Shiatsu FAQ

What is Zen Shiatsu?
Zen Shiatsu is a modern form of the ancient Chinese art of acupressure, or "acupuncture
without needles". The word Shiatsu means 'finger pressure'. Zen is a Japanese word that means
'meditation'. The Shiatsu practitioner also uses palms, thumbs, forearms,elbows, knees and feet
to apply pressure to the "meridians". The practitioner's focus on the client, on the present, and on the breath, illustrating
the meditatative aspect of Shiatsu; hence Zen Shiatsu is "meditation in action". The practitoner applies pressure
to specific "meridians" in order to promote the flow of "chi" which in turn, promotes health and well-being
What is chi?
Chi is the dynamic life energy or life force that manifests itself physically and spiritually. According to the theories of
Chinese medicine, illness results when the flow of chi in the body is inhibited.
What are meridians?
Meridians are channels in the body along which chi flows. Sometimes they follow the same lines as muscles or blood vessels.
The function of the meridians is to:
- control movement in the body (blood,gas,air,water)
- connect the arms, legs, and head with the trunk
- facilitate communication from the inside of the body to the outside of the body
  and from the outside to the inside and from up to down and down to up
- control and regulate the organs
What are the overall benefits of Shiatsu?
Shiatsu helps:
- restore the body's chi(vital energy)
- release energy blockages
- enable the body to achieve a healthier state of balance
- enhance the body's immune system
- reduce stress
What should I wear when receiving shiatsu bodywork?
- wear loose, comfortable clothing, not too heavy, e.g. hospital pants and a tee shirt
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