I have come to the decision that I must close my blog and site. Thanks for all of your support in the past. I really appreciated it. <3 The button below is a link to my Live Journal. Again, I will be missing you all terribly. :( Thanks for a great year online. ^^
Take care and love always,

her new blog

Monday, June 15th, 2004
Happy June Birthday

Birthday Plugs: Lenne

Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
Ahh.. Sorry for the lack of updates. ^^; First I was out sick for a while, then school.. Well you know how school is.. lol. I'm very, very sorry. Thanks to everyone who continued to visit though. Love you lots! <33
I guess I have time for a short post. ^^;
I saw Troy on opening day in the US. Yes, I'm such a dork.. lol.. but I just had to see it. It was a great movie. I thought so at least. ^^ My birthday was also a week ago, and everything turned out quite nicely. hehe.. I'm going to try to find a few pictures soon.
I'll be updating next weekend.. lol. For sure this time! ^^ Homework calls!

Tammy @ 10:26 PM

Monday, May 10th, 2004
Happy May Birthday
Tessa and Helen!

Birthday Plugs: Tessa and Helen

Saturday, May 8th, 2004

1. is the "before, life was blurry..." a song? if so, what song? :D
2. what font is 'etcetera'? ^^" tis muy pretty :D

1. I actually came up with it. ^^ Poetic, aren't I? lol..
2. The font is called Noodle Script. You can get a download for it here.
Hiii! How are you all? ^^ First of all, thanks to everyone who visited my site and voted. Thanks for the comments also! That's so nice of you all. :]
Anyway, nothing's new really. A few weeks ago, we started swim in school, which isn't too great for me, since I can hardly swim.. lol
We also started reading To Kill a Mockingbird in English, which I should be getting to soon. ^^;
Anywho, it looks like I have to get to bed for now.. I'll finish this entry tomorrow morning. ^^; Nighty-night!

Sunday, May 2nd, 2004
I finally opened the site. ^^ New content up, so please have a look around. Thanks for checking.

Tammy @ 6:55 PM

Tuesday, March 9th, 2004
Hiyaa! Sorry for being gone for so long. x.x School has really kept me busy. If you would like to read my blog, please come here: http://livejournal.com/~sush1r0ll temporarily.
I will blog here again as soon as I get the opportunity to update. Thanks! :]

Tuesday, February 24th, 2004
lol.. It looks like I'm beginning to blog on Tuesdays now. ^^ hehe.. Well, anyway, how has everything been lately?
Last weekend, I went shopping at an outdoor mall. :3 It was fun, but it was a 2 hour drive. x.x It also took about a half hour to find a parking spot. It was the strangest thing.. Whenever we waited for a spot, no one pulls out, but just as we drive away, someone else leaves.. lol. Eventually we gave up and parked at McDonalds. It was kind of far from the entrance.. hehehe.. but I didn't really mind. 7 hours of shopping, but I didn't buy too much. ^^;
This Friday is a minumum day. Actually, we are only dismissed an hour earlier, but I guess it's better than staying an extra hour. ^^ I might do something with a few friends. It doesn't seem like we're too busy now, anyway. I hope so though.. Our plans for the past couple of weeks fell through. lol..
I'm working on a new layout now. I'll really try to have it up as soon as possible. I have to go for now. Until later!
By the way, Thanks a bunch for the very lovely Valentine's gifts. ^^ Sorry I haven't gotten the chance to put them up. Right now my computer saves everything as .art format. o.o' I'll have to fix that soon. ^^"
Plugs: Helen, Kiki, Ana, Catherine, Kiara, and Soup

