
Welcome to the site of World Domination Manga! Please stay! I am cool. Yay! And if you like my manga, spread the word to others. If you don't, spread it anyways! If you really like my manga that much, please, donate to me a domain; it is only like $3 at 1and.com right now.


page 5 is up at the new site at kylosa
12.09.05 site is being moved to http://wdmanga.kylosa.com/ everything is so much easier to manage since its php

12.08.05 I shall update on monday as usual. (i update on mondays and thursdays/fridays for those who have yet to catch on)And as yet another incentive for people to join my forum, i have added a previews section to which only members can view. It has previews of things like chapter covers (yes, they do exist) and other art. That's all for now

12.06.05 Updates shall now continue thanks to sychobunny for joining my forum. so pg 4 is now up, go see and join me in the forum.

12.04.05 Reeally, why doesn't anybody join the forum? I'll pu up a little incentive, the first person to sign up starting now gets a free comission artwork from me.
11.28.05 Why does no one join me in the forum, its gets so lonely... I feel so unappreciated. I don't feel like updating until someone joins the forum.
11.25.05Page 3 and a forum is up now. join me in the forum
11.21.05pg 2 updates blah. if there is anything wrong with my site, you feel like commenting me on my manga, or you just have nothing to do, send me an email at [email protected] You send me chainmails and i will hunt you down and stab a plastic knispork in your eye.

11`18`05 Updates.. updates.. blah.
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