Klumsyboy's Stats at Lordaeron

Klumsyboy's Stats at Kalimdor (I only use this to test out strategy lol)





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My fav WC3 ROC strategy sites: Macmark

I love playing ROC. I first started playing on battle.net in August 2004. I admit im just average so although im level 22+ in most my accounts (if u see Avril Lavigne in my page link, thats me hee hee), I only have a 50 percent chance of winning. IF im playing 3vs3 and my allies are good, i wont lose :)

My favorite 1vs1 game would definitely be against a noobish level 11. I prevented him from taking a normal goldmine so he had to use the goblin copter to fly to other gold mines that are not accessible normally. Now I already cleared all 3 of the side ones apart from the one next to him and built town halls in all. Then he (level 10 niteelf hero and his horse hero) cums outta the copter thing and starts attacking my townhall. well i go send my 3 wyverns to kill his copter first and then his horse hero, by some stroke of luck he gets some gay tech or something and kills my wyverns but he is stranded there (lost in space would be a better term) because i killed his base's altar at the same time and i cleared out his base after that with my tauren fully upgraded with shamen and my 2 heros :) it would have been much harder if his hero was around cos the last time I encounted his hero, it took me 4 tauren 4 shamen and my level 6 tauren chieftain to almost kill him but he managed to escape... that was the first time i used this strategy myself so i will remember it cos i remember once in the 2vs2 map i flew the copter over one of those tree holes with goldmines in that map and the forest trolls killed the copter and i didnt have no cash so my heros were stuck there lol

In 3vs3, there was this real Gosu who managed to command 2 different races orcs and undead when one of our allies quit from the start and the enemies were all about level 20 (lukily they were like me ie noobish hee hee)

I got home from work one day and played vs a lvl 19 noob human. he was like weird ass and didnt creep at all i chased his horse hero back to his crib with my creeping farseer and 2 grunts and summoned wolves and he never came out again... till i had like built all buildings and was churning out tauren/wyrverns and still creeping then all of a sudden he steamtanked my base lukily i had enuff forces to defend first wave and i was so stupid to think he didnt have anything else and he sent 2 copters but i had a tower and burrowed so i got rid of his copters ok then he steamtanked me again and this time i was like on other side of map creeping and he managed to steam tank both my expansion and my main town hall lukily i got to his steam tanks in time and had extra cash to build a town hall on the other side of the map lol then i just placed mass tauren outside his base with wyvern and shamen support and one hero on each side then he gave up cos he ran outta gold and i was like swimming in it lol

My little strategy for ORCs when i first started a long time ago...(i dont play treehuggerz or undead or human)
My main weakness still is building a perfect base, some Gosu have like perfect ones so no matter how u try to attack the base u cant get anywhere cos the embedded towers will kill u esp the undead. I just hate playing against undead gosu.

Really old strategy:
start (note my start is still the same after all this time, it gill get u farseer and 2 grunts the fastest): 3 peon to goldmine, 1 burrow next to goldmine, 1 altar of storms (placement depends on map but generally close to townhall). Start building 3 peons in town hall.

first new peon goes to gold mine, 2nd builds barracks (orc equivalent), 3rd to goldmine. build 1 or 2 more peon depending on how much gold u have after building a lumber mill. By then the burrow building peon should have finished, send him to gold mine so now u have 5 on goldmine (thats all u need if u dont do burrow trick) and the one that finishes altar u send to harvest lumber. at the end of all that u have build one barracks, one altar, one burrow and one lumber mill.

once the altar is complete, start building farseer immediately. Far seer is the best for harassing enemy and creeping. I get TC later. Also build one troll too. As cash becomes available, I build extra burrow, then extra barrack and with spare cash i cant use to build units, i upgrade armour, axe and spear in no particular order but depends on what units eg if i have more trolls than headhunters (hh), i will upgrade the axe and armour first. Note also, this depends on if my enemy is orc too. if he is chances are he will build farseer and rush so i build tower near my town hall that will cover the goldmine and all my buildings BEFORE i build 2nd barracks. If he does indeed rush me, I build 2 more towers so i dont have to worry no more about him rushing and just pump out units instead.