Tammy @ 10:22 PM

Tuesday, February 10th, 2004
Hiya! Sorry for so many delays. I feel so bad for the long hiatus, but I'm back. ^^
Well, last weekend, I went to Adeline and Phuong's birthday party. Let's just say it was hectic. ^^; lol.. but it was really fun.
On Saturday, Christine, Sheri, and I went to paint a mobile home for Key Club. 4 hours of painting! :P hehe.. I forgot to change into old clothes, so I got paint all over. Took quite a while to wash off.. Christine got painted on most though. lol.. It started out as an accident, but then everyone else started to hit her with lots of paint. ^^; Poor Christine.. hehehe.. We just might do this again this Saturday, which also happens to be Valentines Day.
What are you all doing for Valentines Day? Like every other holiday, I have no idea yet. :p hehe.. Hope you all a great Valentines!
I have a few new wallpapers. Here and here. I still need to make thumbnails for them, so they're not in the "Wallpaper" section yet. That's about it for updates. ^^"
I have to get going now. It's getting late. Bye! Talk to you all soon!
Plugs: Helen, Kiki, Ana, Tessa, Catherine, and Joanna

Tammy @ 11:17 PM

Sunday, January 19th, 2004
Hello! I just came to make a really short post. ^^ Sorry, I won't be able to come online much for a while. It's the end of the semester, and finals are coming up. Fun, isnt't it? ^^; I won't be able to blog much, but I'll be commenting on your blogs more.
Anyway, talk to you all in a while. Take care! :)
Plugs: Julie, Helen, Kiki, Ana, Kaori, Jia, Tessa, Vi, and Amber

Tammy @ 8:28 PM

Saturday, January 10th, 2004
Hi! Sorry, no updates again. ^^; The quiz is taking longer to make than I expected. hehe.. Hopefully, I'll finish soon.
Today, I went jogging with a few friends. While we were jogging, I dropped my phone. #^__^# but luckily, it still works. hehehe.. It wasn't the first time I dropped it, so I'm kind of surprised it still works. :3 After, we went to feed the ducks at the duck pond. lol.. I'm still sort of afraid of the ducks and geese. :D We had been feeding them for quite a while, until we noticed the sign saying not to feed the ducks. ^^;; lol.. It was a good thing no one saw though.
This had been the longest week. Maybe it's because it was the first week of school after vacation. I don't have too much to do this weekend. Just a few things, but that can wait until later. :p
I made a sample of my handwriting, if you're wondering what it looks like. hehe..


I wish I could write neater. It looks so sloppy. I was really tired when I wrote that though. :P I'll make a section for that later. ^^
Well, I have to go now. Bye! Talk to you all soon! ^_^
Plugs: Helen, Kiki, Julie, Ana, Kaori, Pang, Jia, and Phuong

Tammy @ 4:40 PM

Thursday, January 1st, 2004
Happy New Year! This is my first entry for 2004. ^^ I hope all your New Year's wishes come true, and I wish you lots of luck with your resolutions. : ]

haha trying not to procrastinate. maybe you should try an easier one. "Try to procrastinate less."
hehe.. Thanks, Helen, for the advice. ^_^

I watched Pirates of the Caribbean again. ^^ It's such a fun movie. I almost forgot about how much I loved it. :P
I also joined a few fanlistings. They're to the right, under the navigation, if you would like to visit.
Sorry, I couldn't make any updates today. ;_____; I haven't gotten the chance, but check back during the weekend, if you would like.
Aww.. break is almost over. -.- I really don't want to go back to school. This has been the quickest two weeks. Well, let's just forget about school for now. ^^;
Wishing you all a wonderful year. I hope 2004 will be your best!
Bye! Blog again soon!
Plugs: Tessa, Helen, Kiki, Soup, Julie, and Marshmellow,

Tammy @ 4:52 PM

Sunday, December 28th, 2003
Hello! Nothing much now. I put the new layout up, yesterday. Since it's almost New Year, I wanted to try something.. well, new. ^^;; hehe..
I made a button to match the layout.

