We are Division 599 of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen. We are a 501(c)(5) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the rights, interests, and safety of locomotive engineers and trainmen working on the Kansas City Southern Railways through solidarity, aggressive representation, and education. We received our charter from our parent organization, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen in 1903. We are located in Shreveport Louisiana but have members in Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas.

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) is the country's oldest rail labor organization. The organization was first formed as the Brotherhood of the Footboard in 1863, but changed its name to Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE) in 1864. It wasn't until a merger with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) that the organization adopted its current name in 2004.

This website is a central location where our members and others can go to find out information that may be of interest to them. Some of the content includes links to national and local contracts, links to various forms, regulations, laws, and other information that may not be readily available to our members. There is also a list of current officers and their contact information.

I was looking to make the website very easy to navigate through. I wanted the visitor to spend as little time as possible trying to figure out which section they should visit to find the information that they wanted. I believe that the central navigation bar along the top of each page achieves this goal very well. I also wanted to stick as close as possible to our parent organization's color scheme while still maintaining the individuality of Division 599.

Future plans include adding more links to the preferred verbiage for penalty time slips, adding more local and national agreements, and updating as the leadership in the organization changes. I would also like to add a mobile site or convert the site to something that is more of a adaptive design to making view the site on mobile devices easier.