz Link

Tagz and Designz

Offers you a peek at My Tag Creations and other Designz that you can order or download for your personal use.
Come Check them out , but check back often as this area will be updated constantly.

Click on the Tagz and Designz image to browse these pages.

My Portfolio

Is a collection of results, from a class I took with Juelle Web Design. It displays each lesson, the requirements, and my creations in the design for each lesson. Come have a look.

Click on the Portfolio image to browse these pages.

My Portfolio Link
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