I once held her in my arms
She said she would always stay
But I was cruel
I treated her like a fool
I threw it all away


Once I had mountains in the palm of my hand
And rivers that ran through ev’ry day
I must have been mad
I never knew what I had
Until I threw it all away

Love is all there is, it makes the world go ’round
Love and only love, it can’t be denied
No matter what you think about it
You just won’t be able to do without it
Take a tip from one who’s tried

So if you find someone that gives you all of her love
Take it to your heart, don’t let it stray
For one thing that’s certain
You will surely be a-hurtin
If you throw it all away




Vaig tenir-la en els meus braços
Em va dir que sempre es quedaria
Però jo vaig ser cruel
I la vaig tractar malament
Vaig engegar-ho tot a dida


Tenia muntanyes a la palma de la mà
I rius que les atravessaven, cada dia
No devia estar bé del cap
No saber el tresor que tenia

Fins que vaig engegar-ho tot a dida


L'amor ho es tot, fa rodar el món
L'amor i només l'amor, no es pot negar
Tan se val el que puguis pensar
Sense amor no podràs passar
Es un consell d'un que ho ha intentat


Si trobes algú que et dóna tot el seu l'amor
Guarda'l al teu cor, no el deixis escapar
Perquè hi ha una cosa segura
Te'n penediràs cada dia
Si ho engegues tot a dida

Si ho engegues tot a dida