What happens next is that one farseer with 1 troll and one hh, i go to the greendots on minimap to creep, i only rush if im playing 2vs2 or against a noob, whether level 1 is noob is hard to determine as u have guys from different gateways who might be 24 and cum to your gateway and become level 1... anyway creep the easy creep and send more extra units to aid your farseer. Note sometimes a certain map wont have green dots so u just accumulate enuff trolls and hh to take down the brown dots. U level up quicker i think. Anyway, after 2 or 3 greendots u should have enuff troops to go creep the brown dots. For farseer i like the mana stuff those monsters drop. Anyway, keep building burrows while u creep so u have 90 drumstick :) also once u have 400 free cash upgrade your townhall 1 up so u can build shamens hut then before building shamen upgrade it 1up. then upugrade your townhall after building 2 extra peons for various purposes. (if im playing noobs, i may have also build extra townhall by then and surrounded it with 3 towers for safety. Note my base i will also have added a few extra towers so if my opponent cums with birds, they wont last long :) of course that depends on what strategy u take. BTW i generally build 3 hh to ever 2 trolls cos hh cheap and combat birds easily. If i play 2 vs 2 i build tower in my friends base for extra safety if they are playing treehugggerz. but then again if im playing noobs i may use towers strategy and just build towers in fton of their base and wait for them to run out of gold. the only way out is front and i have troops for backup nearby and towers in strategic locations so if they build birds they wont fly far mwahha ha ha :)

The tower strategy is good for playing against noobs who dont cum out of their base and u have massed a large force that can easily take out whatever they send out. If they tower inside their base, orc has the little siege trolley and 4 of these supported by your forces and a few towers in ftont of their base can easily take out all their towers. Note, i usually creep by alternating my farseer and Tauren Chiefain (tc) so both level up if im waiting in fton of the base. I hate the blademaster so i never build him. Usually with tc i first level up with the aura then warstomp and keep warstomp and aura upgrading. When my farseer is leveled up enuff, i just keep casting earthquake on my opponents towers and then send all trooops in and its game over for him :) I also like building towers near my opponents gold mines that i have creeped so he gets surprise when he sends peon over :) obviously i mass troops for backup in central location. Tower is geneally only good if you are playing noobs or 1vs1 but 2vs2 u have to have a decent ally who supports your strategy, if he is noob who just hides in his base then u are better off building mass troops instead anc creeping both tc and farseer at same time but beinc close to one another so if u meet enemy u can converge on them.

Other units I love my fully upgraded shamen who can cast bloodlust, i generally have 5 of them to support major army or 2 - 3 to support small force. Note i dont build those riders unless I really have so much cash i dont know what to do lol. BUT, I do use them if i have cleared out most of my enemies forces and just send in 5 which i usually keep behind my main troops as their armour is weakass. They do great damage to enemy buildings but even some peons in a burrow can easily take them out so u really need to have strong forces supporting them by engaging enemy troops that may pop out of barracks so they get their job done :) Even kodo beasts i dont build cos they are slow ass and take so much space in close combat ie block off your trolls, 2 trolls are better than one kodo beast when hacking away at your enemy's hero lol As a general rule, I never build wyverns or witchdoctors. Witchdoctors are the most useless and u need to upgrade to get stasis trap so shamen would be the preferred choice as they can also attack birds. Everyone knows Wyverns are really weak compared to the human birds so if u are fighting human, never build wyvern as they waste your money build mass hh if u fight human who uses birds as main attacking force (note your farseer levels up really fast if u keep killing human birds with your hh) To combat birds i usually build towers in strategic locations supported by 3 or 4 hh, so for them to get close to my bases they get shot a couple of times and when they reach my base, my base towers and hh will finish them off in 2 hits :) oh and a general strategy is when one of my forces has defeated the enemy's forces (1vs1) or 2vs2 when ive got rid of most of his ally's forces, i send both my forces to his base and keep pumping out units with his base as a rally point (obviously having cleared any monster obstacles in the path beforehand) and finish his base off. FArseer's earthquake is sensational for getting rid of undead/orc/human towers, just cast it and all towers fall :) ok thats my little strategy.

BTW I like teching to tauren more than wyvern but i still build a couple of wyverns just in case and i tech the arrowshit anyway cos i need headhunter to counter the evil birds lol IN an ideal game against a noob id have 2 tauren to 1 wyvern to 2 hh and have 2 goldmines running at any time with the expansions surrounted by 4 towers each. Depending on map i just creep with farseer and tauren chief and maybe a tauren and 2 shamen when tc is available after upgrading the town hall 2x.

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