Somehow or other you have arrived at this distant corner of the internet. Were you really that bored? Well, I hope you find some interesting things here.

Bring Back the Magic Petition for Fraggle Rock DVD's!

The Hunger Site A click a day can help provide free food. Also has links to provide mammograms, feed children, save the rainforest, and shelter animals.

Humor Well duh. I think you can figure this out.
Burning Not sure where this came from.
Poetry Probably nothing I wrote, but some stuff I like and notes on why I like it. If you care.
Faire stuffRenaissance faires-my personal favorite pastime (well, that and reading). If you've ever wanted proof that you're not the only adult who believes that dressing up and pretending isn't only for children, this is for you. Come and join us.
Hobbies Because I want to corrupt you.
Friends Pages from my friends, so you can see how I got so messed up. (Uh guys? Please don't kill me. Guys?)
Horror Stories from the Shoebox. Just read it. It's fun.
Beacon Other stories I've written for the Beacon.
Weblinks Obviously all of these are links to the web, but these are to help with building your pages. Seriously under construction.

Well,that should keep you occupied for a little while. Enjoy!

� 2002 [email protected]

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