You can find the button in the link me section.
Anyway, I had a nice Christmas. It was raining though, but other than that, it was a good day. ^^ Hope you all had a great holiday.
New Year is coming up. Has anyone thought of a resolution yet? :D hehe, that's my new poll.
I'm trying not to procrastinate. I had that same resolution, since 5th grade. lol.. but it never worked out. This time, I'll really try. ; ]
I don't have any plans for New Year's Eve yet. Just staying home and watching the celebration in Times Square on TV. hehehe..
I'm thinking of making a new quiz. I'll try to finish by Thursday, along with some other updates too. :P
Well, I have to go for now. Getting kind of sleepy. #^__^# I'll blog again very soon. Bye!
Plugs: Kaori, Tessa, Helen, Phuong, Kiki, and Soup
Tammy @ 10:44 PM

Thursday, December 25th, 2003
Merry Christmas! Hoping all your Christmas wishes come true!

Wednesday, December 24th, 2003
Hiya! Christmas is in less than 15 minutes. :3 Yay!
hehe, I received a few more lovely gifts from Tessa, Kiki, and Helen.
I'm having a good break, so far. ^^ Hope you are too! Even though, I havent done anything, it's just nice to have the break. :)
Has anyone seen LOTR: ROTK yet? I heard it was really good, but also very long. .__. I might go shopping next week.. or this week. Not really sure. lol.. It's because a few friends want to see LOTR, but Christine has already seen it, so I guess I'll shop around with her until the movie's over. :P hehehe.. I don't know.. Doesn't matter if I miss it now, because I'm going to see it really soon. ^^;; Wow! few minutes away from Christmas. Have to go now. I'll blog again really soon!
Plugs: Yumi, Kaori, Tessa, Helen, Joni, Kiki, Anny, and Christine

Tammy @ 11:55 PM

Saturday, December 20th, 2003
Hiyeee! I'm back! ^^ It's also the first day of Winter Break. Yay! Two weeks!
Christmas is almost here too! Just 5 more days. Hope you all get want you want. I need to give out my Christmas gifts too. I'll do that this afternoon.
Well, Christine is sick. -.- Hope she gets better really soon.
I have no idea what I'm doing this break. So, what are your plans? I think I'm just going to hang around with friends. hehe, that's still fun. ^^
I watched lots of Christmas specials (mostly cartoons.. lol) in the past few weeks. I saw A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Grandma Got Runover By a Reindeer, (that was an interesting one ^^;;) and a few others. Does anyone remember these cartoons? Maybe it's just me. hehehe..
I'm such a dork. #^__^#
I really want FF X-2 for Christmas. Still haven't gotten it yet. :P
Anyway, I am so sorry I haven't blogged for a while. There's been so much work to do, especially in school. =.=�
Catherine gave me some very nice gifts for Christmas and for being a sister affie. Aww.. thanks! ^_^ I might get to go shopping today. hehe.. hope so!
Well, have to go for now. Talk to you all later! Happy holidays!
Plugs: Au, Addy, Catherine, Yumi, Claire, Lenne, Kaori, Yuna, Ana, Helen, and Phuong

Tammy @ 12:04 PM

Sunday, November 30th, 2003
Hi! Tomorrow's the first day of December. ^^ Too bad it's a Monday. hehehe.. Well, today I went to ParTea On again. This time I saved my tea lids. My sister let me have her's too. : ]
I might get to decorate the house for Christmas tonight. I'm not sure yet. I love doing that kind of stuff though. ^^;;
For the past few days, I didn't do very much. I went shopping the day after Thanksgiving. It was so crowded. o.o;; I spent about half the day there, but I didn't buy anything. lol.. but that's ok. Next time right? ;) hehe.. I also spent forever learning how to make a drop down menu, yesterday. Finally after I finished, I didn't really want to use it any more. lol.. #^_^#
Looks like I have to go now. I'll blog again Friday, hopefully. Until then!
Plugs: Helen, Shany, Catherine, Yuna, Phuong, Kaori, Claire, Tessa, Ana, and Lenne

Tammy @ 4:14 PM

Friday, November 28th, 2003
Hiyeeee! Happy Late Thanksgiving! ^^;; hehe.. Well, I woke up this morning at 6:30 for some reason, even though today was still Thanksgiving break.. o.o;; lol.. I'm probably just so used to waking up this early.
Anyway, I love Thanksgiving break. ^^ It's because every year on the Friday after, the Christmas decorations and stuff are up. I still look forward to decorating the tree. hehehe.. I'm such a dork.. #^__^# As you can see, the new Christmas layout is up. It's similar to the last layout, but I kind of like using this format. ^^ I also changed the poll too, so feel free to place a vote.
Has anyone gone Christmas shopping yet? hehe, I still need to go. I don't usually start shopping until early December though. ^.^
It looks like I have to go out for breakfast now. I'll update some more later. ; ]

Tammy @ 8:26 AM

Saturday, November 22nd, 2003
Hi! I finally had my DSL fixed. ^^ so, there will be a lot fewer complications from now on.. I added a wallpaper and one buddyicon.
Well, today I finally went to the park with Adeline and Vivian.. It was a really interesting morning.. Vivian brought bread, so we could feed the ducks. I think the last time I did that was when I was in 4th grade or something.. Well.. I found out the ducks were a lot bigger, since then. 0.o Some of them looked like geese.. actually they probably were geese. lol.. I don't know.. Anyway, Vivian handed me a slice of bread, and a flock out of nowhere came chasing after us.. o.o;; so.. we just ran away as fast as we could.. hehehe.. Later, Adeline and Vivian came back to the duck pond to feed the ducks and pigeons, o.o but I just watched from a safe distance. lol.. For the rest of the time, we just walked to ParTea On, and we all got boba. ^^ I was going to make a scan out of the lid, but I forgot and threw it out. hehe, I guess there's always next time. There was a riddle on the lid, but it was in Chinese though. I still need to ask Adeline what it said. ;)
So much homework.. I think I should start right away. For the past few weekends, I've always fallen asleep before I actually could start. lol.. Let's hope this doesn't happen again. :D Well, blog again soon!
Plugs: Ana, Tessa, Abby, Claire, and Razzmatazz

Tammy @ 4:38 PM

Friday, November 14th, 2003
hehe.. I love that cherry tree piccie too! ^_^

Hiya! I finished making a few new buddyicons and one new wallpaper, but I have them all saved on my other computer, which doesn't work now. -.-� so they will be up tomorrow.
Even though there was only 3 days of school this week, I was ready for the weekend. Tomorrow morning, I might just go to the park. ^^ I've tried to for the past 2 or 3 weeks, but it never worked out. I also might go shopping in the morning, so I'm not absolutely sure I can come again. =.=" Hmmm.. has anyone seen The Matrix Revolutions or Scary Movie 3 yet? I heard the older movies were better. What do you all think about them? I'm not sure if I'm going to see any of them yet. I just want to know before I decide. #^__^#
Oh, I got another email with a few piccies. Adeline sent this to me a few months ago, but that was when my AOL account was cancelled, so Phuong forwarded it to me about a week ago. I love this doggie most:

This is my favorite little doggie image. Just wanted to post it.. ^^
Yay! Thanks, everyone, for voting for this site. I think I'm in 8th place for the Kawaii Toplist and 7th place in the Cherish Top 50. ^.^ I exchanged links with Kaori . She has such a cute pink layout, so come have a look. ;]
Anyway, I'd love to exchange links with anyone. Just send me your site URL and button URL. If you don't have a button, please send me your name/nickname or site name instead. Make sure to contact me if you're interested. ^^
Awww.. thanks for commenting and tagging me! That was so nice of you all!
Plugs: Ana, Ash, Tessa, Kaori, and Helen
hehe, I might have something more interesting to say tomorrow, so I'll be sure to blog then. Blog again tomorrow!
Tammy @ 7:50 PM

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